which program is used to configure ipsec between two computers? course hero

by Lewis Flatley 5 min read

What is IPsec flashcards | Quizlet?

IPSec Flashcards | Quizlet Encrypts network traffic to prevent unauthorised access to data. Operates at the network layer of the OSI model. Packets are encrypted using keys shared by… Home Subjects Explanations Create Study sets, textbooks, questions Log in Sign up Upgrade to remove ads Only $35.99/year Science Computer Science Computer Networks

How does the Microsoft operating system implement IPsec?

There are many applications which will implement authentication and encryption of network traffic through a separate third party program. However, the Microsoft operating system can also implement this natively through the configuration of IPSEC. In this article we will look at what IPSEC is and a simple example of implementation. What is IPSEC?

What are the two important protocols for the IPsec protocol suite?

Two important protocols for the IPSec protocol suite Authentication (AH) protocol and Encapsulating Security payload (ESP) protocol Purpose of Authentication Header (AH) protocol

Which layer of the OSI model does IPsec exist at?

The layer IPSec exists at in the OSI model Network layer of the OSI model. The reason why IPSec is transparent at the transport, session, presentation and application layers of the OSI IPSec exists at the network layer of the OSI model. IPSec peer authentication

Which nodes are aware of IPSEC?

The only nodes aware of the presence of IPSec are the sender and the receiver, intermediate routers are not aware.

Why is IPSec transparent?

The reason why IPSec is transparent at the transport, session, presentation and application layers of the OSI. IPSec exists at the network layer of the OSI model. IPSec peer authentication. Verification of the identity of a peer computer using preshared keys, public keys, or kerberos protocol with active directory.

What is a one way cryptographic algorithm?

A one way cryptographic algorithm that takes an input message of arbitrary length to produce a fixed length digest and uses a secret key.

What does a cryption do?

It encrypts the contents of IP packets.

What is peer verification?

Verification of the identity of a peer computer using preshared keys, public keys, or kerberos protocol with active directory.

What is someone sitting between two computers?

Someone sits between two computers, actively monitoring, capturing and controlling the data transparently.

Does AH encrypt data?

No, the AH protocol does not encrypt the data.