5. what was the situation five years after the crime? course hero

by Prof. Rita Graham 8 min read

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What does Johnny say about the Southern Gentlemen?

He says of them "They remind me of Dally.".

What does Johnny do to Ponyboy's hair?

In an effort to blend in and disguise their appearances, Joh nny cuts and bleaches Ponyboy's hair; Ponyboy in turn cuts Johnny's hair. Following Dally's orders, they stay inside the church and pass the time playing poker and reading aloud from Gone with the Wind.

What does Ponyboy say about Dally?

He says of them "They remind me of Dally.". And he tells Ponyboy a story about Dally getting picked up by the police (for a crime that Two-Bit actually committed) and staying cool and calm throughout the ordeal, just like the Southern gentlemen. Ponyboy begins to understand Johnny's hero worship of Dally.

Is Ponyboy a greaser?

Ponyboy better understands that he lives not in a black and white world, a world that is either greaser or Soc exclusively , but in a world with many layers in between these two extremes. The colors of the countryside help Pony with this realization.
