who course syllabus on reproductive health for postgraduate

by Bria Armstrong 10 min read

What is the postgraduate program in sexual and reproductive health?

The Postgraduate Program in Sexual and Reproductive Health is designed to provide the maximum professional relevance, flexibility and choice. Who is this pathway suitable for?

What can I do with a degree in reproductive health and fertility?

This pathway is suitable for professionals working in medical, nursing, or assisted reproduction and fertility services, family planning and other health discipline graduates interested in pursuing a career in reproductive health and fertility. The course information on this website applies only to future students.

What is the sexual and reproductive health theory programme?

Combining theory and practice placements, this programme offers registered nurses and midwives the opportunity to study sexual and reproductive health theory and apply new knowledge and skills to clinical practice.

What can I do with an MSc in Reproductive Science?

The department also offers a taught MSc course which prepares students for active employment within the clinical embryology/artificial reproductive technology (ART) sector and/or a research career in reproductive science.

What is the field of reproductive health and rights?

An overview of the field of reproductive health and rights illustrates how recently women's health and sexual rights have been recognized as worth studying or including on international policy agendas. During the 1970s, reproductive health issues were part of discussions of population control in the context economic development.

When did the UN start recognizing reproductive rights?

The idea of reproductive rights was further refined in Beijing at the fourth United Nations Conference on Women in 1995. The Beijing document confirmed women's equal rights in sexual relationships. This was the first instance in a UN document to mention women as sexual as well as reproductive beings. Now our discussions of women's health include ...

When did the term "reproductive rights" start?

The term reproductive rights was not commonly used until the late 1980s. A crucial moment in the shift from a development approach to a human rights approach happened at the United Nations Conference on Population and Development, held in Cairo in 1994.

What is the coursera course?

This course focuses on women’s health and human rights issues from infancy through old age, including information about positive interventions relating to those issues. Learners are encouraged to interact with each other through interactive discussions. It is important to us that this course be available to all learners. We encourage you to apply for Coursera's financial aid (see link to left) if the cost of the course certificate is difficult for you to afford. Please note that you may view all materials in this course, and participate in it, without purchasing a certificate. The course was co-created by Consulting Professor Anne Firth Murray and Kevin Hsu. Anne Firth Murray is the Content Director of the course; Kevin Hsu is the Design Director of the course.


The care of patients and families across the life span with needs related to human sexuality, childbearing, congenital anomalies, genetic disorders and male/female reproductive disorders is the focus of this content.

Course Policies

Late Submission of Quizzes/Exams: A student who submits a quiz/exam after the designated due date/time and has not received prior approval from the faculty for a late submission will be awarded a zero (0) for the quiz/exam.

Institutional Policies

Weekly course participation is required. Please see the Student Participation Policy for more details.

Specific entry requirements

A Bachelor's degree or a professional degree equivalent to a Swedish Bachelor's degree of at least 180 credits in healthcare, medicine, public health science or other relevant social sciences subject area.

Teaching methods

Lectures and problem based seminars comprise the major pedagogy, which will incorporate strong student interaction. Students are expected to attend lectures and participate in seminars actively.


A final exam will be comprised of an individual paper with a relevant topic based on a literature review and presented in a final seminar for course colleagues and faculty. Compulsory attendance: A minimum of 80 % of attendance is required for pass.

Transitional provisions

The course has been cancelled and was offered for the last time in the spring semester of 2012. Examination will be provided until the spring of 2018 for students who have not completed the course.


Combining theory and practice placements, this programme offers registered nurses and midwives the opportunity to study sexual and reproductive health theory and apply new knowledge and skills to clinical practice.

Part-Time, 6 months started Sep 2021

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What is the Nuffield Department of Women's and Reproductive Health?

The Nuffield Department of Women's & Reproductive Health is one of the largest academic and clinical departments in the world in its field, encompassing multi-disciplinary research across the full spectrum of women’s health.

What is the basis of a department's research programme?

The basis of the department’s research programmes are laboratory or clinical projects in which you carry out independent research in your chosen area, as agreed with your supervisor.

What is a postgraduate program in sexual and reproductive health?

The Postgraduate Program in Sexual and Reproductive Health provides a diverse and inter-professional curriculum suitable for Australian and international students interested in the range of disciplines related to HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), Sexual and Reproductive Health. The Postgraduate Program in Sexual and Reproductive Health is designed to provide the maximum professional relevance, flexibility and choice.

What is the reproductive path?

The Reproductive Health and Fertility Pathway provides advanced education in reproductive health and fertility issues with a focus on clinical, diagnostic, public health, and social aspects. Students will explore fertility control across the reproductive lifespan, unintended pregnancies, access to sexual and reproductive health services, maternal mortality, sexual violence, sexual and reproductive rights and preconception care and health. This stream will also cover reproductive endocrinology including an understanding of the reproductive cycle, gamete approximation and fertilisation biology; ovarian function, oogenesis and ovulation; testicular function, spermatogenesis. It will cover infertility including causes, risk factors and investigation of male and female infertility and provide an understanding of ovulation induction reproductive technologies and assisted conception. Students also have opportunities to choose elective units of study from a variety of related areas such as psychosexual therapy, HIV and STIs, and Public Health.
