which of the following is not true of the persian empire? course hero

by Manuela Ferry 9 min read

What chapter is Classical Civilizations in Greece and Persia?

Start studying Chapter 3 - Classical Civilizations in Greece and Persia. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Why is Socrates so critical of the Athenian government?

Socrates is most critical of the Athenian government because he thinks it

What did Greek sports emphasize?

like modern sports, Greek sports emphasized keeping records, for example, who was the fastest, or who jumped to farthest

Which country was further seperated/divided?

further seperated/divided the government of Greece

What was the name of the city that the Minoans built on Crete?

the Minoans built a wealthy and beautiful city on Crete called Knossos
