Examples of convergent evolution include the relationship between bat and insect wings, shark and dolphin bodies, and vertebrate and cephalopod eyes. Analogous structures arise from convergent evolution, but homologous structures do not.
Convergent evolution in humans includes blue eye colour and light skin colour. When humans migrated out of Africa, they moved to more northern latitudes with less intense sunlight. It was beneficial to them to reduce their skin pigmentation.
Which one of the following statements best describes this concept? Convergent evolution occurs when two species living in different areas evolve similarities through natural selection acting on those characteristics.
In evolutionary biology, convergent evolution is defined as the process whereby distantly related organisms independently evolve similar traits to adapt to similar necessities.
Convergent evolution is responsible for generating similar traits in unrelated organisms, such as wings that allow flight in birds and bats. In plants, one of the most prominent examples of convergence is that of caffeine production, which has independently evolved in numerous species.
Convergent Evolution. The process whereby organisms not closely related, independently evolve similar traits as a result of having to adapt to similar environments or ecological niches.
Q. What is a Convergent Evolution? When two closely related species lead to separation. When organisms that aren't related evolve similar traits as a result of having to adapt to a similar environment.
We know that dolphins and sharks are not closely related, and they didn't inherit their similar body shapes from a common ancestor. Their streamlined bodies, dorsal fins and flippers are the result of convergent evolution.
Which of the following is true about convergent evolution? May produce similar structures in response to similar environments. Produces similar forms that lack deep genetic, developmental, and structural similarities. Camera eyes in octopus and ray-finned fish are convergent evolutionary traits.
Convergent Evolution: Ostriches, rheas, and emus are examples of convergent evolution. Divergent Evolution: Dinosaurs, Darwin's finches, and forelimb structures of vertebrates are examples of divergent evolution.
Convergent vs Divergent Evolution Convergent evolution is when two species with different ancestral origins develop similar characteristics, while divergent evolution refers to when two species diverge from a common ancestor and develop different characteristics.
Galapagos finches are an example of divergent evolution. Through time, the species evolved morphologically different traits. A prototype example of divergent evolution is Galapagos finches. Charles Darwin's Beagle voyage led him to conclude that the finches diverged from their descendant species.