crash course us history 9 where us politics came from answers

by Prof. Jerald Miller 6 min read

Why did Hamilton want the U.S. to have close ties with Britain?

Hamilton wanted the U.S. to have close ties to Britain for commercial reasons, but Britain was perpetually at war with France, which whom the U.S. technically had a perpetual alliance. 07:45. You know, because they helped us with the American Revolution, they gave us the Statue of Liberty, and Marion Cotillard, etc.

What did George Washington say about unity?

08:40. His famous call for unity said that “with slight shades of difference, you Americans have the same religion, manners, habits and political principles,”.

What did Washington do in 1794?

In 1794, western Pennsylvania farmers even took up arms to protest the tax, and that clearly could not stand. 07:18. Washington actually led (at least for part of the way) a force of 13,000 men to put down this Whiskey Rebellion, becoming the only sitting president to lead troops in the field, 07:27.

What is the point of the Democratic-Republican Society of Pennsylvania?

Freedom of thought, and a free communication of opinions by speech or through the medium of the press, are the safeguards of our Liberties.”.

What did Hamilton want?

01:18. First, Hamilton wanted the country to be mercantile, which means that he believed that we should be deeply involved in world trade. 01:23. Second, he wanted the U.S. to be a manufacturing powerhouse.

What does John Green teach us?

In which John Green teaches you where American politicians come from . In the beginning, soon after the US constitution was adopted, politics were pretty non-existent. George Washington was elected president with no opposition, everything was new and exciting, and everyone just got along. For several months. Then the contentious debate about the ...

Who was the person who was prosecuted under the Sedition Act?

12:06. Among the more famous people prosecuted under the Sedition Act was Matthew Lyon, a Congressman from Vermont who was jailed for saying that John Adams was maybe not the best president ever. 12:15. And while in jail, Lyon won reelection to Congress, which might indicate just how popular this law wasn’t.

What is the crash course?

From Science to Social Studies, Crash Course offers it all in quick-paced, imaginative videos aimed at learners of all ages.

How many questions are in the crash course?

It contains 35 questions based on The Crash Course U.S. History video: The Articles and the Constitution

Is there a good answer to "as long as foreigners let us"?

Unfortunately there's no good answer to this besides "as long as foreigners let us". A second predictable, and related, consequence concerns the total amount of money in circulation. Remember, all money is loaned into existence so the shape of the federal debt chart should tip you off to the shape of this next chart of US money from the ...

Is sleep a reversible or a periodic?

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream - Crash Course Psychology # 9. Technically speaking, sleep is a periodic, natural, reversible and near total loss of consciousness, meaning it's different than hibernation, being in a coma, or in say, an anesthetic oblivion. 121 People Used

Who is the producer of Crash Course?

Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller. Our script supervisor is Meredith Danko, the associate producer is Danica Johnson, and the show is written by my high school history teacher Raoul Meyer and myself, and our graphics team is Thought Café.

What did Hamilton propose to do?

And to do this Hamilton proposed that the U.S. government assume the debt that the states had amassed. Point 2: Create a national debt – that’s something you don’t hear politicians say these days – Hamilton wanted to create new interest bearing bonds, hoping to give the rich people a stake in our nation’s success.

How many men did Washington have to put down the Whiskey Rebellion?

Washington actually led (at least for part of the way) a force of 13,000 men to put down this Whiskey Rebellion, becoming the only sitting president to lead troops in the field, and America continued to tax booze, as it does to this day. On the subject of foreign affairs, there was much more agreement just kidding.

What did John Jay do to improve trade?

Washington dispatched secretary of state John Jay to deal with the impressment issue and he negotiated the boringly named Jay Treaty which, improved trade relations between the U.S. and Britain and said absolutely nothing about impressment or American shipping rights.

What does John Green teach us?

In which John Green teaches you where American politicians come from . In the beginning, soon after the US constitution was adopted, politics were pretty non-existent. George Washington was elected president with no opposition, everything was new and exciting, and everyone just got along. For several months. Then the contentious debate about the ...

Was Thomas Jefferson a democrat?

Unlike the elitist Hamilton, Jefferson was an avowed democrat, which meant that he distrusted concentrated power and privilege and believed that the masses could basically govern themselves. To him, government and concentrated economic power were greater threats to liberty than a tyrannical majority.

Was Robespierre guillotining anyone?

Because as you’ll remember from Crash Course World History, Robespierre was guillotining everyone, up until the point where he himself was guillotined.

What did Hamilton propose to do?

And to do this Hamilton proposed that the U.S. government assume the debt that the states had amassed. Point 2: Create a national debt – that’s something you don’t hear politicians say these days – Hamilton wanted to create new interest bearing bonds, hoping to give the rich people a stake in our nation’s success.

What did Hamilton want America to look like?

Hamilton had a strong personality, and as you can see, the beautiful wavy hair of a Caribbean god, and he had very definite ideas about what he wanted the future of America to look like: First, Hamilton wanted the country to be mercantile, which means that he believed that we should be deeply involved in world trade.

What did John Jay do to improve trade?

Washington dispatched secretary of state John Jay to deal with the impressment issue and he negotiated the boringly named Jay Treaty which, improved trade relations between the U.S. and Britain and said absolutely nothing about impressment or American shipping rights.

Why was Washington's presidency important?

Washington’s presidency is important for a number of precedents that he set, including the notion that a president should only serve two terms and the idea that even if he was a general the president should wear civilian clothing, but he wasn’t the real policy brains. Hamilton was.

How many men did Washington have to put down the Whiskey Rebellion?

Washington actually led (at least for part of the way) a force of 13,000 men to put down this Whiskey Rebellion, becoming the only sitting president to lead troops in the field, and America continued to tax booze, as it does to this day. On the subject of foreign affairs, there was much more agreement just kidding.
