which of the following was accurate in the case of the 2003 invasion of iraq? course hero

by Carson Connelly 7 min read

Why did Iran and Iraq go to war in 2003?

Iran and Iraq were at war near the Saudi border. Iraq attacked ships in Saudi Arabian waters. Saudi Arabia was Kuwait's closest ally. Iraq invaded nearby Kuwait for its oil.

Why was the US invasion of Iraq controversial?

Why was the US invasion of Iraq controversial? Many nations strongly supported the Iraqi government. Iraq had been an ally to the United States and Europe for many years. Many did not agree that Iraq presented a terrorist threat.

Why did Iraq invade nearby Kuwait?

Iraq invaded nearby Kuwait for its oil. How did al-Qaeda get its start? Nice work! You just studied 10 terms! Now up your study game with Learn mode. Why did Saudi Arabia fear an Iraqi invasion?

Why did Saudi Arabia fear an Iraqi invasion?

Why did Saudi Arabia fear an Iraqi invasion? Iraq invaded nearby Kuwait for its oil. Iran and Iraq were at war near the Saudi border. Iraq attacked ships in Saudi Arabian waters.


B. Some U.S. officials believed Saddam Hussein was acquiring weapons of mass destruction. Other officials strongly disagreed.


The correct answers are B and D. Regarding the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, some American officials believed Saddam Hussein was acquiring weapons of mass destruction. Other officials strongly disagreed. Also, President Bush refused to allow UN inspectors more time to check Iraqi facilities for weapons of mass destruction.

What did Al-Qaeda do by attacking the USS Cole?

By attacking the USS Cole, al-Qaeda ultimately aimed to. eliminate all sea-based attacks in Yemen. send a violent warning message to the United States. demonstrate the Taliban's power in Afghanistan. destroy all American forces in the Middle East. send a violent warning message to the United States.

What was the purpose of the Department of Homeland Security in 2001?

The Department of Homeland Security was created to. keep noncitizens from entering the United States. protect the United States from terrorist attacks. make US citizens more secure in their homes. strengthen US military presence overseas. protect the United States from terrorist attacks.

Was Iraq a terrorist country?

Iraq had been an ally to the United States and Europe for many years. Many did not agree that Iraq presente d a terrorist threat. Iraq was allied with the Taliban, but it was not responsible for 9/11. Many did not agree that Iraq presented a terrorist threat.
