why defense of objective truth is important for apologetics and why postmodern course hero

by Israel Thompson 10 min read

Why do we need objective truth?

Many in the postmodern world have given up on the existence of objective truth entirely, and so find no need to pursue it. There is, therefore, an apol- ogetic need and duty to: (1) defend the concept of a knowable and objective truth philosophically and to (2) commend the virtues requisite to attaining it.

What would a defender of postmodernism do?

May 08, 2020 · Selected Answer: The objective truth is important in apologetics is because there can only be one answer or a common truth. In Christian Apologetics, Chapter 7, I like Groothius's quote by Feynman saying, “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool".

Why do we need God’s Truth?

May 31, 2016 · ties it to an outmoded modernist account of truth that has failed to deliver. The postmodernism worldview of objective truth is that truth does not lodge in statements that correspond to reality. Truth is a matter of perspective only; it is something that individuals and communities construct, primarily through language.

Why is society rejecting objective truth?

Oct 01, 2003 · 2. Is Truth Objective or Subjective? The morality of mankind (choosing right from wrong), is based on the concept of our truth. When we examine the Holocaust and question the “wrongness” and the “rightness” of the event we are confronted with the basis for what makes wrong and what makes right.

Why do we need objective truth?

We need objective truth — God’s truth — to keep us from spiraling into total narcissistic self-absorption! We need God’s truth to keep things real.

What is moralistic therapeutic deism?

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism, writes Ford in another of his cool cartoons, “happens to be a preferred religion of Western culture, which usually (and tragically) goes by the name Christianity.”. In it, God is a cosmic therapist and divine butler.

What does Romans 8:1 mean?

Romans 8:1 : “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. ” There is a huge difference between the person who is apologetic about his sin and the person who is repentant about his sin. In the first, a person continues to sin, knowing God is gracious to forgive. In the second, a person refuses to continue in his or her sin because s/he wants to please Christ.

Is Jesus a religion?

Among those “powers,” they list religion. But Jesus isn’t “religion.”. Jesus is raw, real, authentic truth and love. He is our very needed savior. Our souls clamor for Him, even as we adamantly turn to other sources to fill our need for love, acceptance, control, and connection.

What were the causes of the post truth era?

Of course, the post-truth era has a host of other causes, many of which may well be more significant: the elimination of the fairness doctrine, the rise of 24-hour news, the internet, social media...

Who said science is the source of truth?

Richard Rorty once wrote that “the very idea of a ‘fact of the matter’ is one we would be better off without,” and that “science as the source of ‘truth’ [note the scare quotes!] is one of the Cartesian notions which will vanish” in the era he was calling for.

What is postmodernism characterized by?

Postmodernism is often characterized by its rejection of concepts championed by the Enlightenment, like meaning, truth, reason, and knowledge. Jacques Derrida was one of the most influential and also one of the most polarizing philosophers of the twentieth century.

Who said there is no sense in which any scientific descriptio is an accurate representation of the way the world is

And it’s also not true of Richard Rorty, who said that “there is no sense in which any [scientific] descriptio [n] is an accurate representation of the way the world is.”. ( As Bruno Latour pointed out, that kind of attitude is one that would make climate deniers very happy.)

Did Kurt Andersen say that postmodern ideas didn't stay locked in the ivory tower?

Kurt Andersen points out that postmodern ideas didn’t stay locked in the ivory tower but gradually circulated in the wider culture, convincing more and more people that each person has his or her own “truth,” and that it’s impolite (if not downright hegemonic) to say that someone is wrong.

Is the pursuit of truth intrinsically valuable?

The pursuit of truth is often thought to be "intrinsically" valuable. Scientists and philosophers, who eschew religious rationales for ... Tags. Postmodernism. Post-truth. Truth. Facts. Politics. Blog Archive.

Who is the right winger who drew on postmodernism?

For one thing, there are a few documented cases of right-wingers explicitly drawing on postmodernist theory. Take Vladislav Surkov, Kremlin ideologist. Or Phillip Johnson, one of the originators of the “intelligent design” idea.