which of the following resulted from the consumer movement in the 1960s course hero

by Vicky Kirlin 6 min read

What was one result of the consumer movement?

It gave federal agencies the power to remove untested products from stores. 2. The Federal Trade Commission Act.

Who led the consumer rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s?

At the forefront of the consumer-rights movement since the 1960s has been Ralph Nader, a lawyer and consumer advocate.

How did consumer movement originate as a social force in India explain?

The 'Consumer Movement', as a social force, originated in India with thenecessity of protecting and promoting the interests of consumers againstunethical and unfair trade practices. Rampant food shortages, hoarding and thelike gave birth to the Consumer Movement in an organised form in the year,1960.

What led to the consumer movement in America?

Since its initial phase that began in 1890, the consumer movement seems to be following a cyclical pattern of evolution in which periods of consumer influence on the economy were followed by periods where the American public appeared tired of pushing for quality, safety and reform.

What law was a result of the consumer rights movement of the 1960s?

1962: The Consumer Bill of Rights In 1962, President Kennedy introduced to Congress the need for consumer rights protection. This resulted in the Consumer Bill of Rights, which started with four main points.

Which factors gave birth to consumer movement in India in the 1960s?

hoarding, black marketing, Adulteration gave birth to the consumer movement in an organized form in 1960s.

What did the consumer movement?

The term "consumer movement" refers to only nonprofit advocacy groups and grassroots activism to promote consumer interest by reforming the practices of corporations or policies of the government, so the "consumer movement" is a subset of the discipline of "consumerism".

What was the consumer movement in India?

The consumer movement in India originated as a 'social force' with the necessity of protecting and promoting the interests of consumers against unethical and unfair trade practices.

What is the origin of consumer movement in India?

The origin of consumer movement in India could be traced back in 1960s as a social force originated with the necessity of protecting and promoting the interest of consumer against the unethentic and unfair trade practices like adulteration, black marketing, hoarding,Rampant food storage till 1970s when consumer ...

What caused the consumer revolution and how did it change American life?

Carson's central point is that the consumer revolution was caused by growing demand for fashionable goods rather than by the increasing supply of these goods. He thus denies that it was improved productive processes and the greater availability of goods that brought on the consumer revolution.

Which of the following factors attributed to the growth of consumerism in America in the 1950s?

Consumer Demand Spurs Economic Growth. Rising incomes, easy credit, and aggressive marketing helped create a culture of consumption in the 1950s.

What caused consumerism?

The major causes for the evolution of consumerism have been the continuous rise in prices, underperformance of product, quality of the service, Shortage of product and deceptive advertising.