why did the course of world war i turn out to be so different

by Esther Price 5 min read

World War I did not turn out the way that the countries thought it would because they were much too optimistic about the possibilities for offensive warfare given the technology that was available to the armies fighting the war. At the beginning of WWI, most of the countries involved were very optimistic.

Full Answer

Why did WW1 not turn out the way countries thought it would?

World War I did not turn out the way that the countries thought it would because they were much too optimistic about the possibilities for offensive warfare given the technology that was available to the armies fighting the war. At the beginning of WWI, most of the countries involved were very optimistic.

What were the causes of World War I?

The causes of World War I, also known as the Great War, have been debated since it ended. Officially, Germany shouldered much of the blame for the conflict, which caused four years of unprecedented slaughter.

How did America's policy of nonintervention change after WW1?

When World War I broke out across Europe in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the United States would remain neutral, and many Americans supported this policy of nonintervention. However, public opinion about neutrality started to change after the sinking of the British ...read more.

How did the belligerents in World War I expect the war to go?

The belligerents in World War I, especially the Germans, expected the war to go quickly, just as the Franco-Prussian War had done. That war lasted only 10 months in 1870-71, yet greatly shifted the European balance of power in favor of Germany. Germany, once again, hoped to move quickly forward...

How did World War 1 change the course of history?

The First World War destroyed empires, created numerous new nation-states, encouraged independence movements in Europe's colonies, forced the United States to become a world power and led directly to Soviet communism and the rise of Hitler.

What made World War I different from every war before it?

The loss of life was greater than in any previous war in history, in part because militaries were using new technologies, including tanks, airplanes, submarines, machine guns, modern artillery, flamethrowers, and poison gas.

Why was WW1 the war to change all wars?

World War I was known as the “war to end all wars” because of the great slaughter and destruction it caused. Unfortunately, the peace treaty that officially ended the conflict—the Treaty of Versailles of 1919—forced punitive terms on Germany that destabilized Europe and laid the groundwork for World War II.

Did the US change the course of WW1?

The war confirmed the United States as a leading player in international affairs. At home, it expanded the size and reach of government and even helped women secure the vote after thousands joined the military and toiled in factories.

How did the reality of the Great War differ from expectations at the beginning of the war?

How did the reality of the Great War differ from expectations at the beginning of the war? The war was going to last longer than people expected. Which was a result of the use of new weapons and methods of warfare during World War I? The war was the deadliest in history up to that point.

Was ww1 really a world war?

After 1945, historians found the term "First World War" appropriate because they saw 1914-1918 as the first of a particular type of international conflict - the world's first industrialised "total" war - which had been followed by a second industrialised world war of this kind - 1939-1945.

How do you think World War I changed warfare forever?

World War I introduced many advances in science and technology into modern warfare. These advances changed the nature of warfare including battle strategies and tactics. Scientists and inventors on both sides worked throughout the war to improve weapon technology in order to give their side an edge in the fight.

Which change occurred during ww1 as a result of total war?

Which change occurred during World War I as a result of "total war"? Governments took control of their nations' economies.

How are we changed by war?

How We Are Changed by War examines our sense of ourselves through the medium of diaries and wartime correspondence, beginning with the colonists of the early seventeenth century, and ending with the diaries and letters from Iraqi war vets.

Did the US make a difference in WW1?

The impact of the United States joining the war was significant. The additional firepower, resources, and soldiers of the U.S. helped to tip the balance of the war in favor of the Allies. When war broke out in 1914, the United States had a policy of neutrality.

What were some major changes in post WW1 society?

Four empires collapsed due to the war, old countries were abolished, new ones were formed, boundaries were redrawn, international organizations were established, and many new and old ideologies took a firm hold in people's minds.

Who won 1st World War?

The AlliesWho won World War I? The Allies won World War I after four years of combat and the deaths of some 8.5 million soldiers as a result of battle wounds or disease. Read more about the Treaty of Versailles. In many ways, the peace treaty that ended World War I set the stage for World War II.

What did Woodrow Wilson say about World War 1?

We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion.”

What was the final straw in the war?

The final straws were Germany’s resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare and the interception of the Zimmerman Telegram. The telegram revealed a German plot to help Mexico regain Texas, New Mexico and Arizona if it attacked America. When the United States entered the war in April 1917, the U.S.

Who said "Lafayette, we are here"?

A German admiral scoffed that not many American fighters would reach Europe, with U-boats blocking their way. But they made it. “Lafayette, we are here,” a colonel declared at the Paris tomb of the French nobleman who aided the American Revolution.

What was the nickname of the African American troops in France?

African-American troops fought valiantly in France, then began a decades-long struggle against segregation at home. A “doughboy, ” a nickname for members of the American Expeditionary Force, arrives in Paris. (Library of Congress/Lewis Hine) A Liberty Bond poster.

How could Britain have stayed out of the war?

First, Germany could have avoided provoking Britain by not sending its army through Belgium and invading France directly (though Britain would have likely declared war anyway to protect its ally and critical northern ports). Alternately, Britain could have stayed out of the war simply for the sake of staying out of it. As historian Niall Ferguson argues, the intervention was " the biggest error in modern history ." He concedes that Britain would have reneged on its commitments to uphold Belgian neutrality, but that realism in foreign policy has a "long and distinguished tradition, not least of which in Britain."

Why did Italy join the Entente?

Italy bided its time, waiting for the best offer — and to get a better sense of who might actually win the conflict. Italy decided to join the Entente under the terms of the secret 1915 Treaty of London under which it was promised huge territorial gains at the expense of Austria-Hungary. Unabashedly, the Salandra government admitted that its decision arose from pure self-interest, or "sacred egoism."

What if Helmuth von Moltke and his general staff had succeeded in reaching Paris in September 1914?

This is one of the big "what ifs" of history: What if Helmuth von Moltke and his general staff had succeeded in reaching Paris in September 1914? Indeed, such an assertion is not altogether unreasonable. Some historians contend that the Schlieffen plan would have worked if Moltke had followed Schlieffen's original plan. Had the right flank not been depleted, Germany's 1st Army would not have been forced away from the sea, the British Expeditionary Force would have been overwhelmed, and the French armies would have been trapped between Paris and the French eastern frontier.

What was the first battle of the war that Germany won?

In fact, it would have been prudent for Germany to push for peace terms after the First Battle of the Marne in 1914 — a truly decisive battle that ultimately set the stage for Germany's defeat. Molke himself knew Germany was finished even at this early stage, telling the Kaiser, "Your Majesty, we have lost the war.".

What year was it a good year to call it quits?

Read more. 1917 would have been another good year to call it quits. With no end in sight, with no prescription for ending the war, and with widespread social unrest, it would have made complete sense for any of the belligerent nations to say enough is enough and end the war.

What would have happened if Italy was on the side of the Central Powers?

With Italy on the side of the Central Powers, the war would have unfolded quite differently. Rather than having Italy fight against Austria-Hungary, the two nations could have joined together to clean up the Balkans and then launch coordinated campaigns against Russia on the Eastern Front.

When did the French mutiny happen?

Unbeknownst to Germany, masses of French troops, fed up with how the war was going, conducted a large scale mutiny from April to May 1917. Imagine what would have happened if they launched an all-out assault during that small window of opportunity.
