which of the following statements about evolution by natural selection is false course hero

by Jazlyn Grady 9 min read

Which is the primary mechanism for evolution in nature Quizlet?

E. Natural selection is the primary mechanism for evolution in nature. Which of the following statements about disruptive selection is false? A. Disruptive selection has been observed in nature.

How does natural selection change the characteristics of a population?

Changes the characteristics of a population by favoring individuals that vary in both directions from the mean of the population. Trade-Offs The relationship between the fitness benefits conferred by an adaptation and the fitness costs it imposes. For an adaptation to be favored by natural selection, the benefits must exceed the costs.

What do evolutionary biologists agree about evolution and adaptation?

Evolutionary biologists agree about the extent to which the lack of genetic variation constrains the rate and direction of evolution. c. Developmental processes can constrain evolution. d. For an adaptation to evolve, the fitness benefits it confers must exceed the fitness costs it imposes. e. All of the above are true; none is false. b.

What do evolutionary biologists agree about the lack of variation?

Evolutionary biologists agree about the extent to which the lack of genetic variation constrains the rate and direction of evolution. c. Developmental processes can constrain evolution.

How does a population change its characteristics?

Changes the characteristics of a population by favoring individuals that vary in one direction from the mean of the population. Changes the characteristics of a population by favoring individuals that vary in both directions from the mean of the population.

How has genetic variation in European Americans been reduced?

A) Genetic variation in European Americans has been reduced by serial founder events; colonization of Europe and America. Results in traits that help organisms survive and reproduce more effectively. Results in traits that are preferred by the human breeders, for whatever reason.

What is random change in allele frequencies?

Random changes in allele frequencies resulting from establishment of a population by a very small number of individuals. Any time individuals mate preferentially with other individuals of the same genotype (including themselves), .... genotypes will increase, and .... genotypes will decrease, in frequency over time.

Is bristle number genetically controlled?

d. bristle number is genetically controlled, but selection cannot result in flies having more bristles than any individual in the original population had. e. bristle number is genetically controlled, and selection can result in flies having more, or fewer, bristles than any individual in the original population had.
