who is responsible for writing the bible correspondence course at the church of christ

by Mr. Santa Hamill 8 min read

What is this Bible correspondence course?

Our 8 lesson, introductory Bible correspondence course by John M. Hurt will offer you a basic understanding of how the Bible is arranged, God's plan of salvation, how and why the Lord's Church was established, acceptable worship, and many other truths of the Bible. The lessons are FREE. Your address is outside the United States.

Why should I enroll in Bible correspondence?

Building our faith in God and His Word is vitally important, and enrolling in a simple Bible Correspondence Course is a great way to study the Bible by mail, at your own pace, and to learn the eternal truths that lead to an eternal home in heaven.

How much does it cost to take correspondence lessons?

The lessons are FREE. Your address is outside the United States. Correspondence courses are only available for those with mailing addresses in the United States. You are already taking this course with another church. Thank you!

What is the Bible and why study it?

The Bible is the book of books and has done more to change the course of human events than any book ever printed. This course takes the student from Genesis (creation) all the way to Malachi (Post-exile). The student is also introduced to the basic timeline of Old Testament history.

Who was responsible for writing the Bible?

For thousands of years, the prophet Moses was regarded as the sole author of the first five books of the Bible, known as the Pentateuch.

WHO publishes Bible studies?

ACADEMIC: Biblical Studies: Books: Bloomsbury Publishing (US)

Who wrote the letters to the churches in the Bible?

PaulPaul's Letters to the Churches (Romans, First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, First Thessalonians, and Second Thessalonians) were written by Paul over a period of fourteen years to seven churches scattered throughout Asia Minor, Greece, and Rome.

Who is responsible for writing the New Testament?

Traditionally, 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament were attributed to Paul the Apostle, who famously converted to Christianity after meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus and wrote a series of letters that helped spread the faith throughout the Mediterranean world.

What do you call someone who studies the Bible?

Theologian comes from theology, the study of God or religion, which has its root in the Greek word theologia, "an account of the gods." Definitions of theologian. someone who is learned in theology or who speculates about theology.

Who studied the Bible?

Exegetical study is used most often by pastors, theologians, writers, professors, and church leaders in order to prepare for sharing lessons with others.

Who wrote the letter to the seven churches in Revelation?

John of PatmosAccording to Revelation 1:11, on the Greek island of Patmos, Jesus Christ instructs John of Patmos to: "Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamum, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea." The churches in this context refers ...

Who was Paul and why did he write letters?

He writes letters as a mechanism for further instructing them in his understanding of the Christian message. You see it's Paul who starts the writing of the New Testament by writing letters to these fledgling congregations in the cities of the Greek East.

What books did the Apostle Paul write?

Pauline epistlesEpistle to the GalatiansOn the Epistle of Paul the A...The KJV 1st Corinthians: Super Lar...2018The Letter to Philemon ‑ The Holy B...The Travels of Macarius, Patriarch o...2013Paul the Apostle/Books

Which apostles wrote the Bible?

Most scholars agree that Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles. Nearly all the rest of the books in the New Testament are letters, or epistles. Paul wrote most of these, but also included are letters written by James, Peter, John, and Jude.

Why was Book of Enoch removed from the Bible?

I Enoch was at first accepted in the Christian Church but later excluded from the biblical canon. Its survival is due to the fascination of marginal and heretical Christian groups, such as the Manichaeans, with its syncretic blending of Iranian, Greek, Chaldean, and Egyptian elements.

Who wrote Matthew Mark Luke and John?

These books are called Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John because they were traditionally thought to have been written by Matthew, a disciple who was a tax collector; John, the "Beloved Disciple" mentioned in the Fourth Gospel; Mark, the secretary of the disciple Peter; and Luke, the traveling companion of Paul.

What is a Bible correspondence course?

This Bible correspondence course by John Hurt offers a personal touch. Eight lessons conducted by mail that give an overview of the Bible, acceptable worship, and what one must do to be a Christian. This is a excellent starting place for those who are just beginning to investigate the Bible.

What is the lesson on the roots of the Church?

This lesson covers the roots of the Church and how certain beliefs and creeds have served to confuse people about what the Church is and what it should be. This lesson also covers the basic concepts of "denominationalism" and how it has served as a tool for men to insert their own personal beliefs in the place of what the Bible says about particular spiritual doctrines.

What is the lesson in the New Testament?

This lesson describes the concepts of the New Testament Church. This lesson includes numerous Biblical example of how unity in the early Church was important. The lesson also covers the basic characteristics of the New Testament Church including how it was governed and its lack of human creeds.

What is the New Testament study?

The New Testament. This study begins with the second and final great division of the Bible, the New Testament. This study gracefully picks up after the first course and introduces the reader to the Gospels and the Epistles.

What is the Old Testament?

The Old Testament. With this lesson you are beginning a study of the greatest book ever to be delivered into human hands. The Bible is the book of books and has done more to change the course of human events than any book ever printed.

Need guidance in your at-home Bible study?

Our 8 lesson, introductory Bible correspondence course by John M. Hurt will offer you a basic understanding of how the Bible is arranged, God's plan of salvation, how and why the Lord's Church was established, acceptable worship, and many other truths of the Bible. The lessons are FREE.

Many Courses Available!

Sign up today to receive the first lesson in our introductory correspondence course. After completing this short 8 lesson course, we have a variety of intermediate and advanced courses avaiable.

What did Jesus teach his disciples?

Jesus taught his disciples how to pray. If our prayers are not according to the will of God, then, our prayers are not right. John says, "And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, he heareth us" ( 1 John 5:4 ).

What is a Bible teacher?

Bible teachers are here to assist you in answering Bible related questions. Each student is assigned a teacher upon the completion of the Introductory Course. Please wait for a teacher to contact you after completing the Introductory Lesson, and then proceed through the courses in order.

Why is it important to study the Bible?

A good study of God's Word is the most profitable study in a person's life. The more you study, the more you want to study. There are many good reasons for studying the Bible, God's Word, but here are just a few: 1 Spiritual life depends on the Bible. Matthew 4:4 says we live spiritually by the word of God. We don't have anyone else to go to for life when we turn from God. ( John 6:66-68 ). The soul that does not know the Bible is lost and headed for punishment. 2 A study of the Bible will reveal God's will for man. Christ became the author of salvation to everyone who believes and obeys Him ( Hebrews 5:8-9 ). It is by studying the Bible that we can learn what His will is for us. ( Ephesians 3:3, 4 ). 3 We need to study the Bible so that we will know how to pray. Jesus taught his disciples how to pray. If our prayers are not according to the will of God, then, our prayers are not right. John says, "And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, he heareth us" ( 1 John 5:4 ). 4 We must study the Bible to know what to do to be saved. ( 2 Timothy 3:15-17 ).

Why is it important to study God's Word?

A good study of God's Word is the most profitable study in a person's life. The more you study, the more you want to study. There are many good reasons for studying the Bible, God's Word, but here are just a few: Spiritual life depends on the Bible. Matthew 4:4 says we live spiritually by the word of God.

Where in the Bible does it say to study God's Word?

If you live in the Cary or Triangle area of North Carolina, we would like to get to know you in person.

What does the Bible say about turning from God?

We don't have anyone else to go to for life when we turn from God. ( John 6:66-68 ). The soul that does not know the Bible is lost and headed for punishment. A study of the Bible will reveal God's will for man. Christ became the author of salvation to everyone who believes and obeys Him ( Hebrews 5:8-9 ).

What does the Bible say about baptism?

Jesus taught that baptism is a part of the plan of salvation. (Mark 16:16)"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.". The Bible teaches that it takes the entire plan of salvation and obedience to all of the commands of Christ to save a sinner.

Who baptized the Ethiopian nobleman?

When Philip baptized the Ethiopian nobleman, they went down both the , both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. After the baptism, they both came up of the (Acts 8:38,39) Philip here baptized the eunuch as all other inspired men baptized, by burying him in water. 5.

Is the Bible dangerous?

It is a dangerous doctrine that teaches a man can be saved by doing only part of the things God requires, Not only dangerous, but false. Students do not be misled. The Bible is always right. In Luke 7:29-30, the Pharisees and Publicans rejected the counsel of God when they failed to be baptized.

What is the Floral Heights Bible Correspondence Course?

Your reading this lesson indicates a desire on your part to know the Lord and to have a hope of one day being in heaven. We hope that this series of Bible studies will help you in understanding the truths of God’s word. Please know that it is our desire to only speak the truth and nothing more (1 Peter 4:11). As you study, keep 2 Timothy 2:15 ever before you. The apostle Paul writes, "Study to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth." Never permit another man to present the Bible to you in ways that are not revealed within the pages of God's word (2 Peter 2:1-2). You have the personal responsibility to learn truth. I hope this study will produce the interest within you that motivates you to not only do these eight lessons but to go on to higher learning in truth.

How to translate the Bible to a modern language?

First, is to translate the Bible by means of the "Dynamic Equivalence" method. A Dynamic Equivalence text is formed by taking the original language such as Hebrew, Arabic, and Greek and translating the thought by paraphrasing the meaning rather than translating the exact words and meanings. Consider these Dynamic Equivalence texts:

What is the meaning of the word "canon"?

The word canon has a very interesting etymology. It was a word that originally "denoted a straight rod…of which the idea of straightness is manifest. Besides being straight, for other uses the canon had to be incapable of bending."4 The words "criterion" and "standard" were derivatives of canon. Little by little the word ‘canon’ came to be used as a standard, rule, or concrete thing. Eventually, the word came to be used to refer to the list of books regarded as authoritative or inspired. The Bible itself gives strong testimony to its function as a standard in passages such as Isaiah 28:17.

What language is used in the New Testament?

The language of the New Testament is Koine Greek (a commonly used language in the 4th to 6th century BC). The Greek language is a precise language. It is described by Britannica online as having a vocabulary of extraordinary richness, a syntax that is unmatched in other languages. A. T. Robertson said, "These old Greek words in the New Testament are rich with meaning. They speak to us out of the past and with lively images to those who have eyes to see."2 Due to its precise nature, it is no wonder that God, in his infinite wisdom, chose this language to construct His divine will to man. Overall, the Bible was composed over a period of about 1,500 years. The ravages of time, coupled with natural and unnatural disasters of fire and war took the original copies away forever. Though the pages of originals have decomposed with time, the words of our Lord will forever be indestructible. Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35).

What language is the Old Testament written in?

"Almost all of the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament are written in Hebrew. Hebrew is of a large family of languages known as Semitic, and is akin to such languages as Aramaic, Syriac, Akkadian (Assyrian-Babylonian) and Arabic."1 Many Hebrew Manuscripts (hand written copies or portions of text) have been discovered that prove the authenticity of today's Bible books. Attempts; However, to find original hand written Old Testament Hebrew documents will yield no results. The Hebrew manuscript discoveries that do exist do not date back as far as the New Testament Greek manuscripts. The scribes responsible for copying old and worn out manuscripts often destroyed the old and replaced them with newer ones. They did this because they appended a since of holiness to the paper that it was written on. There are three principle manuscripts of the Hebrew Old Testament:

What does the Bible say about inspiration?

The Psalmist said “By the word of Jehovah were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth” (Psalms 33:6). Notice that the "word of Jehovah" is equivalent to "the breath of his mouth." What that says is that God made known his will by spoken revelation (his breathing into) the apostles and prophets. The apostle Peter gives a commentary on the inspiration of the scriptures by saying "no prophecy ever came by the will of man: but men spake from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:21). The word "moved" (Greek phero) means "to produce, bring forward, cite... to bring one word, to tell, announce" (LS 858). The apostles and prophets were speaking the mind of God being told what to announce by the Holy Spirit. These divine words are what our Bibles are comprised of. Never did a prophet, apostle, or inspired person write their own ideas, opinions, or personal convictions (see Psalms 19:1-10; Galatians 1:11-12; Ephesians 3:2-5).

How many books are in the Bible?

The Bible (Greek; biblia) is a collection of sixty-six books of divine inspiration. The Bible is a timeless masterpiece that has been printed in 2,454 different languages. Skeptics, humanists and modernists dismiss the Bible’s contents as contributing to a "God intoxicated society" that "shackles the mind and enslaves the spirit." You will have to be the judge of that but never make your decisions based on what others have said. Test the book yourself and see that God's creation and revelation prove that he is the creator of heaven and earth (see Psalms 19:1-10).
