which of the following statements best reflects the principle of behavioral consistency course hero

by Frida Breitenberg 4 min read

What percentage of positivity is malleable?

40% of positivity is malleable and open to development.

Can an analyst rely on workers' ability to recall relevant job details?

The analyst need not rely on workers' ability to recall relevant job details.

Is Robyn requiring applicants to know specific software programs useful?

Robyn knows that requiring applicants to know specific software programs is not very useful, since many become obsolete over time.

Why is behavioral consistency important?

Behavioral consistency is a judgement heuristic to which we default in order to ease decision making: it is easier to make one decision, and stay consistent to it, than it is to make a new decision every single time we are presented with a problem. From an evolutionary standpoint, behavioral consistency also serves us well: in a social environment, unpredictable people are less likely to be liked and to thrive among others.

How to take advantage of behavioral consistency?

To take advantage of behavioral consistency, get your users to make an initial commitment to an activity you want them to engage in. The initial commitment you propose to the user has to be:

Why is commitment important in design?

Commitment and consistency are powerful motivators to increase engagement and persuade users to fulfill their goals. Designs which allow users to make a small, low-cost commitment will be more likely to convert customers than ones that make commitment a costly process. An all-or-nothing design will deliver nothing from most users. There are many questions that need to be answered to ensure we meet user needs at every step of the decision-making process, but it all boils down to facilitating the trust of our users, and increasing the usability and the perceived value of our products and services.

What is inconsistency with others?

While inconsistency with ourselves might result in some guilt, inconsistency with others results in interpersonal risks. Inconsistency is seen as an undesirable trait and is associated with irrationality, deceit, and even incompetence; it can generate reactions of disappointment, anger, and confusion.

Why do people want to ensure their behavior matches past decisions?

Thus, people will strive to ensure that their behavior matches past decisions in order to avoid undue stress. Because of these personal and social pressures, if you make people commit to something, it’s likely that they will try to follow through.

Is experiential trust a matter of interaction design?

It takes time to build a relationship of experiential trust before a user feels comfortable sharing personal information. Effectively facilitating and taking advantage of behavioral consistency is not just a matter of witty microcopy (though that can help) — it is a matter of interaction design.
