which temperature is friendly to bacteria, viruses, molds and parasites alison course

by Wanda Kulas DVM 3 min read

What temperature kills bacteria in food?

The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that bacteria are rapidly killed at temperatures above 149°F (65°C). This temperature is below that of boiling water or even a simmer.

What is the maximum temperature at which Enterobacter infections can grow?

This bacteria grows between 40-140˚F. This means that they grow quickly at room temperature, but they cannot grow at refrigerator temperatures. Prevention: Keep food refrigerated to prevent the bacteria from growing.

What are some examples of food temperature guidelines?

Some examples include: Pathogenic bacteria grow quickly in food at temperatures between 40 to 140°F (5 to 60°C). In order to kill these bacteria, it’s important to cook all foods to a safe internal temperature. The CDC lists the following temperature guidelines for several common types of food:

What kills bacteria in water without a heat source?

If you don’t have ready access to a heat source, there are other things that you can do to kill bacteria in water. For example, you can use household bleach to disinfect water by following these steps: Select a regular, unscented chlorine bleach that’s less than 1 year old.

What temperatures are friendly to bacteria viruses molds and parasites?

Microorganisms have different acidity (pH), temperature, and oxygen requirements for optimal growth. Bacteria need time to grow and they grow rapidly between 41°F and 140°F. Bacterial growth is slowed at temperatures below 41°F and limited at temperatures above 140°F.

Can pathogenic bacteria survive any degree of heat?

Hot hold units are meant to keep hot foods at 60°C (140°F) or hotter. At or above this temperature, pathogens will not grow.

What are the six 6 conditions in which bacteria can sustain growth?

FATTOM is an acronym used to describe the conditions necessary for bacterial growth: Food, acidity, time, temperature, oxygen, and moisture. Foods provide a perfect environment for bacterial growth, due to their provision of nutrients, energy, and other components needed by the bacteria.

Why are Moulds and viruses a food safety concern?

Moulds tend to like moist and warm conditions, the optimum temperature being about 30°C. They're not tolerant to hot conditions, so cooking and baking kill off the mould spores. This means that foods such as bread, which are susceptible to mould growth are contaminated after baking.

What temp kills all bacteria?

Bacteria multiply rapidly between 40 and 140 degrees. Bacteria will not multiply but may start to die between 140 and 165 degrees. Bacteria will die at temperatures above 212 degrees. 2.3: How to Take Food Temperatures Know how to get an accurate reading with your thermometer!

Which temperature range is best for the growth of bacteria?

between 41 and 135 degrees FSome bacteria thrive in extreme heat or cold, while others can survive under highly acidic or extremely salty conditions. Most bacteria that cause disease grow fastest in the temperature range between 41 and 135 degrees F, which is known as THE DANGER ZONE.

What is temperature danger zone?

between 40 °F and 140 °FBacteria grow most rapidly in the range of temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F, doubling in number in as little as 20 minutes. This range of temperatures is often called the "Danger Zone." Never leave food out of refrigeration over 2 hours.

Why does bacteria grow better in warm temperatures?

At lower temperatures molecules move slower, enzymes cannot mediate in chemical reactions, and eventually the viscosity of the cell interior brings all activity to a halt. As the temperature increases, molecules move faster, enzymes speed up metabolism and cells rapidly increase in size.

How does temperature affect bacterial growth?

In general, the higher the temperature, the more easily microorganisms can grow up to a certain point. Very high and low temperatures both obstruct the enzyme processes microorganisms depend on to survive.

Is mold bacteria or virus?

This versatile and diverse mold species is often misclassified as a bacteria, however, ultimately mold is a fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae.

What temperature should food reach when cooking?

Food should be cooked thoroughly to kill food poisoning bacteria. The core temperature should reach 75°C instantaneously or equivalent, e.g. 70°C for two minutes. The core is taken as the centre or thickest part of the food.

Can bacteria grow in a freezer?

Temperature control and cleanliness are critical in keeping Listeria under control in your kitchen. The bacteria Listeria has been in the news a lot lately, linked to ice cream, frozen vegetables and fruit. Unlike most bacteria, Listeria can grow and multiply in your freezer and refrigerator.

Which bacteria cause the most illnesses, hospitalizations, or deaths in the United States?

The bacteria and viruses that cause the most illnesses, hospitalizations, or deaths in the United States are described below and include: Campylobacter. Clostridium perfringens. E. coli.

What temperature should ground beef be?

Use a food thermometer to make sure that ground beef has reached a safe internal temperature of 160° F. Wash hands before, during, and after preparing food, after diapering infants, and after contact with cows, sheep, or goats, their food or treats, or their living environment.

What are some sources of contaminated food?

Sources. Contaminated food, especially undercooked ground beef, unpasteurized (raw) milk and juice, soft cheeses made from raw milk, and raw fruits and vegetables (such as lettuce, other leafy greens, and sprouts). Contaminated water, including drinking untreated water and swimming in contaminated water.

How long does it take for a shellfish to incubate?

Incubation period. 28 days average (ranges from 15 to 50 days) Symptoms.

What to do if you have Bacillus cereus?

A variety of foods, particularly rice and leftovers, as well as sauces, soups, and other prepared foods that have sat out too long at room temperature. Drink plenty of fluids and get rest. If you cannot drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration , call your doctor.

How long can you keep food hot?

If you cannot drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration, call your doctor. Prevention. If food is to be stored longer than two hours, keep hot foods hot (over 140°F) and cold foods cold (40°F or under) Store cooked food in a wide, shallow container and refrigerate as soon as possible.

What are the most common causes of food poisoning?

Bacteria and Viruses. Bacteria and viruses are the most common cause of food poisoning. The symptoms and severity of food poisoning vary, depending on which bacteria or virus has contaminated the food. To prevent illness, always follow the food safety steps: clean, separate, cook, and chill.

What is temperature control?

Temperature control for food handlers is a fundamental principle of food safety. It refers to ensuring you control the temperature of all food you will be serving to ensure it’s safe for consumption. Failure to do so can result in foodborne illness outbreaks, lawsuits, fines, and poor inspection ratings. There is no way to eliminate bacteria in ...

How can foodborne illnesses be prevented?

According to the USDA, most foodborne illness cases could be prevented with proper cooking and food processing. Learning something as simple yet as crucial as temperature control could end up being a life-saving measure.

How long does it take for food to double in temperature?

Within this temperature range, pathogens in your food double every 20 minutes. Within just four hours of food being in that danger zone, there is a high chance of illness. Move your foods through the temperature zone quickly to reach optimal temperatures. Store cold foods below 41°F and hot foods above 135°F.

Can bacteria be eliminated in food?

There is no way to eliminate bacteria in a food preparation environment and in the food itself. Still, being aware of high-risk food groups and their appropriate storage temperatures can mean you’re able to reduce just how much bacteria there is.


Dangers: ​Salmonella is one of the most common causes of food poisoning in the United States. Usually, symptoms last 4-7 days and most people get better without treatment. Some symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, and chills.


What: Noroviruses ​ Where: Raw fruits and vegetables, contaminated water, other people can spread the virus Dangers: Noroviruses are the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis (infection and inflammation of the stomach and intestines) in the United States.

Which type of bacteria requires very high numbers of colonies to be consumed to be able to cause illness?

These also require very high numbers of colonies to be consumed to be able to cause illness. 2. Pathogenic Bacteria. These types of bacteria involved with food, need very small amounts of bacterial colonies to be able to make you sick. These are the bacteria that we are most concerned with, as you cannot see it taste it or smell these bacteria.

Why is S. aureus used as an indicator organism in food safety and hygiene?

Can you guess why S.aureus is used as an indicator organism in food safety and hygiene? Because S.aureus occurs in the nasal passages and on the skin, those that are natural carriers (10 to 15% of the world’s population) require antibiotic treatment to keep this bacteria at below infection levels.

What are the two types of bacteria that are involved in food?

There are two different types of bacteria involved with food. The first types of bacteria involved with food are known as food spoilage bacteria and the second is known as food poisoning or pathogenic bacteria. 1.

Where does E. coli come from?

E.coli originates from our gut as well as in other mammals such as cattle.

Why is hand washing important in food safety?

This is so that those that work with food, do not cause further infection. Of course, hand-washing and preventing the touching of the nose are key areas in preventing contamination of food. Finding this bacteria in food and/or on hands of food handlers tells us that there’s been some break in the food safety pillars.

Is Staphylococcus aureus gram positive?

Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) S.aureus is a gram-positive bacteria that occurs naturally on the skin and nasal passages of humans. Usually, this bacterium is harmless in small numbers but, can cause skin infections if numbers get too high.

Is E. coli a bacterium?

These cause hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and can be severe. In general, E.coli is a bacterium that should be avoided. E.coli mostly occurs in our gut and is present in raw meats. This bacteria becomes an indicator of unhygienic practices that may have taken place.

What are the most common foodborne parasites?

In the United States, the most common foodborne parasites are protozoa, roundworms, and tapeworms. Molds, Toxins, and Contaminants: Most food poisoning is caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites rather than toxic substances in the food. But some cases of food poisoning can be linked to either natural toxins or added chemical toxins.

What age group is most susceptible to foodborne illness?

These groups include: Pregnant women. Children younger than 5 years. Adults age 65 and older.

What is an allergy to food?

Allergens: Food allergy is an abnormal response to a food triggered by your body's immune system. Some foods, such as nuts, milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat or soybeans, can cause allergic reactions in people with food allergies.

What causes food poisoning?

Causes of Food Poisoning 1 Bacteria and Viruses: Bacteria and viruses are the most common cause of food poisoning. The symptoms and severity of food poisoning vary, depending on which bacteria or virus has contaminated the food. 2 Parasites: Parasites are organisms that derive nourishment and protection from other living organisms known as hosts. In the United States, the most common foodborne parasites are protozoa, roundworms, and tapeworms. 3 Molds, Toxins, and Contaminants: Most food poisoning is caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites rather than toxic substances in the food. But some cases of food poisoning can be linked to either natural toxins or added chemical toxins. 4 Allergens: Food allergy is an abnormal response to a food triggered by your body's immune system. Some foods, such as nuts, milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat or soybeans, can cause allergic reactions in people with food allergies.

How do protozoans live?

Protozoans often spend part of their life cycles outside of humans or other hosts, living in food, soil, water or insects. Some protozoans invade your body through the food you eat or the water you drink. Others, such as malaria, are spread by mosquitoes.

Why are germs difficult enemies?

However, some germs are difficult enemies because they're constantly mutating to breach your immune system's defenses. Knowing how germs work can increase your chances of avoiding infection.

What are the different types of infectious agents?

Types of infectious agents. Infectious agents come in many shapes and sizes. Bacteria and protozo ans are microscopic one-celled organisms, while viruses are even smaller. Fungi grow like plants, and helminths resemble worms. Infectious agents come in many shapes and sizes. Categories include:

What is the function of Lactobacillus acidophilus?

For instance, Lactobacillus acidophilus — a harmless bacterium that resides in your intestines — helps you digest food, destroys some disease-causing organisms and provides nutrients. Many disease-causing bacteria produce toxins — powerful chemicals that damage cells and make you ill.

What is the difference between disease and infection?

There's a difference between infection and disease. Infection, often the first step, occurs when bacteria, viruses or other microbes that cause disease enter your body and begin to multiply. Disease occurs when the cells in your body are damaged — as a result of the infection — and signs and symptoms of an illness appear.

How to protect yourself from germs?

Hand-washing. Often overlooked, hand-washing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect yourself from germs and most infections. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing or eating food, after coughing or sneezing, after changing a diaper, and after using the toilet.

What is the immune system response to an infection?

In response to infection, your immune system springs into action. An army of white blood cells, antibodies and other mechanisms goes to work to rid your body of whatever is causing the infection. For instance, in fighting off the common cold, your body might react with fever, coughing and sneezing.