which type of stream load is characterized by saltation? course hero

by Waylon O'Reilly 6 min read

Fine grained particles and dissolved components are carried in suspension (called the suspended load). With increasing turbulence, the suspended load increases. Particles that are to heavy to be carried in suspension roll, bounce, and hop along the stream bed; this process is called saltation. Additionally, what is the load of a stream?

Full Answer

Which type of stream load is characterized by saltation?

Sediment load is the solid material carried by water and transported through saltation (bouncing), traction (rolling and dragging) and suspension (carrying in water). E, The following are modes of sediment transport in a stream.

What are the types of load carried by a stream?

The total load (quantity of sediment) of a stream can be described as consisting of three components: the bed load - materials bounced along the stream bottom. the suspended load - material carried in suspension in the stream water. the dissolved load - material carried as dissolved solids in the stream water.

What is dissolved stream load?

Dissolved load is the portion of a stream's total sediment load that is carried in solution, especially ions from chemical weathering. It is a major contributor to the total amount of material removed from a river's drainage basin, along with suspended load and bed load.

What are the three types of sediment load?

There are 3 types of sediment load in the river: dissolved, suspended, and bed load. The dissolved load is made up of the solutes that are generally derived from chemical weathering of bedrock and soils. Fine sands, clay, and silt are typically transported as suspended load.

What is saltation load?

The part of the bed load that is bouncing along the stream bed or is moved, directly or indirectly, by the impact of bouncing particles.

What is the process of saltation?

SALTATION: Movement of particles by a series of short bounces along the surface of the ground, and dislodging additional particles with each impact. The bouncing particles ranging in size from 0.1 to 0.5 mm usually remain within 30 cm of the surface.

Which is a characteristic of a rejuvenated stream?

Characteristics of a rejuvenated river include water that flows rapidly with sloping sides that create steep cuts on the valley floor.

What type of stream load is gravel?

Bed load rolls slowly along the floor of the stream. These include the largest and heaviest materials in the stream, ranging from sand and gravel to cobbles and boulders.

What are the characteristics of a meandering stream?

A meandering stream has a single channel that winds snakelike through its valley, so that the distance 'as the stream flows' is greater than 'as the crow flies. ' As water flows around these curves, the outer edge of water is moving faster than the inner.

What is the bed load of a stream?

2.1. Bedload consists of coarse particles, usually sand, gravel or coarser particles which roll, slide or saltate on or close to the riverbed. Bedload occurs mainly during high flow periods, when the exerted forces on the riverbed exceed the critical shear stress for incipient motion of the bed material.

What is a stream load quizlet?

Stream load. All the materials that are transported in a stream. Dissolved load.

How many types of sediment loads are there?

three categoriesWhen particles are eroded and transported by wind, water, or ice, they become part of the transport medium's sediment load. There are three categories of load that may be transported by an erosional agent: dissolved load, suspended load, and bedload.