which older adult is least likely to say, “i love being old”? course hero

by Miss Katarina Cruickshank DDS 3 min read

Is old age the best time of life?

Laura Carstensen's belief that old age is the best time of life applies BEST to: healthy, active, elderly people According to the text, the following is the LEAST effective strategy for being fulfilled in old age. spend as much time possible thinking about the past

What is the difference between the older adult and the young?

A) The older adult is "mentally declining"; the young person has too much on his or her mind. B) Both adults are mentally declining. C) Both adults have too much on their mind.

Why is it so difficult to convince an elderly person to drive?

people over age 75 Generalizing from the text, when family members want to convince an elderly loved one to give up driving: it's difficult because older people do not want to lose their indedepence

Does every culture look down on people who have old age?

A) "Wrong! Every culture looks down on people who have the frailties of old age." B) "Wrong! Every culture looks down on people once they reach a certain age."