crash course how to make a boomilever

by Cole Dicki V 3 min read

How do you make a boomilever?

Boomilever BY MARLON TRUJILLO What is a Boomilever? Joints Step 1 Things to keep in mind when building a cantilever is a long beam fixed at one end used in and constructing bridges create your design Gravity gravity is the force that pulls stuff towards the earths center with

What happens to the top part of a boomilever?

Feb 04, 2013 · Try getting a 1 or 2 meter length of thin wood (say a 3 or 4 mm square or round section), put it vertically with one end on the floor and push down on the top end. Nothing much happens till the load reaches some critical value, then the rod suddenly bends sideways in a random direction, and the force needed to bend it further is small.

Why do I need compression members on my boomilever?

Oct 22, 2000 · The boomilever has to be constructed using small pieces of wood glued together. The most obvious way is to use a truss system of triangles like I have shown in the sketch. The top part of the boomilever will be stretched by the load (in tension) and the bottom will be pushed together in compression.

How much time does it take to build a boomilever?

Crash Course is one of the best ways to educate yourself, your classmates, and your family on YouTube! From courses like Astronomy to US History and Anatomy & Physiology it's got you covered with an awesome variety of AP high school curriculum topics. With various witty hosts at your service, you won't even notice you're getting smarter.

How do you make a Boomilever?

How to Design a Boomilever using SkyCiv, in 6 Easy StepsTest your Structure, before you build it! ... Model your Structure. ... Add your Balsa Wood Material. ... Add your Section. ... Add Loads! ... Review the Results. ... Get the Structure Weight. ... TIP: Experiment!Dec 9, 2021

What makes a good Boomilever?

The taller a boomilever is, the less stress is put on the tension and compression members. Even an extra centimeter of height is good enough to lighten stress put on the tension members by kilograms, and same with compression.Sep 7, 2021

Construction Parameters

A typical boomilever. This image is from before the 2014 season - note that the upper point of attachment is bolted on, rather than hooked onto a J-bolt as in the 2014 rules.


Boomilever: A cantilevered wood structure. More simply, a wood structure that is attached to a wall from a single point or area that holds weight.


Objective: To build a boomilever with the greatest efficiency. Efficiency is calculated as (Mass held) divided by (Mass of boom).

Basic Design

There are two basic types of boomilevers. First is the tension boomilever, where the tension chord is longer than the compression chord. The other is the compression boomilever, where the compression chord is longer than the tension chord.


There are a variety of boomilever designs - however, listed below are some of the most common.


Glue weight can be a major weight factor, but it doesn't have to be. You can easily use 0.1-0.5 grams of glue (or less) on a 10-gram boomilever. The two most common, and probably best suited glues for building would be CA glue and Gorilla Glue.

Building a Boomilever

Start out by making either the tension members or compression. It is probably more convenient to start out with compression. First, draw out design on graph paper. After pinning to table, place a sheet of wax paper over it to stop boom from sticking to paper. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.

Aia's Boomilever Guide

Small modifications have been made by User:Sciolyperson1 in order to reflect the changes made for the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 rules with permission from the original author, User:Aia. Changes were not made to her original building techniques and style, in order to keep the original meaning of her directions intact.


The goal of this guide is to help new and intermediate builders contend with the complexities of the boomilever event. I built towers in 2007, boomilevers in 2008, and bridges in 2009, so I hope to offer advice from my own experiences.

Major parts of the Boomilever

In the above diagram, I have color coded the major parts of a boomilever. Every boomilever I have ever seen built for Science Olympiad has these main parts. Here are the names I have used for them in this guide:

Building Techniques

In this section of the guide, I have included the most common building topics I see discussed on the forum. If I have missed any major topics, feel free to send me a message and I will add a new section.

My Top Ten Tips for the Boomilever Event

Keep a very detailed log of all pertinent information to each boomilever, including the mass of each individual member used in the structure.

Re: How to construct a 'boomilever'?

I must confess, I had never heard of this one prior to your asking.


The objective of this event is to design and build the lightest boomilever capable of supporting a given load at the end of the boomilever. It must support a loading block which will initially hold the load at least 400 mm horizontally from the vertical testing wall.


In an interview with Entrepreneur, Crash Course producer and Sociology host Nicole Sweeney detailed:

History and funding

Hank (left) and John Green (right) co-created Crash Course and hosted the initial Biology and World History series, respectively.


Crash Course video series feature various formats depending on the host's presentation style as well as the subject of the course. However, throughout all series, the show's host will progressively elaborate on the topic (s) presented at the beginning of the video.

Other releases

DVD box sets of the complete run of the Biology series and of season 1 of World History were made available for pre-order on October 31, 2013. In June 2016, the show's official site launched, providing free offline downloads of all episodes of every series completed to date.


Overall, the Crash Course project has been successful in its reach, with World History alone having attracted millions of viewers. It had a particular appeal to American students taking the AP World History class and exam; many students and teachers use the videos to supplement their courses.


Construction Parameters

The construction parameters vary from year to year, but typically include a specific method of attachment to the wall, a maximum height as measured from the attachment point and other points of contact on the wall, a second maximum height between the attachment point and the position of the loading block, and
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2021 Parameters

  1. Constructed only of wood and bonded by glue
  2. No limits in the cross-sections of wood pieces used
  3. Attachment to testing wall at a mounting J-hook.
  4. Distance of center of loading block from wall: 40-45 cm
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  • Objective: To build a boomilever with the greatest efficiency. Efficiency is calculated as (Mass held) divided by (Mass of boom). Boomilevers are broken down into 4 tiers as follows: 1. Boomilevers that meet all construction parameters with no competition violations. 2. Boomilevers with 1 or more competition violations. 3. Boomilevers with construction violations; may also hav…
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Basic Design

  • There are two basic types of boomilevers. First is the tension boomilever, where the tension chord is longer than the compression chord. The other is the compression boomilever, where the compression chord is longer than the tension chord. It is generally accepted that the tension boomilever is inherently better than the compression. This is because the strength of wood in co…
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  • Glue
    Glue weight can be a major weight factor, but it doesn't have to be. You can easily use 0.1-0.5 grams of glue (or less) on a 10-gram boomilever.The two most common, and probably best suited glues for building would be CA glue and Gorilla Glue. CA glue is super glue. There are many diffe…
  • Wood
    The two varieties most heavily favored are basswood and balsa wood, both which can likely be purchased at a hobby store. You should proudly march into your favorite hobby store that stocks balsa and basswood armed with a hundredth gram precision scale and weight all the size sticks …
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Building A Boomilever

  • Step One
    Start out by making either the tension members or compression. It is probably more convenient to start out with compression. First, draw out design on graph paper. After pinning to table, place a sheet of wax paper over it to stop boom from sticking to paper. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. A su…
  • Step Two
    Onward, to tension members. Depending on design, if there are lateral bracings, you may have to make two blueprints, one for each side. This is so you don't end up with for example, two tension members both of which have the lateral bracings on the left side of the cords. So you need to m…
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  • It is vital that you test your boomilever before competition. Of course, you never test unless you have enough time to build another one before competition. Testing a boomilever does not weaken the structure in most cases. The key to know if your boomilever is damaged is to listen while you test. If you hear any pops, cracks, or groans then the boom is probably in need of repair. Howeve…
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Useful Links


The goal of this guide is to help new and intermediate builders contend with the complexities of the boomilever event. I built towers in 2007, boomilevers in 2008, and bridges in 2009, so I hope to offer advice from my own experiences. DISCLAIMER: The advice I offer here is derived from my own experiences. There a…
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Helpful Links

Major Parts of The Boomilever

  • In the above diagram, I have color coded the major parts of a boomilever. Every boomilever I have ever seen built for Science Olympiad has these main parts. Here are the names I have used for them in this guide: 1. Yellow: compression members 2. Orange: tension members 3. Dark orange: distal end connection (the link between compression and tension members) 4. Blue: distal end 5…
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Building Techniques

  • In this section of the guide, I have included the most common building topics I see discussed on the forum. If I have missed any major topics, feel free to send me a message and I will add a new section.
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My Top Ten Tips For The Boomilever Event

  1. Keep a verydetailed log of all pertinent information to each boomilever, including the mass of each individual member used in the structure.
  2. Take photos of your boomilevers before and after testing.
  3. If possible, film the boomilevers you test.
  4. Look at photos of past boomilevers, bridges, and towers to gain new ideas.
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