uhh, yeah, of course–i mean–i don’t–who doesn’t like porn, though? i mean, you know?

by Skylar Lindgren IV 10 min read

What does “if you don't get it I Can’t explain it” mean?

M: Yes, of course. You take care of yourself. In this particular case, the correct answer will be whatever the teacher says is the correct answer. When forced to learn a system, you have to follow its rules, even if they don't apply in the real world.

What does it mean when a guy doesn’t want to explain it?

Of course it is This bitch don't know what abortion is So I can't cum in her, fucks like a porn star Looks like Jenna, fack, I'm gonna Cum, I think my rubber's comin' off But oh, it's so fucking wet and soft Fuck, I'm gonna start lettin' off I'm squirting and she's not gettin' off And she's on top, I'm gonna facking Oh, God, oh, don't do that

What does “YES Of course” mean?

May 01, 2012 · Uhh yeah I can't. Ok so I was looking up character development for my writing and it said that I had to love the character so much that I would hate for anything to happen to them. Well I tried and I found out that, I can't love.

What does YES Of course mean on this faff test?

Feb 24, 2021 · A: “If that doesn't describe Ashley I don't know what does.” Q: “Despite an overwhelming amount of love in her life, she continues to seek acceptance form those closest.” A: “It's a tough one, but I think you're talking about Polly”

Having sex with your boss

No, just because you dreamed about getting busy with your boss doesn't mean you actually want to sleep with them. Instead, it can indicate that you're not 100% comfortable with the power dynamic between the two of you, Richmond says. There are two ways this dream can go.

Sex with someone you dislike

"Think about why you dislike them. Do they dismiss you? Not let you talk?" Richmond asks. Perhaps they make you feel insecure. Even though we don't always like to admit it, often we dislike a person because they make us feel down about ourselves.

Doing it with an ex

Just when you thought your ex was out of your life, they make a surprise appearance in your dreams. Lauri Loewenberg, a certified dream analyst, says if it's a recent ex, dreaming about them probably means you're not over them just yet. And hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Moving on takes serious time.

Sex with someone of the gender you don't usually go for

First, this doesn't mean you've been batting for the wrong team all along. "Novelty is the seed of human sexual arousal," Richmond says. "A lot of us are so locked into who we're attracted to that we need our dreamland to give us that space, that permission to open those doors a little bit wider." The same goes for porn.

Sex with someone embarrassing

Some sex dreams are the opposite of a turn on, like if you dream about getting it on with that one person at work who always has awful B.O. or the annoying guy who catcalls you on your commute. Loewenberg says to take a step back and ask yourself what three personality traits first come to mind when you think of this person.

Getting busy with a celebrity

We've all woken up from a dream about Leonardo DiCaprio or Ryan Gosling only to be devastated that it wasn't real. This, of course, is just your dreams reflecting your fantasies, Richmond says. But there's also a sense of agency that comes with it.

Having sex in public

Doing it in public is risqué, to say the least, and if you're taking that risk in your dreams, it could mean you need to be more adventurous in (or out of) the bedroom. Richmond says dreaming about public sex could also be your subconscious rebelling if your partner is less adventurous than you.

What does Bolde mean when he says "he means this one"?

Bolde says, “He means this one, but he actually means so much more . If he is using this word, then he really finds you beautiful.” This is especially true in established relationships. If we have just met, then he is definitely trying to butter us up and get some. But as a general rule, this is one of the few times where he means what he says, and it actually means something super nice and sweet. Such compliments deserve a rewarding kiss so we can continue to receive them.

Where is Danielle Lasher?

About The Author. Danielle Lasher (214 Articles Published) Danielle Lasher is a writer, mother, and women's health advocate living in Western Maryland —just outside of Washington DC—with her fiance, their four kids and two dogs.

What does it mean when the timing is off?

And if the timing is really off, then the explanation is that there is no blood left in his head and he is loopy. Wall Street Insanity translates it humorously as,

Do guys have female friends?

It is very rare for guys to have female friends but when they do, they are literally just friends unless he is one of those slimy guys who tries to sleep with his friends. According to Relationship Rules, “What he really means is that he finds it incredibly cute and adorable that you would feel threatened and jealous by another girl —but there’s no reason for it.” If he did sleep with her, he likely wouldn’t still be friends with her.

Do men and women communicate?

Everyone knows that communication between men and women is a very tricky thing —further complicated by the fact that as a general rule, men are not that great at communicating. They hide their feelings deep under a thick shell and they don’t like prying back that shell to see what their feelings are up to. On top of that, when they do decide ...