do the 140 students who are taking this course have a differnet view

by Reta Jerde 5 min read

How do I determine which courses meet the SUS admission requirements?

To determine which courses meet SUS admission requirements, use the Comprehensive Course Table. At least 6 of the 18 credits must be completed in courses that include dual enrollment, AP, IB, AICE, or are specifically listed as rigorous by the Florida Department of Education (FDOE).

What are the Advanced Course offerings and acceleration programs?

Students in all graduation programs are encouraged to take advantage of advanced course offerings and acceleration programs, such as dual enrollment, early admission, the Advanced Placement (AP) Program, IB, the AICE, and Industry Certification. These programs may not be available in all school districts or high schools.

Can a student who is not enrolled take the EOC assessment?

A school district will permit a student who is not enrolled in the course, or who has not completed the course, to take the EOC assessment during regular administration of the assessment. For more information, contact the school counselor.

What are online classes like in 2020?

Online classes are typically a mix of video recordings or live lectures supplemented with readings and assessments that students can complete on their own time. But nothing is typical about education in 2020 as the coronavirus has forced a sudden migration to online learning with little time to prepare for it.

How many options are there to earn a diploma?

year may choose from one of five options to earn a standard diploma.

How many credits do you need to graduate from college in 4 years?

to the four-year graduation program if they do not earn five credits by the end of grade 9 or 11 credits by the end of grade 10; do not achieve a score of three or higher on the Grade 10 FCAT; or do not meet credit or GPA requirements by the end of their third year.

What is dual enrollment in Florida?

They earn credit toward high school graduation and, at the same time, earn credit toward a college degree or technical certificate. All 28 Florida colleges and some of the state universities participate in dual enrollment.

What is an IB diploma?

The IB Diploma Program is a rigorous pre-university course of study leading to internationally standardized tests. The program’s comprehensive two-year curriculum allows its graduates to fulfill requirements of many different nations’ education systems. Students completing IB courses and exams from six subject groups are eligible for college credit. The award of credit is based on scores achieved on IB exams. Students can earn up to 30 postsecondary semester credits by participating in this program at the high school level. Approximately 72 Florida high schools offer an IB Diploma Program. Students in Florida’s public secondary schools enrolled in IB courses do not have to pay to take the exams. For information, visit

What is a physical education credit?

Physical Education1 credit in physical education to include the integration of health Not required Not required

What is an IGCSE?

The IGCSE Program is an international curriculum and examination program designed for 14- to 16-year-old students. Participants who obtain an IGCSE qualification from Cambridge are prepared for further academic success, including progression to the British pre-college curriculum “A-Level” study (AICE Program). Students in Florida’s public secondary schools enrolled in pre- Advanced International Certificate of Education (pre-AICE) courses do not have to pay to take the exams. For information, visit http://www. and click on Qualifications and Diplomas, then IGCSE.

What is AP college board?

The College Board’s AP Program is a nationwide program consisting of more than 30 college-level courses and exams offered at participating high schools. Subjects range from art to statistics. Students who earn a qualifying grade of three or above on an AP exam can earn college credit, or AP credit, or both, depending on the college or university. Students in Florida’s public secondary schools enrolled in AP courses do not have to pay to take the exams. For information, visit html.

What would happen if people maintained a safe speed throughout the city?

Indeed, if people maintained a safe speed throughout the city, the risk and frequency of traffic accidents would clearly be reduced as the faster a car travels , the more damage it can do to whatever it hits.

How many countries use IELTS?

World's most popular English-language test for work, study, and migration. IELTS is recognised by over 10,000 organizations in over 140 countries worldwide. Speaking test administered face-to-face in a private, quiet room with a certified IELTS examiner

Why is IELTS growing?

IELTS has been growing steadily for 20 years because it works. It’s good to know that IELTS has been the choice of millions of people over the years. IELTS stood out immediately because it tests all four skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening, giving a well-rounded assessment of my English.

What is the introduction of paragraph 1?

Sentence 1: Introduces the main subject. As more and more people drive cars in major cities, the number of serious accidents grow each year. Sentence 2: States the two opposing views about the subject.

How long do you have to write an outline for an essay?

Having an outline will give you some breathing room to focus on your answer during this time sensitive test as you only have about 40 minutes to write the essay. Those of you who have been preparing ...

Is IDP IELTS Masterclass helpful?

IDP IELTS Masterclass really helpful, as preparation for the IELTS exam and give us support in many ways to improve our English.

What should students expect from online courses?

Online course assignments depend largely on the discipline. But in general, students should expect assignments similar to those in on-ground programs, such as research papers and proctored exams in addition to online-specific assignments such as responding to professor-posed questions in a discussion board.

How to get to know your classmates?

If a course has a synchronous component or requires students to travel to campus, that's a good way to get to know classmates, experts say. Students may otherwise communicate through discussion forums, social media and – particularly for group work – videoconferencing, as well as phone and email.

Why are colleges shutting down?

As the pandemic accelerated, colleges shifted into emergency mode, shutting down campuses in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 – the disease caused by the novel coronavirus – and moving academic life online. Education experts anticipate more online classes this fall. For students – whether incoming freshmen, seasoned seniors or returning adult learners – here is an overview of what to know about and expect from online classes:

How many hours does ASU take?

At Arizona State University 's online arm – ASU Online – students typically spend six hours a week on coursework for each credit they enroll in, Joe Chapman, director of student services at the school, wrote in a 2015 U.S. News blog post.

What is online class?

Online classes are typically a mix of video recordings or live lectures supplemented with readings and assessments that students can complete on their own time. But nothing is typical about education in 2020 as the coronavirus has forced a sudden migration to online learning with little time to prepare for it.

How many hours do you spend on online classes?

Many online learners say they spend 15 to 20 hours a week on coursework. That workload, of course, may vary between full-time and part-time students. A lighter course load likely means less study.

How many weeks are there in ASU online?

ASU Online courses, for instance, are structured as seven-and-a-half week sessions rather than 14-week semesters.

How to retain specialised phrases?

If you want to retain unique or specialist phrases, use quotation marks (“ “). Change the grammar and sentence structure. Break up a long sentence into two shorter ones or combine two short sentences into one.

What is the meaning of "include only the main point"?

involves putting the main idea (s) into your own words, but including only the main point (s)

What is the work you produce at university?

Much of the work you produce at university will involve the important ideas, writings and discoveries of experts in your field of study. Quoting, paraphrasing and summarising are all different ways of including the works of others in your assignments.

What is online course?

Online courses provide a means for online learners to “chat” with other students and the instructor electronically.

Why did Sophia take time off after her freshman year?

Report question. Q. Sophia is signing up for her first college classes in several years — she took time off after her freshman year to get married and have kids , and she is worried that she won’t be able to keep up with the younger students in her classes.

Why was Howie upset with his instructor?

Howie could not be in class to turn in his homework, but he talked to his instructor and she told him it was fine to send it in via e-mail. Howie was therefore upset to discover that he had received no points for that day’s assignment. His instructor said she didn’t notice his e-mail in her inbox.

Why does a girl have more time to do homework?

She has more time to do homework because she has fewer responsibilities.

Do you have to do more writing in college?

You will most likely be required to do more writing.

Does the instructor improve your grade?

The instructor will improve your grade for connecting with the instructor.