if you were to create a course what would it be

by Jennings Kassulke 7 min read

1) You Create A Valuable Asset An online course is something you can sell over and over again, without the time limitations of a regular job. Creating a course makes ‘passive income’ a reality, and breaks the link between the number of hours you work and the amount of money you earn.

Full Answer

How to create an online course for free?

Because I need a job and could be the professor. Teach us your ways! I'd create a college course in sucking dick, so then at least all the prostitutes can say they're educated :D. not for nuthin, but most hoes really don't know how to suck a dick well. IME, 75% of all women have deficient knowledge in this area.

Should you create one course per topic?

May 19, 2020 · Step-by-step Guide on How to Create a Udemy Course. Step 1: Choosing What your Udemy Course will be About. Step 2: Setting Up the Groundwork. Step 3: Filming your Course. Step 4: Polishing your Course. Step 5: Uploading your videos to Udemy. Step 6: Creating your Course Landing Page. Step 7: Submit for Review.

Is it worth making a course once?

Sep 18, 2019 · Here are concrete steps you can take to start planning a brand-new course you have never taught before: 1. Gather three previous course syllabi. Get a sense of the course goals, major assignments, and ideally a course schedule. Read and study them to get a sense of the course, but no need to understand every detail.

How do I choose a course?

level 1. · 9 yr. ago. The past 40 years of history and current world events. In history class we stopped after 1960. We should be taught more about recent history in order to understand how it shaped the political climate today. Also once a week have a "current events" part of class where you go over present day world news. level 2. · 9 yr. ago.

What do you use to create a course?

Part of a video titled How to Create an Online Course Step by Step - YouTube
You can use a site like canva. You can use a site like slides carnival to you know find free.MoreYou can use a site like canva. You can use a site like slides carnival to you know find free.

What makes a course the best?

A good online course is engaging and challenging. It invites students to participate, motivates them to contribute and captures their interest and attention. It capitalizes on the joy of learning and challenges students to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge. A good online course is cognitively challenging.Jun 10, 2020

How do you create a training course?

How to Create Online Training Courses in 5 Incredibly Easy Steps
  1. Step 1: Define Your Online Training Goals and Learner Persona. ...
  2. Step 2: Create an Outline for Your Online Training. ...
  3. Step 3: Build the Content for the Online Training Courses. ...
  4. Step 4: Engage Your Learners. ...
  5. Step 5: Measure Meaningful Engagement Metrics.

What is your main reason in choosing your course?

Focus on positive reasons

Emphasize that you were the one who made the final decision to enroll in the course. While you may discuss others advised you on the choice, your answer showcases your decision-making skills. Try to avoid mentioning that you enrolled in the course because of potential financial benefits.
Apr 27, 2022

How do you create and sell a course?

Share this article
  1. Pick the perfect course topic.
  2. Ensure your course idea has high market demand.
  3. Create Magnetic and Compelling Learning Outcomes.
  4. Select and Gather your Course Content.
  5. Structure Your Modules and Course Plan.
  6. Determine the most engaging and effective delivery methods for each lesson.
Sep 1, 2021

How do you create a course module?

How to create the best training modules
  1. Step 1: Establish your training objectives. ...
  2. Step 2: Define your audience. ...
  3. Step 3: Decide on the right content format. ...
  4. Step 4: Create your training module template. ...
  5. Step 5: Test and test again. ...
  6. Step 6: Upload and launch your training module.
Aug 2, 2021

How do you create a learning module?

Modular Course Design
  1. Identify key topic areas. Each module should point to important categories of content or conceptual pieces in your course that help guide students to recognize the big ideas. ...
  2. Label your modules clearly and consistently. ...
  3. Create modules of consistent structure.
Aug 16, 2017

How do I create a PDF course?

How to create an online course PDF checklist
  1. Open up your free (or paid) Canva account.
  2. Type “checklist” in the search bar.
  3. Select your favourite layout.
  4. Adjust colours to your brand colours.
  5. Adjust fonts to your brand fonts.
  6. Insert your content.
  7. Click download as PDF.
  8. Upload PDF to your online school.


As you may already know, I’m pretty big on online courses. I started my first online course in 2001 and transitioned it to online around 2004. Over all the time I’ve run that online course, I’ve helped thousands of people reach their goal of passing an exam so that’s a pretty successful course.

Further Benefits of Offering Online Courses

Online courses fit under the category of info products (or at least that’s what we used to call them before watching videos online was even possible). Back then, you could choose from ebooks, big-box items, or live seminars.


In this first section, you’re going to conduct some market research to help you with your course topic. You’ll do it from the perspective of finding the unique angle for your online course in the marketplace.


First, you need your online course idea. Then you need to validate it as best you can.

Format of Course

The next step is to figure out the format of your online course. If you spent the time researching your competition, then this will be easier to do. There are three ways to go about this.


When it comes to your medium you want to be clear on how your online course materials will be delivered. Here are some questions to ask yourself:


You may already know enough about the topic for your online course that you don’t need to do any research. If so, then that’s great. But after reviewing the boundaries of your course, you may find that you have gaps you need to fill. You may need to research specific topics.

What is the most important part of creating an online course?

One of the most important components of creating an online course is setting a learning goal for the course . However, there’s more to it. Every online course consists of various sections, and each individual section also needs to have a clear learning goal.

How to make an online course more engaging?

An easy way to make online courses more engaging is to stimulate the student visually. This means pictures and videos. The simplest method of using picture and videos in an online course would be constructing your online class more like a PowerPoint presentation:

What is the target audience of an online course?

The target audience is the group of people to whom you are writing your course.

How to write a course outline?

Write Your Course Outline 1 ​Write out all the steps your students need to take to get from start to finish 2 Break those ​steps down into bite-sized lessons and modules 3 Aim for video lessons of 5-10 minutes each to keep your students engaged 4 Add any additional resources or downloadable sheets that help support your core lessons

What is the most important thing to have when creating an online course?

Perhaps the most important thing to have when creating an online course is some skill or knowledge that you can share with the world.#N# ​It could be literally anything - computer programming, painting, dog training, personal fitness, cooking, or any number of other skills.

What platforms do you use to promote a course?

That means using various platforms at your disposal like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and others .

Is Facebook advertising cost effective?

Paying for advertising, like Facebook ads, can be a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your course sales page, and it's a lot less work than free methods like constantly posting on social media or writing new blog posts.

How to make a Udemy course?

Step-by-step Guide on How to Create a Udemy Course. Step 1: Choosing What your Udemy Course will be About. Step 2: Setting Up the Groundwork. Step 3: Filming your Course. Step 4: Polishing your Course. Step 5: Uploading your videos to Udemy. Step 6: Creating your Course Landing Page. Step 7: Submit for Review.

How to make a video on Udemy?

To upload your videos: 1 Visit Udemy and sign up for a free account. 2 Once you’ve signed up and logged in to your profile, click on Teach on Udemy. 3 On the next page, select Become an Instructor. Answer the questions that follow, clicking Continue each time. 4 On the next page, hit Create Your Course and fill out the subsequent forms accordingly, answering basic questions about your course. 5 Just after you’ve added your title—which can be changed later—you’ll be taken to a new page where you can upload your videos. Feel free to jump right to Create Your Content. 6 Hit Curriculum to upload section by section, or hit Udemy’s Bulk Uploader to upload your videos at once. You can also upload resource materials for each section here.

What is the best video quality for Udemy?

But, if you can invest in a proper camera, that’d be great. Generally, Udemy prefers a video quality of at least 720p HD.

Can you upload videos on Udemy?

You can upload your video as soon as you edit each section, or you can just use Udemy’s powerful bulk uploader to get everything up at a go. Udemy’s bulk uploader is relatively easy to use. You just have to take a little time to understand the environment.

Why is landing page important on Udemy?

This is because this is where your potential students get to decide whether your course is worth their time and money or not.

Can you film in daylight?

You can film in bright daylight, or you can invest in good lighting equipment. Just make sure there are a few shadows as possible, and your face is clear enough. For filming, if you have an iPhone, you can shoot great videos with its camera. But, if you can invest in a proper camera, that’d be great.

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