why is it useful to map out the arguments pros and cons before outlining your case course hero

by Walton Trantow 7 min read

Argument mapping gives students a visual way to break down and clarify their thoughts to see if they’re coming to the best conclusion. According to ReasoningLab.com: Argument maps are box-and-line diagrams that lay out visually reasoning and evidence for and against a statement or claim.

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Argument Mapping Defined

Especially when dealing with complex or controversial issues, it can be difficult to think clearly and logically. Argument mapping gives students a visual way to break down and clarify their thoughts to see if they’re coming to the best conclusion. According to ReasoningLab.com:

Drawbacks of Argument Mapping

As beneficial as argument mapping can be, it might not work for every student or every assignment. Here are some instances when you might not want to use argument mapping:

Argument Mapping in Action

Here are some examples of how you might use argument mapping in the classroom:

Preparing the Next Generation of Readers and Thinkers

Today’s middle and high school students have grown up surrounded by astonishing levels of communication and technological advancements, and they’ve also experienced some of the biggest cultural shifts in recent history.

ArgumentMapping Defined

Benefitsof Argument Mapping

  • Argument mapping has many benefits, including the following: 1. Gives afull-picture account of all sides of an argument: Like most people, students can easily become fixated on the side ofan argument they agree with. Argument mapping forces them to engage withopposing viewpoints. 2. Providesclearer thinking and sharpens reasoning skills: When you’r...
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Drawbacksof Argument Mapping

  • As beneficial as argument mapping can be, itmight not work for every student or every assignment. Here are some instanceswhen you might not want to use argument mapping: 1. Auditoryand kinesthetic learners: Argumentmapping is a visual medium, so it may not “click” as well for auditory andkinesthetic learners. That’s why it’s important not to depend solely on thevis…
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ArgumentMapping in Action

  • Here are some examples of how you might useargument mapping in the classroom: Teaching the Parts of an Argument Whenstudents hear the word argument, they likely think of emotionaldisagreements, not reasoned debates. Argument mapping can be a great way toillustrate to students the importance of having multiple reasons and pieces ofevidence behin…
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Preparingthe Next Generation of Readers and Thinkers

  • Today’s middle and high school students have grown up surroundedby astonishing levels of communication and technological advancements, andthey’ve also experienced some of the biggest cultural shifts in recent history.They have news and opinions coming at them as quickly as they can think, sogiving them the skills to read effectively, break down arguments, and thinkcl…
See more on blog.advancementcourses.com