college course what do the number meaning

by Deja Vandervort 4 min read

Courses are designated by two numbers, separated by a colon. Thefirst number refers to the department or area of the course; the secondnumber refers to the specific course. For example, in the coursedesignated 600:111 the "600" refers to the Department of Art and the"111" refers to the course.

The first number refers to the department or area of the course; the second number refers to the specific course. For example, in the course designated 600:111 the "600" refers to the Department of Art and the "111" refers to the course. Courses numbered 0-99 are primarily designed for freshman and sophomore students.

Full Answer

How to standardize college course numbers?

department or area of the course; the number refers to the specific course. For example, in the course designated ART 3011, ART refers to the Department of Art and the 3011 refers to the course. Courses numbered 0000 through 0999: Non-credit courses and courses that are offered to non-matriculated students (such as CIEP). Courses numbered 1000 through 1999: …

What are CRNS and course numbers?

Oct 25, 2017 · 1301 is a little more complex. 1 – the first number identifies the level. 1 means freshman level, 2 means sophomore. Take this course in your first few semesters, and before any “2” courses. 3 – the number of credit hours in the course. In this case, it counts three credit hours toward your degree. 01 – the sequence in which the ...

Which College is number one?

Jan 24, 2002 · The hundreds digit of a course number is a rough estimate of its relative difficulty. 100-level courses often cover basic material, and are geared towards freshmen. 200-level courses are likely more complex and difficult, 300-level courses more so. Higher level courses often have prerequsite courses from lower levels.

What is considered a college level course?

Mar 28, 2013 · spdf April 1, 2013, 1:33am #7.

What you heard from the school about 100-400 level courses is going to be true at most colleges, but at least one school – the University of Texas – numbers their classes entirely differently. The first digit is the number of credit hours. The SECOND digit tells you the level: 0 or 1 is introductory, 2 - 7 ...

What is the purpose of lower division coursework?

The primary intent of lower-division coursework is to equip students with the general education needed for advanced study, to expose students to the breadth of different fields of study, and to provide a foundation for specialized upper-division coursework in professional fields.

What is upper division?

Upper-division courses are specialized, in-depth, and advanced, and emphasize problem-solving, analytical thinking skills, and theoretical applications. These courses often build on the foundation provided by the skills and knowledge of lower-division education.

What is APASC in college?

APASC provides these guidelines to ATFs and college/university curriculum committees for their review of course level. Lower-division courses generally focus on foundational theories, concepts, perspectives, principles, methods, and procedures of critical thinking in order to provide a broad basis for more advanced courses. ...

What is the 900-999 degree?

Not available for credit toward other degrees. 900-999: Independent graduate study involving research, thesis, or dissertation. Not open to undergraduates.

Is baccalaureate in upper division?

Thus, many intermediate and all advanced baccalaureate courses in a field of study are properly located in the upper-division. In addition, disciplines that depend heavily on prerequisites or the body of knowledge of lower-division education may properly be comprised primarily of upper-division courses.

What does 1301 mean?

If English is your major, you’re probably familiar with this abbreviation. 1301 is a little more complex. 1 – the first number identifies the level. 1 means freshman level, 2 means sophomore. Take this course in your first few semesters, and before any “2” courses. 3 – the number of credit hours in the course.

What is section number 1301?

01 – the sequence in which the courses are usually taken. 1301 should be taken before 1302. Lastly, the three-digit section number separates different class times. Many courses at TJC are offered multiple times a semester, so this helps to keep them straight. And that’s it!

Why do colleges have a course number?

Most college courses in America have, in addition to a title, a course number, which conveys some information about the course and helps in organizing course catalogs and the like.

How many digits are in a course number?

Course numbers usually have 3 digits. Introductory courses in any department are likely numbered 101. Courses with less than three significant digits (005, 099, etc.) are likely to be remedial, tutoring, or non-credit classes.

What are the higher levels of a course?

Higher level courses often have prerequsite courses from lower levels. The higher levels, such as 700, 800, and 900, are often used to designate graduate -level courses. Courses representing more advanced treatments of the same topic will often have the same last digits.

What is the first digit of a credit?

The first digit is the number of credit hours. The SECOND digit tells you the level: 0 or 1 is introductory, 2 - 7 are higher level, and 8 - 9 are graduate level. The third digit is arbitrary, and sometimes courses also have a letter appended to the course number to indicate sequence.

What is a 400 level class?

In almost every department 400-level classes are for mainly juniors and seniors and 500-level for seniors and grad.

What is a credit course number?

Credit courses have a course number that includes letters and numbers (e.g. WR 121, ART 115). Pre-college credit courses have course numbers below 100, and do not transfer to a 4-year institution. Non-credit course numbers have letters and numbers in the format XART 5785.

What is a CRN number?

CRN (Course Reference Number) The CRN is a five-digit number that identifies a specific section of a course. The first number in the CRN is the term for the course: The rest of the number identifes the class and instructor.

Does Duke University have a catalog number?

All courses in the Duke University catalog must have a unique catalog number to differentiate offerings on a student's transcript. Catalog numbers that include a suffix cannot be used for a different course.

Can you use inactive courses in the past four years?

2. Has the inactive course been offered in the past four years? No—feel free to use the number. Yes—If the course has been scheduled within the past four years with enrollment (meaning a current student could potentially have the course on their record), it cannot be used. If the course has been offered in the past four years had no enrollment, ...


Course Levels 101

  • Most colleges identify introductory classes at the 100-level. These basic or survey classes will have titles like general biology, world history or writing fundamentals. These 100-level courses are usually taken by freshman, although some will be sophomores meeting general education requirements. 200-level classes will be more strenuous and focused...
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100- and 200-Level Course Expectations

  • 100-level courses come with no prerequisites regarding knowledge of a disciplines concepts and terminology. Students who enter these classes must be able to compose formal essays and comprehend college-level textbooks. These classes will acquaint students with the basic terms, methods, ideas and language of the subject. 200-level courses are actually 100-level courses th…
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300- and 400-Level Course Expectations

  • 300-level courses will contain advanced content for upper division students. These classes will most likely be core requirements of the students’ majors. Students should have acquired a sufficient knowledge in the major to pursue independent study and research with methodological tools and models. These students must be able to obtain relevant information the proper use of …
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