which of the following sequences would describe the time-course of an action potential?

by Junius Effertz 5 min read

What is the sequence of events that create an action potential?

Oct 24, 2020 · Transcribed image text: Describe the time course of an action potential as it occurs at the trigger zone of a neuron. Indicate the ions responsible for the shape of this action potential? Indicated time scale and membrane potential ranges in my. ho

What are the 4 phases of action potential?

Mar 13, 2022 · The refractory period is the time after an action potential is generated, during which the excitable cell cannot produce another action potential. There are two subphases of this period, absolute and relative refractoriness. Absolute refractoriness overlaps the depolarization and around 2/3 of repolarization phase.

What is the action potential over time?

Dec 02, 2017 · When the membrane potential reaches about +30mV (reverse polarization), the timed Na+ channels close due to inactivation and the Na+ influx stops. K+ voltage-gated channels open as Na+ channels close, in a delayed response to the original stimulus.

What is the plateau phase of an action potential?

An action potential begins when voltage gated sodium ion channels, known as Na (V) channels open. This leads to an influx of sodium ions (moving down their concentration gradient), and the cell membrane begins to depolarise. This leads to the opening of more Na (V) channels, so the membrane depolarises even further.

What is the time course of an action potential?

The muscle action potential lasts roughly 2–4 ms, the absolute refractory period is roughly 1–3 ms, and the conduction velocity along the muscle is roughly 5 m/s. The action potential releases calcium ions that free up the tropomyosin and allow the muscle to contract.

What are the 4 steps of an action potential?

An action potential is caused by either threshold or suprathreshold stimuli upon a neuron. It consists of four phases: depolarization, overshoot, and repolarization. An action potential propagates along the cell membrane of an axon until it reaches the terminal button.

What are the 5 steps of an action potential?

The action potential can be divided into five phases: the resting potential, threshold, the rising phase, the falling phase, and the recovery phase.

What is the sequence of action potential?

The action potential has three main stages: depolarization, repolarization, and hyperpolarization.Aug 13, 2020

What are the 7 steps in the generation of an action potential?

7 Cards in this SetSTEP 1Threshold stimulus to -55mvStimulusSTEP 4At +30mv, Na channels close and K ions channels openK ionsSTEP 5K floods out of the cellOut of cellSTEP 6Hyperpolarization to -90mvHyperSTEP 7K channels close and tge resting potential is re-established at -70Re-established2 more rows

What are the stages of action potential quizlet?

Terms in this set (6)Step One: Reaching Threshold. ... Step Two: Depolarization. ... Step Three: Sodium Channels Close and Potassium Channels Open. ... Step Four: Active Sodium and Potassium Pumps Begin to Start Repolarization. ... Step Five: Hyperpolarization. ... Step Six: Resting Potential.

What are the 5 steps that take place in transmitting information across a synapse?

Neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic terminal consists of a series of intricate steps: 1) depolarization of the terminal membrane, 2) activation of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, 3) Ca2+ entry, 4) a change in the conformation of docking proteins, 5) fusion of the vesicle to the plasma membrane, with subsequent ...Nov 20, 2014

What is action potential class 11?

Action potential : It is a very rapid change in axon membrane potential from the negative resting potential to a positive peak and then back to resting potential. It is the electrical potential difference across the plasma membrane at the site of the stimulus is called active potential.

Which phase of action potential is called as plateau phase?

Phase 2During phase 1, there is partial repolarization, because of a decrease in sodium permeability. Phase 2 is the plateau phase of the cardiac action potential. Membrane permeability to calcium increases during this phase, maintaining depolarization and prolonging the action potential.May 3, 2007

What is the sequence of an impulse action potential movement along a neuron?

Thus, the correct answer is 'Cell body-Axon-Nerve terminal'.

What is the proper sequence of events in an action potential once the threshold of excitation has been reached?

If the threshold of excitation is reached, all Na+ channels open and the membrane depolarizes. At the peak action potential, K+ channels open and K+ begins to leave the cell. At the same time, Na+ channels close. The membrane becomes hyperpolarized as K+ ions continue to leave the cell.

What is the sequence of threshold potential?

What is the correct sequence of these events that follow a threshold potential? (1) The membrane becomes depolarized. (2) Sodium channels open and sodium ions diffuse inward. (3) The membrane becomes repolarized.

Where is action potential generated?

An action potential is generated in the body of the neuron and propagated through its axon. Propagation doesn’t decrease or affect the quality of the action potential in any way, so that the target tissue gets the same impulse no matter how far they are from neuronal body.

How does action potential propagate?

Because of this, an action potential always propagates from the neuronal body, through the axon to the target tissue. The speed of propagation largely depends on the thickness of the axon and whether it’s myelinated or not. The larger the diameter, the higher the speed of propagation.

What are the two types of synapses?

Each synapse consists of the: 1 Presynaptic membrane – membrane of the terminal button of the nerve fiber 2 Postsynaptic membrane – membrane of the target cell 3 Synaptic cleft – a gap between the presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes

What is the threshold potential of a cell?

The threshold potential is usually around -50 to -55 mV. It is important to know that the action potential behaves upon the all-or-none law. This means that any subthreshold stimulus will cause nothing, while threshold and suprathreshold stimuli produce a full response of the excitable cell.

What happens to the sodium permeability after an overshoot?

After the overshoot, the sodium permeability suddenly decreases due to the closing of its channels. The overshoot value of the cell potential opens voltage-gated potassium channels, which causes a large potassium efflux, decreasing the cell’s electropositivity.

Why does myelin increase the speed of propagation?

The propagation is also faster if an axon is myelinated. Myelin increases the propagation speed because it increases the thickness of the fiber. In addition, myelin enables saltatory conduction of the action potential, since only the Ranvier nodes depolarize, and myelin nodes are jumped over.

What causes action potential?

From the aspect of ions, an action potential is caused by temporary changes in membrane permeability for diffusible ions. These changes cause ion channels to open and the ions to decrease their concentration gradients. The value of threshold potential depends on the membrane permeability, intra- and extracellular concentration of ions, and the properties of the cell membrane.

What is the action potential of the axon membrane?

1. 2. 3. An action potential occurs when a portion of the membrane rapidly depolarizes and then repolarizes again to the original resting state.

What happens when the K+ channels close?

The K+ channels are slow to close, so the membrane briefly hyperpolarizes. As the K+ channels close, Na+/K+ pumps actively transport Na+ ions out of the cell and K+ ions into the cell. The ion exchange helps re-establish the ion diffusion gradients and resting membrane potential. 1. 2.

Why is the action potential for potassium closer to the equilibrium potential?

Because the membrane is more permeable to potassium ions, this is closer to the equilibrium potential for potassium, though it is influenced by the presence of sodium ions and other anions. An action potential begins when voltage gated sodium ion channels, known as Na (V) channels open. This leads to an influx of sodium ions (moving down their ...

Which ions move down the concentration gradient to leave the cell at a greater rate than sodium ions enter the cell

The membrane is also more permeable to potassium ions than to sodium ions; so potassium ions move down their concentration gradient to leave the cell at a greater rate than sodium ions enter the cell, and this leads to a potential difference being set up across the membrane of about -70mV.

What happens when the polarity of the cell membrane reverses?

As the polarity of the cell membrane reverses, voltage-gated potassium channels also open, leading to an outward flow of potassium ions. These stay open even as the Na (V) channels inactivate, so that the membrane potential becomes more negative again , and in fact "overshoots" the resting potential of -70mV to around -90mV.

What is the refractory period?

This point in time is known as the refractory period, when action potentials can no longer fire. The resting potential is restored by the sodium-potassium pump, which continuously pumps out three sodium ions for every 2 potassium ions. Answered by Rebecca J. • Biology tutor.

What is the difference between potassium and sodium?

Potassium ions are at a higher concentration inside the cell, while sodium ions are at a higher concentration outside the cell. The membrane is also more permeable to potassium ions than to sodium ions; so potassium ions move down their concentration gradient to leave the cell at a greater rate than sodium ions enter the cell, and this leads to a potential difference being set up across the membrane of about -70mV. Because the membrane is more permeable to potassium ions, this is closer to the equilibrium potential for potassium, though it is influenced by the presence of sodium ions and other anions.

What are the phases of cardiac action potential?

Two of these, phase 2 (the plateau phase) and phase 4 (the diastolic interval) are marked by little to no change in voltage. Sodium, potassium and calcium are the primary ions.

What phase of the cell is repolarized?

Phase 1is partial repolarization of the membrane thanks to a rapid decrease in sodium-ion passage as the fast sodium channels close. Phase 2is the plateau phase, in which the movement of calcium ions out of the cell maintains depolarization.

How many sodium ions are pumped out of the cell?

This is because three sodium ions are pumped out of the cell for every two potassium ions pumped into the cell; recall that these ions have an equivalent charge of +1, so this system results in a net efflux, or outflow, of positive charge. The Myocardium and Action Potential.

What happens during phase 2 of the cardiac cell?

Phase 2 ends when the inward flow of calcium and sodium cease while the outward flow of potassium (the rectifier current) continues, pushing the cell toward repolarization. Quirks of the Cardiac Cell Action Potential. The cardiac cell action potential differs from the action potentials in nerves in a variety of ways.

What cells control the beating of the heart?

For one thing, the initiation of the "beating" of the heart is controlled by special cardiac myocytes, or heart-muscle cells, called pacemaker cell s. These cells control the pace of the heartbeat even in the absence of outside nerve input, a property called autorhythmicity.

Why is the refractory period longer?

For one thing, and most importantly, it is much longer. This is essentially a safety factor: Because the cardiac cell action potential is longer, this means that the period in which a new action potential occurs, called the refractory period, is also longer.

What is the heart muscle called?

Heart muscle is also called myocardium.

How does action potential occur?

Going down the length of the axon, the action potential is propagated because more voltage-gated Na + channels are opened as the depolarization spreads. This spreading occurs because Na + enters through the channel and moves along the inside of the cell membrane. As the Na + moves, or flows, a short distance along the cell membrane, its positive charge depolarizes a little more of the cell membrane. As that depolarization spreads, new voltage-gated Na + channels open and more ions rush into the cell, spreading the depolarization a little farther.

Where does action potential propagate?

The action potential must propagate from the trigger zone toward the axon terminals. Propagation, as described above, applies to unmyelinated axons. When myelination is present, the action potential propagates differently, and is optimized for the speed of signal conduction.

Why is saltatory conduction faster?

Saltatory conduction is faster because the action potential “jumps” from one node to the next (saltare = “to leap”), and the new influx of Na + renews the depolarized membrane. Along with the myelination of the axon, the diameter of the axon can influence the speed of conduction.

How do cells make use of ions?

Most cells in the body make use of charged particles ( ions) to create electrochemical charge across the cell membrane. In a prior chapter, we described how muscle cells contract based on the movement of ions across the cell membrane. For skeletal muscles to contract, due to excitation–contraction coupling, they require input from a neuron. Both muscle and nerve cells make use of a cell membrane that is specialized for signal conduction to regulate ion movement between the extracellular fluid and cytosol.

What are the ions in a mechanically gated channel?

The ions, in this case, are cations of sodium, calcium, and potassium. A mechanically-gated channel opens because of a physical distortion of the cell membrane. Many channels associated with the sense of touch are mechanically-gated.

Why do ligand-gated channels open?

A ligand-gated channel opens because a molecule, or ligand, binds to the extracellular region of the channel ( Figure 12.5.2 ).

Why do skeletal muscles contract?

For skeletal muscles to contract, due to excitation–contraction coupling, they require input from a neuron. Both muscle and nerve cells make use of a cell membrane that is specialized for signal conduction to regulate ion movement between the extracellular fluid and cytosol.

How does action potential occur?

Going down the length of the axon, the action potential is propagated because more voltage-gated Na + channels are opened as the depolarization spreads. This spreading occurs because Na + enters through the channel and moves along the inside of the cell membrane. As the Na + moves, or flows, a short distance along the cell membrane, its positive charge depolarizes a little more of the cell membrane. As that depolarization spreads, new voltage-gated Na + channels open and more ions rush into the cell, spreading the depolarization a little farther.

What is resting membrane potential?

Resting membrane potential describes the steady state of the cell, which is a dynamic process that is balanced by ion leakage and ion pumping. Without any outside influence, it will not change. To get an electrical signal started, the membrane potential has to change.

Why do mechanically gated channels open?

A mechanically gated channel opens because of a physical distortion of the cell membrane. Many channels associated with the sense of touch (somatosensation) are mechanically gated. For example, as pressure is applied to the skin, these channels open and allow ions to enter the cell.

Why is saltatory conduction faster than other types of conduction?

Saltatory conduction is faster because the action potential basically jumps from one node to the next ( saltare = “to leap”), and the new influx of Na + renews the depolarized membrane. Along with the myelination of the axon, the diameter of the axon can influence the speed of conduction.

How do muscle cells work?

Both of the cells make use of the cell membrane to regulate ion movement between the extracellular fluid and cytosol.

What is the role of the cell membrane?

As you learned in the chapter on cells, the cell membrane is primarily responsible for regulating what can cross the membrane and what stays on only one side. The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer, so only substances that can pass directly through the hydrophobic core can diffuse through unaided.

What is the role of glial cells in the CNS?

Glial cells, especially astrocytes, are responsible for maintaining the chemical environment of the CNS tissue. The concentrations of ions in the extracellular fluid are the basis for how the membrane potential is established and changes in electrochemical signaling. If the balance of ions is upset, drastic outcomes are possible.

How long does an action potential last?

In muscle cells, a typical action potential lasts about a fifth of a second. In some other types of cells and plants, an action potential may last three seconds or more.

How do action potentials work?

Action potentials are most commonly initiated by excitatory postsynaptic potentials from a presynaptic neuron. Typically, neurotransmitter molecules are released by the presynaptic neuron. These neurotransmitters then bind to receptors on the postsynaptic cell. This binding opens various types of ion channels. This opening has the further effect of changing the local permeability of the cell membrane and, thus, the membrane potential. If the binding increases the voltage (depolarizes the membrane), the synapse is excitatory. If, however, the binding decreases the voltage (hyperpolarizes the membrane), it is inhibitory. Whether the voltage is increased or decreased, the change propagates passively to nearby regions of the membrane (as described by the cable equation and its refinements). Typically, the voltage stimulus decays exponentially with the distance from the synapse and with time from the binding of the neurotransmitter. Some fraction of an excitatory voltage may reach the axon hillock and may (in rare cases) depolarize the membrane enough to provoke a new action potential. More typically, the excitatory potentials from several synapses must work together at nearly the same time to provoke a new action potential. Their joint efforts can be thwarted, however, by the counteracting inhibitory postsynaptic potentials .

How does myelination affect action potentials?

As a general rule, myelination increases the conduction velocity of action potentials and makes them more energy-efficient. Whether saltatory or not, the mean conduction velocity of an action potential ranges from 1 meter per second (m/s) to over 100 m/s, and, in general, increases with axonal diameter.

What is the action potential of a neuron?

Action potentials in neurons are also known as " nerve impulses " or " spikes ", and the temporal sequence of action potentials generated by a neuron is called its " spike train ". A neuron that emits an action potential, or nerve impulse, is often said to "fire".

What happens when the K+ channels open?

Na + channels open at the beginning of the action potential, and Na + moves into the axon, causing depolarization. Repolarization occurs when the K + channels open and K + moves out of the axon, creating a change in polarity between the outside of the cell and the inside. The impulse travels down the axon in one direction only, ...

What happens when an action potential travels down an axon?

Action potential. As an action potential (nerve impulse) travels down an axon there is a change in polarity across the membrane of the axon. In response to a signal from another neuron, sodium- (Na +) and potassium- (K +) gated ion channels open and close as the membrane reaches its threshold potential.

Where does the impulse travel?

The impulse travels down the axon in one direction only , to the axon terminal where it signals other neurons. In physiology, an action potential ( AP) occurs when the membrane potential of a specific cell location rapidly rises and falls: this depolarization then causes adjacent locations to similarly depolarize.