what have you learned from the course accounting

by Dr. Christine Torp 4 min read

You will learn how accountants create, organize, interpret, and communicate information that improves internal processes and allows organizations to identify and leverage opportunities to create value within the supply chain and with customers.

Full Answer

How to become a good student in accounting?

100 Things I've learned from Accounting Education 1. With accounting education, first of all, I started to maintain my personal income and expenditure accounts. 2. To calculate after each task due to this education and it had helped me to reduce my personal expenses. 3. With this education, I also ...

What are the basic things you need to understand accounting?

What I Learned in Financial Accounting My Experience in a Financial Accounting Class. Holy cow, what a class! Most financial principles come naturally to me,... The Final Project. If you are like me, then when you start a class, the first thing you do is read over the syllabus and... Skills I ...

How to start learning accounting?

Aug 30, 2015 · The next thing we learn about in accounting class is the concept of capital. Capital refers to the resources that you, the owner, have available to generate wealth in your life. Of course, in this context wealth simply means happiness.

What are some tips for learning accounting?

As what you have learned from your Accounting subject about the types of major accounts (Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income and Expenses), let us focus on the three major accounts which are also the elements of the SFP or the Balance Sheet. …

What have you learn about accounting?

Accounting majors learn how to create, maintain and audit a detailed and accurate system that displays the finances of a business or organization. They study the theory behind accounting and learn how to analyze the financial position of a firm or organization.May 5, 2020

What can I learn from accounting course?

The course content covers everything from managing accounts to analyzing profitability. As you work towards the Intermediate Accounting and Bookkeeping course, the 105 lessons go over how to protect business assets, manage inventory, understand taxes, and other common important business decision-making scenarios.Jan 13, 2021

Why is it important to learn accounting?

Why Is Accounting Important? Accounting plays a vital role in running a business because it helps you track income and expenditures, ensure statutory compliance, and provide investors, management, and government with quantitative financial information which can be used in making business decisions.Feb 19, 2019

Why is accounting important in everyday life?

It can be used in our daily lives because it maintains and expands the financial health of a business. Accounting plays an important role in running a business because it helps you track financial income and expenditures, management, and ensure statutory compliance which can be used in making business decisions.May 20, 2021

What is accounting in your own words?

Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities.

How can accounting help students?

Accounting students learn valuable skills while giving back. Whether it's understanding personal income taxes or choosing the right investments, many Americans lack the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions about their financial futures.Jan 9, 2018

Why accounting is important in my career?

It's highly flexible. Whether you want to work in fashion, politics, sport or business – accountancy could be your route in. The skills you gain when you study accountancy turn you into a highly sought-after finance professional who can work across teams and in strategic, diverse roles – all the way up to the boardroom ...

How to write a balance sheet?

Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On the left side write down all the things in your life that are making you happy. Then on the right side write down all the things that are making you unhappy. In accounting, we call this piece of paper a balance sheet.

What is capital in accounting?

Capital refers to the resources that you, the owner, have available to generate wealth in your life. Of course, in this context wealth simply means happiness.

What is a life asset?

I like to think of things from a point of happiness, or fulfillment. A life asset is something that improves your happiness or quality of life. A life liability is something that causes you stress or suffering. A supportive group of friends would be extremely valuable assets, while a nagging, bitchy girlfriend would be a liability.

What happens if you don't allow negative energies into your life?

If you don’t allow any negative energies into your life and only pursue things that bring you happiness, you will be able to minimise your expenses and maximise your revenues. You will be living a life of few mistakes and many victories. In accounting, we refer to this as profit.

Why is it important to have a balance sheet?

Whatever expenses life throws at you will be manageable, because your balance sheet is so strong you will have nothing to worry about. You will also be in a position to be a positive influence on the life of those around you and the people you care about.

Why do people wait in line at the bank?

For some people, just waiting in line at the bank will piss them off and ruin their entire day. This is because they have no sources of revenue, or happiness, to offset this expense, or problem.

How tall is Danny DeVito?

To be a famous actor you’re supposed to be tall, have a six pack, and a head of perfect hair, but Danny DeVito is bald, fat, 5’1, yet became one of the most versatile and celebrated actors in Hollywood. He simply decided to be awesome and made miracles happen with his capital.

Who is the youngest CPA?

A year and a half ago, Belicia Cespedes wrote an inspiring post about how she became a CPA. She finished high school at 13, received her bachelor’s degree at 16 and became the youngest voting member of the American Institute of CPAs at 17. Writing this at 19, she continues to be enlightened about her career path as she finishes her accounting ...

Who is Belicia Cespedes?

She is treasurer of the American Women’s Society of CPAs and was named one of the Top 100 Most Influential People by Accounting Today in 2015.

What are the best ways to learn financial accounting?

You have a variety of options when it comes to learning about financial accounting, including in-person classes, online courses, accounting textbooks and publications, and advice from colleagues. Each comes with pros and cons, depending on your circumstances.

Why is accounting important?

“Accounting is a tool that opens doors to key information, provides useful insights, helps gain perspective, and aids in decision-making,” says Harvard Business ...

What is the balance sheet and accounting equation?

As Narayanan says in Financial Accounting, the balance sheet and accounting equation “allow companies to keep score.”. The income statement, also called the profit and loss statement, or P&L, shows your organization’s revenue, expenses, and profit, typically on a quarterly or annual basis.

What is balance sheet?

The balance sheet details your company’s assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity for a given period. The relationship between these components is illustrated in the accounting equation, which is used to verify the balance sheet is correct and balanced. Assets should always equal liabilities plus owners’ equity.

What are the three financial statements that are important to understand?

Begin your financial accounting education by learning how to read and analyze three key financial statements: the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. These documents contain valuable information about your company’s spending, earnings, profit, and overall financial health.

Why is online education important?

Schedule: Another benefit of taking an online course is the flexibility it provides. If having access to transportation or an irregular, busy schedule are typically barriers for you, an online course could be your best option.

Why is it important to apply equations to personal experiences?

Applying equations and concepts to personal experiences can bring an added sense of connection and understanding to your learning. Remember that financial accounting isn’t something you pick up overnight—it requires repeated application of the concepts you learn.

Elena P. Follow

Learning about managerial accounting was an eye-opening experience. I was lucky to have a passionate professor, Dr. Juan J. Segovia. When I would mention what course I'm taking to fellow students and alumni, I would get the cringe, the sympathies and the "worst course in my MBA" speech. I can't say that I felt encouraged.

Paul Haycock

You've managed to cover a good range of insights there Elena, thank you for sharing.

Elena P

He definitely looks at life through a different lens and is not afraid to tell it like it is. My favourite type of person to learn from! Thanks for reading.

Marie-France Watson, CED, DES

Very cool- couldn't agree more. You'll have to tell me which professor so that I can seek him out when I take the class! ;)

Ken Buckland

Elena, I thought it was the best class I took in the program. As you say, do your own analysis and reach your own conclusions. He showed us the tools we have at our disposal. He opened my eyes to the problems that are the 'meat and potatoes' of my professional life. Thanks for the post.

Elena P

I agree. In terms of life lessons and how you should conduct yourself, he was raw but accurate.

Luis Andres Cordero

I fully agree. This class you mention is in my top 3 of the MBA, and despite conventional wisdom, this prof is one of the best I had. He pushes you to think and arrive to conclusions you can support and argue. One more of his quotes that stick with me: "you don't walk around making enemies"
