youtube course exam what is the great extenstion

by Dr. Daija Hegmann Jr. 7 min read

What is the cliché excuse for teachers?

Blaming technology issues is a cliché excuse that teachers tend not to take too seriously.

What are the issues that qualify for extension?

Other common personal issues that can qualify for extensions include common migraines and issues with concentration.

What does "I've read all of the readings but the creativity just hasn't come" mean?

This extension excuse gets points for honesty. If you come to your teacher and say “Look, I’ve read all of the readings, but the creativity just hasn’t come” then your teacher might just give you a little extra time.

What has blown me away as a university teacher?

Something that has blown me away as a university teacher is just how many students care for their chronically sick or disabled parents, partners or children.

How to ask your teacher for a heads up?

The best way to do this is to ask your student advisor or the course leader to give your teacher a heads-up on this one. Most universities these days assign student advisors to each student for support on issues like this.

Do you need to state your case for an extension?

Extensions are commonplace, but you need to state your case. We have provided an outline of exactly how to ask for the extension that you might want to consult if you think you qualify for an extension. This outline explains that you need to take some key steps, including the steps in the infographic below (plus some more!):

Is evidence a must for extension?

If you’re going to use this extension excuse, evidence is a must. Teachers understand that this is a sensitive topic. I’ve accepted a range of evidence for this one, though. This includes:
