which of the following is true about sexual harassment in the workplace? course hero

by Kayden McCullough 8 min read

What are the categories of sexual harasment?

What Are the Different Types of Sexual Harassment?

  • 3 Forms of Sexual Harassment. In legal terms, sexual harassment is considered a form of sexual abuse. ...
  • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. ...
  • Schedule a Free and Confidential Consultation with a Trusted Harassment Lawyer in Oregon or Washington. ...

What classifies as sexual harassment?

  • repeated compliments of an employee's appearance
  • commenting on the attractiveness of others in front of an employee
  • discussing one's sex life in front of an employee
  • asking an employee about his or her sex life
  • circulating nude photos or photos of women in bikinis or shirtless men in the workplace
  • making sexual jokes

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What you must know about sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment often gives a victim the feeling of being exposed in front of the harasser and others around them. Those that harass others are breaking the law and deserve to be reprimanded for their actions. Laws governing harassment are used to convict those that bother others.

What are the different forms of sexual harassment?

Some examples of this type of harassment may include:

  • Incessant or repetitious telling of sexual or dirty anecdotes or jokes
  • Cartoons, images, icons, pictures, and even dolls or statues with a sexual undertone or of a sexual nature
  • Insulting or using derogatory sexual terms toward another person
  • Writing emails, memos, or other correspondence that includes sexual innuendos or other material

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What is the third party harassment?

Third Party Harassment. Third party may feel harassment even if he/she is not directly involved in the behavior. Title IX: Education Amendment. Protects against discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance.

What is gender role?

A gender role is the social or culturally-prescribed pattern of behavior for a male or female.

1. Which of the following is TRUE about sexual harassment?

A. It must involve an abuse of authority by a superior B. It must always be based on a sexual attraction C. It occurs with the purpose of violating a person's dignity D. It affects only the victim and no other employees

3. Which of the following types of sexual harassment would be considered quid pro quo?

A. An employee overhears 2 colleagues telling jokes of a sexual nature about a coworker B. An employee hangs a calendar of ladies in swimsuits on the community refrigerator C. An employee continually asks a coworker for their phone number after being told no D. An employee gets a more favorable schedule when they go on a date with their boss

5. How does sexual harassment in the workplace violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

A. It allows employers to discriminate against employees based on religion B. It is a violation of the duty to provide the right to life and liberty C. It violates an employee's freedom of thought and speech expression D. It is against the basic principle that all humans are free and equal in dignity and rights

6. Which of the following is TRUE about Title VII of the Civil Rights Act?

A. It only applies to employers in public sectors, not private ones B. It only applies to employers with 10 or more employees C. It is enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission D. It only protects current employees in a workplace

9. Which of the following is the first step for sexual harassment victims who wish to file a complaint?

A. Take legal action through EEOC B. Speak to human resources C. Confront the harasser directly D. Collect and document evidence
