why do fresno state and the craig school incorporate service learning into course curricula?

by Glen Reichert 5 min read

As part of the University’s commitment to civic engagement in the Central Valley and as a means of strengthening the bonds between the University and the community, the Marketing and Logistics Dept. established a service-learning requirement that required every student in the Craig School of Business to fulfill in order to earn his or her undergraduate degree.

Full Answer

Why is service learning important in education?

Develops critical thinking skills: Through service-learning, students learn to reflect on their experiences and develop critical-thinking skills, such as the ability to bring disparate elements of experience together in meaningful ways, to analyze information for patterns and deeper meaning, and to make evaluations and ...

What is curriculum integration service learning?

Service Learning is an educational approach where a student learns theories in the classroom and at the same time volunteers with an agency (usually a non-profit or social service group) and engages in reflection activities to deepen their understanding of what is being taught.

What is the impact of service learning on college campuses students and the community?

Impact of Service-Learning on Students Students have deeper understanding of self and their involvement in the community. Students are more aware of issues in the community and develop a sense of responsibility to address those issues. Students are exposed to diverse communities therefore dispelling misconceptions.

What is service learning program?

Service-Learning is a form of experiential learning where students apply academic knowledge and critical thinking skills to address genuine community needs.

How do you incorporate service-learning into the classroom?

Your Weekly Eureka MomentLet the Kids Identify a Need. ... Use Current Events. ... Involve Students in Decision Making and Project Design. ... Start Small and Local. ... Don't Fret Over Addressing Academic Standards. ... Look for Opportunities to Make Learning Connections.

What are the advantages of service-learning to teachers?

Service learning can also be considered in promotion and tenure decisions. 80% of faculty who have taught a service learning course say the experience gave them new teaching ideas. Service learning can generate ideas and partnerships for community-based research and scholarly projects.

How the service learning leads to effective community intervention and active participation?

Participation in service learning increases the sense of social responsibility felt by students and their commitment to community service. It also enhances their sense of engagement in their community and their confidence that community members can solve problems.

What are the benefits for students who participate in service learning quizlet?

Learns more; earns better grades; attends school regularly; behaves better; becomes more civic minded; gains appreciation of others; sees the school-life connection; has higher self-esteem; learns life skills for after graduation.

What are the significant steps in implementing the service learning program?

There are five steps in the initiation of a successful service-learning unit. These steps include brainstorming, focusing, implementing, evaluation and reflecting.

What are 4 types of service-learning?

This list gives an overview of the different types of service learning while providing a sense of how you can use the methodology with your students.Direct Service Learning. ... Indirect Service Learning. ... Research-Based Service Learning. ... Advocacy Service Learning.

What are the characteristics of service-learning?

Service Learning is a course-based, credit-bearing educational experience in which students (a) participate in an organized service activity that meets a community need and (b) reflect upon their service activity as a means of gaining a deeper understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, ...

What are the 5 stages of service-learning?

The service-learning process takes students through the stages of Investigation, Preparation, Action, Reflection, Demonstration and Evaluation.

Why is curriculum integration important in education?

Integrated curriculums allow students to have a deeper understanding of the course subject matter and how to apply the material that they have learned in the classroom in a real-world situation[10]. This ultimately helps prepare them for their future studies, career and life in general.

How curriculum integration plays a role in the students learning?

Integrated curricula are necessary to ensure the success of students in the classroom. Higher student achievement through the use of repetition and making critical connects to content, as well as increased student engagement are all benefits of an integrated curriculum.

What is an example of integrated curriculum?

Integrating reading, writing, and oral communication in language arts is a common example. Teachers often integrate history, geography, economics, and government in an intradisciplinary social studies program.

Why the integrated approach is important in foundation phase teaching and learning?

T he integrated approach helps pupils get a unified view of reality, and enhances their capability to acquire real-life skills. It does this by linking learning content between and among subject areas.

Goal 1: Educating & Inspiring Students

a. The Craig School offers comprehensive business and economics curricula that integrate fundamentals with engaging experiences.

Goal 2: Fostering a Diverse Student Body

The CSB is committed to intellectual pluralism and welcomes students, faculty, and staff from all ideological perspectives both within and across disciplines.

Goal 3: Supporting Economic Development

CSB contributes to the regional “brain gain,” as about 70% of graduates join the workforce of Central California.

Degrees and Programs Offered

The mission of the Craig School of Business (CSB) is to prepare a diverse student population for careers in the regional, national, and global business environments, and to serve the Central California business community as a resource center.


The B.S. in Business Administration has been continuously accredited since 1959 by the premiere accrediting agency, AACSB - International, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The B.S.


CSB operates an advising center, Undergraduate Student Services, located in Peters Building, Room 185. Business students are encouraged to have annual advising sessions to assist in evaluations and graduation requirements.