z. cultural diversity(1 course, which can also fulfill a requirement in category c3, d.5

by Hayden Reilly 8 min read

How many cultural diversity courses can be in one department?

Cultural Diversity Requirements To expand cultural awareness, all business degree programs require the completion of one course (three credit hours) which emphasizes Asian, African, Middle Eastern, Latin American, Pacific Aboriginal, Native American, or comparable culture.

What is cultural diversity?

 · A course used to satisfy the Cultural Diversity in the U.S. Requirement may not be double counted toward any other Foundational Approach. However, a course fulfilling the Cultural Diversity in the U.S. Requirement may be double counted with any Sector and also with requirements for a major or minor. Transfer credit, credit away and credit ...

How can individual individuals and institutions support cultural diversity?

 · Z. Cultural Diversity (1 course, which can also fulfill a requirement in Categories C.3, D.5, or E above, NOTED WITH AN ASTERISK*) This site is maintained by Undergraduate Studies and General Education. Last Published 4/15/22.

What are the cultural elements within one culture?

 · Cultural Diversity Definition. Cultural diversity, or sometimes referred to as multiculturalism, is a quality of diverse and many different cultures. Cultural Diversity a system that recognizes and respects the existence and presence of diverse groups of people within a …

How many GE units does Csuf have?

Students must take at least 51 units of GE courses, which are divided into six areas: A. Core Competencies (9 units) B.

What is the minimum grade to complete GE area c1 arts SJSU?

C-”First year students are expected to complete this requirement within their first two semesters at SJSU. Minimum Grade: A minimum grade of “C-” or better (per the CSU General Education Breadth Requirements).

What classes are considered written communication?

Written communication is typically a component of at least one required general education class in college programs. Composition courses includes various types of writing assignments, including narrative, essay, short story and poetry.

How many units do you need to graduate CSUF?

The "unit cap" is based upon 150% of the minimum number of units required by Cal State Fullerton to complete the degree or credential program in which you are enrolled. Most undergraduate majors require 120 units to graduate; therefore, the standard unit cap for undergraduates is 180 units (120 X 150%).

What is a passing grade in GE?

Grading Standards in General Education (GE) A grade of "D" (1.0) or better is required to satisfy all other GE requirements.

What is an area e course?

Courses in this area focus on topics such as student success strategies, human behavior, sexuality, nutrition, physical and mental health, stress management, information literacy, social relationships and relationships with the environment, as well as implications of death and dying or avenues of lifelong learning.

What are the golden four courses?

Completion of the “Golden Four” The following semester campuses require the "Golden Four" courses (Oral Communication, Written Communication, Critical Thinking, Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning) be completed the semester before the start of the upcoming term.

What is a communication course?

Communication courses provide the specialized skills and knowledge necessary for individuals to advance in their career by learning the techniques and strategies for communicating effectively, whether for negotiation, or media purposes.

What courses fall under critical thinking?

Critical Thinking courses promise to show their students how the disciplinary practices being introduced in that class use at least three of the following lenses: (1) reasoning, (2) representation, (3) cultural judgment, (4) information literacy, and (5) metacognitive reflection.

What GPA do you need to graduate from CSUF?

2.0 or higherGrade-Point Average Requirements Three grade-point averages, each 2.0 or higher, are required for graduation. An average based on all units attempted, including those attempted at other institutions. An average based on all units attempted at CSUF. An average based on all units attempted in the major.

How many units is a bachelor's degree in California?

120 semester unitsProgram Requirements for a Bachelor's Degree. To be eligible for the bachelor's degree, a student must: Complete a minimum of 120 semester units of baccalaureate level credit.

Can you double major at Cal State Fullerton?

Within the units required for the baccalaureate, it is possible for a student to complete the requirements for more than one major within one degree (for example a B.S.) when the additional major is within the same degree (in this case, another B.S.).

What is Cultural Diversity in simple words?

Cultural Diversity is a system that recognizes and respects the existence and presence of diverse groups of people within a society. More reading o...

What is a good Diversity quote?

Embracing cultural diversity is like a new great repeated way to experience our beautiful world new again, again, and again from new perspectives....

What is Cultural Identity?

Cultural identity is the most simple, essential cultural term anyone will encounter. Put it simply. Cultural identity refers to the idea of belongi...

What is Cultural Assimilation?

The formation of our cultural identity usually starts the moment we are born and thrown into the world. We are taught specific values by our family...

What is Cultural Diffusion?

Cultures interact with one another, and when they do, they leave their mark, sometimes altering and changing both of them permanently. Others exper...

What is Cultural Isolation?

Despite modernity and globalization, certain cultures remain untouched by others, though they are very few indeed. It is because they are either lo...

What is Cultural Imperialism?

If others want to maintain their cultural isolation even at the expense of denying themselves the benefits of modern life and other cultures, somet...

What is Cultural Relativism?

Cultural imperialism is premised on the idea that other cultures are far superior, dominant and need be the standard for others to emulate. To a ce...

What is Cultural Appropriation?

Some feel that they should give other cultures their due, recognize them for what they are, and give their members opportunities. Some, however, ar...


Courses in thefollowing areas require a grade of " C-" or higher to earn GE credit:

A. Core Competencies (9 units)

Note: A grade of “C-” (1.7) or better is required in Areas A1, A2, and A3. A “D+" (1.3) or below is not sufficient to satisfy these requirements. Students must satisfy the English Placement Test (EPT) requirement prior to enrollment in any oral or written communication course.

B.4. Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning (3 units)

A grade of ‘C-’ (1.7) or better is required to meet this General Education requirement. A grade of ‘D+’ (1.3) or below will not satisfy this General Education Requirement.

Cultures build a better world

What is Cultural Diversity, and why is it important? The world is a colorful canvas of people from all walks of life and backgrounds. In every corner of the globe, there exist people from different religions, racial identifications, ethnic identities who speak different languages, and celebrate different holidays.

Cultural Diversity Definition

Cultural diversity, or sometimes referred to as multiculturalism, is a quality of diverse and many different cultures. Cultural Diversity a system that recognizes and respects the existence and presence of diverse groups of people within a society.

Why is Cultural Diversity important?

Recognizing that the world is made up of many different people from different backgrounds and cultures is the first step towards a more understanding and harmonious society. Differences are not what divides us, but rather it should be celebrated as something that unites us as humans.

Cultural Diversity and Society

Through an inclusive and diverse len, we can explore and understand how other cultures operate and function. Opening our eyes to the existence of diverse and different cultures allows us to see the world from other’s points of view. We can see more, appreciate more, and understand more.

Examples of Cultural Diversity

Culture is a set of patterns of human activity within a society or community. It’s symbolic and significant to the members of the community that identifies with that culture. There are many cultural elements within one culture.

Cultural Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace

An organization that promotes a multicultural workplace extends beyond just the nationality of its employees. Encouraging cultural diversity in a workplace means including various factors such as language, religion, sexual orientation, and political views.

Cultural Diversity Training

Cultural Diversity training is crucial to create a multi-cultural environment. You can read more about it from our diversity and inclusion training guide.

What is cultural diversity?

Cultural diversity is synonymous with multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica as, “the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority groups, deserve special acknowledgment of their differences within a dominant political culture.”

How does cultural diversity help in education?

Cultural diversity in education helps to support: 1. Deep Learning. Learning happens within the curriculum and outside of it. With a diverse student population, students have the privilege of gaining more understanding about people and backgrounds from all over.

Why is cultural diversity important?

Cultural diversity is important in every setting in life, but it can be even more pivotal when it happens within education. Students around the world have the right to equal access of quality education, and as such, there are many upsides that come along with it when institutions believe in the power of diversity.

Why is it important to be culturally diverse?

If a workplace has done the necessary work, it’s bound to be culturally diverse. Attending a culturally diverse institute of education will prepare students for their future in a workplace.

What is culture in the world?

Culture is a broad term that encompasses beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and overall can be understood as our “way of being.”. When you go out into the world, you will come into contact with people from different backgrounds and walks of life. It’s a good rule of thumb to honor cultural diversity with your actions.

What is a school setting?

In A School Setting: Having students from all over the world (like at the University of the People ), being accepting of all religious practices and traditions that students part take in, supporting students to share their cultures with one another, etc.

How to deal with cultural insensitivity?

Interact with people outside of your culture. Be open-minded to listen and let go of judgment. If you see anyone who is being culturally insensitive, speak out against it. Accept that differences are beneficial and not harmful. Don’t force your beliefs on people with opposing views.