which of the following would be the result of a mutation that inactivates cyclin-e? course hero

by Dr. Ursula Stehr 6 min read

What can result from mechanisms other than mutation?

A. Mutation that prevents the production of cyclin D1. B. Mutation that increases the amount of cyclin dependent kinases (Cdk4s) in cell. C. Mutations that prevents the retinoblastoma protein (pRB) from binding to E2F transcription factor. D. Mutation that produces cyclin dependent kinases that are permanently active, regardless of cyclin levels.

What is the function of the p53 protein Quizlet?

Practice midterm for midterm 2 3/9/12 B. Cyclin D phosphorylates Rb C. The origin of replication moves across the cell on an actin homolog D. MreB causes the cell to form a spherical shape E. Cyclin E phosphorylates E2F 25. p53 has two functions in response to DNA damage. What statement below best describes how p53 functions? A. p53 is a transcription factor that turns …

What are mutated versions of a gene that occur in healthy individuals?

Apr 08, 2021 · D ) As cells become more numerous , more and more of them enter the S phase of the cell cycle . E ) As cells become more numerous , the level of waste products increases , eventually slowing down metabolism . 16 ) A mutation results in a cell that no longer produces a normal protein kinase for the M phase checkpoint .

What happens to protein a and B during cell cycle?

Which of the following mutations have the potential to cause cancer? a. gain-of-function mutation in a tumor suppressor gene. b. loss-of-function mutation in a tumor suppresor gene. c. gain-of-function mutation in a proto-oncogene. d. loss-of-function mutation in a proto-oncogene.

What happens when a gene is mutated?

either type of gene encodes a protein with a kinase domain. both types are involved in DNA replication. when either type of gene is mutated, cancer can result. viruses can carry either type of gene, causing cancer in infected cells.

What happens to chromosomes during mitosis?

Exposure to chemicals that block activity of a tumor-suppressor protein. Chromosomes could become lost from cells during mitosis. Methylation of promoter DNA could block expression of a tumor-suppressor gene. Chromosomes could be lost during meiosis.

What is an oncogene?

Formation of an oncogene due to a viral infection. A gene encodes a protein that normally functions in promoting the programmed cell death of blood cells that have accumulated damage to DNA. A mutation in this gene can result in leukemia (cancer of the blood). This gene is an example of a/an.

How does UV light damage DNA?

UV light damages DNA by causing. -covalent bonds to form between two -cytosines next to each other on the same DNA strand. -covalent bonds to form between thymine nucleotides next to each other on the same DNA strand. -covalent bonds to form between two thymine nucleotides on opposing DNA strands. In light repair.

What is the role of p53 in cancer?

Mutations in the gene that codes for the protein p53 have been implicated in many types of cancer. The p53 protein has a diverse regulatory role , including stopping the cell type at G1/S checkpoint when there is damaged DNA, inducing NER mechanisms, and initiating apoptosis.

What is an example of a/an?

A virus could insert DNA in a promoter of a proto-oncogene, causing the resulting oncogene to become overexpressed. The Ras protein normally regulates cell growth. A mutation that occurs in the gene encoding Ras can cause Ras to become overactive, which results in cancer. This means that Ras is an example of a/an.
