from what is presented in the video, come up with a definition of latent learning. course hero

by Francisco Gutmann Sr. 7 min read

What is latent learning?

Dec 01, 2021 · Latent learning is often described as the type of learning that does not immediately present itself, but can be called upon when useful. In other words, when a reward, or reinforcement, is...

What did Tolman's experiment show about latent learning?

Oct 05, 2019 · Give an example where the same behavior would be easier to condition for one species of animal vs. another species (you should read the instructor’s notes regarding biological preparedness given in the transcript). 8. From what is presented in the video, come up with a definition of latent learning. 9. A widespread interpretation of the Bobo experiment is that …

What are some examples of latent functions of Education?

Latent learning is a form of learning that is not immediately expressed in an overt response. It occurs without any obvious reinforcement of the behavior or associations that are learned. It occurs without any obvious reinforcement of the behavior or associations that are learned.

What is the difference between classical conditioning and latent learning?

Oct 12, 2021 · Latent functions are unintentional and unrecognized outcomes to procedures a person participates in. Latent functions of education are unintentional and unrecognized outcomes that going to school,...

What is latent learning?

Latent learning is to learning that is not reinforced and not demonstrated until there is motivation to do so. Tolman argued that the rats had formed a “cognitive map” of the maze but did not demonstrate this knowledge until they received reinforcement. Figure 1. The maze.

Why is latent learning not readily apparent to the researcher?

Latent learning is not readily apparent to the researcher because it is not shown behaviorally until there is sufficient motivation. This type of learning broke the constraints of behaviorism, which stated that processes must be directly observable and that learning was the direct consequence of conditioning to stimuli.

How do children learn latent learning?

Children may learn by watching the actions of their parents but only demonstrate it at a later date, when the learned material is needed. For example, suppose that Ravi’s dad drives him to school every day.

Who was the behaviorist who believed that cognition is a part of learning?

Although strict behaviorists such as Skinner and Watson refused to believe that cognition (such as thoughts and expectations) plays a role in learning, another behaviorist, Edward C. Tolman, had a different opinion.

What are the latent functions of education?

Latent Functions of Education. Latent functions are unintentional and unrecognized outcomes to procedures a person participates in . Latent functions of education are unintentional and unrecognized outcomes that going to school, interacting with peers and adults, and following the rules ingrained into you without anyone really intending ...

How to write a scenario prompt?

Scenario Prompt: In about three to four paragraphs, write about a scenario involving one of the latent functions of education. Be as specific as possible. Example: Ari is a third-grader and his family is Jewish. At school, some of his peers come from Christian and Muslim families.

What is the purpose of an essay prompt?

Essay Prompt: In one paragraph, write an essay that defines and explains what latent functions of education are and how they differ from traditional functions of education. Example: Latent functions of education cannot be quantitatively measured.

What is the latent influence of school?

The Latent Influence of School. There is more to school than education, posters encouraging you to learn math, and recess. We learn things at school that cannot be learned from a textbook or from someone explaining it to us. These are ideas and behaviors that influence you for life.

What are cultural values and norms?

Cultural Values and Norms. Ideas about what is appropriate and inappropriate are transferred while at school. Children and teens come with different ideas of norms and values, and when at school they interact by encouraging and discouraging behavior, attitudes, and beliefs.

What are some examples of culture?

Another example of culture is found in language. A kid might learn an accent at home, which is heavily reinforced by peers and educators at his or her school. Obedience. Schools typically don't put up with children's and teenagers' bad attitudes.

How long is school off the street?

Off the Streets. School days typically last 6-8 hours, and when you have opportunities for after school sports and other activities this increases the time. This means for 6-10 hours, the majority of children and teens are in a handful of designated areas.

How many trials did Tolman make rats run around the maze?

The rats in the first group ran around the maze randomly during the ten trials. The second group learned to run the maze quickly and with few errors in order to reach the food. In the 11th trial, Tolman made food available to both groups of rats.

What is latent learning?

a type of learning that has occurred but has not yet been demonstrated through observable behaviours. Latent learning was described by Edward Tolman, who conducted research on rats in mazes. Tolman placed a group of rats into a maze and let them explore it for a period of time each day for ten days.

Who discovered latent learning?

Latent learning was described by Edward Tolman, who conducted research on rats in mazes. Tolman placed a group of rats into a maze and let them explore it for a period of time each day for ten days.

What happens when rats block the learned route?

When experimenters block the learned route, the rats will then use the next shortest path to get to the food. In order to do this, the animals learned the rest of the maze as well, even if such learning occurred without reinforcement.

What is latent learning?

Discovery. Observations. In psychology, latent learning refers to knowledge that only becomes clear when a person has an incentive to display it. For example, a child might learn how to complete a math problem in class, but this learning is not immediately apparent. Only when the child is offered some form of reinforcement for completing ...

Why is latent learning important?

Latent learning is important because in most cases the information we have learned is not always recognizable until the moment that we need to display it . While you might have learned how to cook a roast by watching your parents prepare dinner, this learning may not be apparent until you find yourself having ...

How do we train a student to raise his hand in the class?

We train a student to raise his hand in the class by offering praise for the appropriate behaviors. But not all learning is immediately apparent. Sometimes learning only becomes evident when we need to utilize it. According to psychologists, this "hidden" learning that only manifests itself when reinforcement is offered is known as latent learning.

What happens if you learn something now?

If students learn something now, they may be rewarded in the future with good grades, a high GPA, and acceptance to the college of their choice. The rewards of this learning may not be apparent or immediate, but this learning may take place in anticipation of a reward later on down the road.

Do lab rats learn in the absence of rewards?

In his book History of Psychology, author David Hothersall explained that while there was initially some controversy surrounding the phenomenon, numerous researchers also reported that lab rats did learn in the absence of rewards . 2 

Do rats learn the course of a maze?

In experiments that involved having groups of rats run a maze, rats that initially received no reward still learned the course during the non-reward trials. 1 . Once rewards were introduced, the rats were able to draw upon their "cognitive map" of the course.

How early does latent learning start?

How early does latent learning start? Studies suggest it begins earlier than you might think. Babies as young as three months may retain memories before they have the ability to imitate them. At three months, researchers presented one group of 3-month-old participants with two puppets and performed a target behavior. The other group of 3-month-old participants were only exposed to one of the puppets.

What is latent learning?

Latent learning is the process of subconsciously retaining information without motivation or reinforcements. You aren’t consciously thinking about the consequences of what you are learning while you are learning it.

How long did rats stay in the maze?

The second group of rats were placed in a maze for 17 days too, but they didn’t get any rewards for completing the maze. The third group of rats were placed in the maze for 10 days without any food. On the 11th day, the rats began to receive food for completing the maze. They were also left in the maze for 17 days.

How long did infants have to be exposed to puppets?

One puppet was exposed to both groups multiple times for the next three months. Then, when the infants reached six months , researchers reintroduced the second puppet. The infants who had been exposed to the second puppet months earlier were more likely to imitate the target behavior on the second puppet.

Is observational learning latent learning?

But latent learning isn’t just observational.

Who used rats to study latent learning?

Almost five decades after Pavlov used dogs to support his theories on classical conditioning, Edward Tolman used rats to support his theories on latent learning. Tolman did not discover latent learning, but his experiment brought the idea into mainstream psychology. Tolman recruited three groups of rats for this study.

Did the first group of rats get to know the maze?

It’s no surprise that the first group of rats got to know the maze pretty darn well. It may also not be a surprise that the second group of rats just kind of wandered around without any particular aims to get to the end of the maze. The third group’s results, however, were very surprising.