Tutorial How to make a course in stepmania.
Full Answer
Jan 21, 2013 · Tutorial How to make a course in stepmania. Step 1:Open wordpad. Step 2:In the wordpad you can use this example to put on wordpad: #COURSE:Name of Course Here; #SONG:Name of song here; #SONG:Same as above; You can ... Step 3:Save the text as a CRS file. Step 4:Put the course in the Courses folder. ...
Make sure you have StepMania in the first place! Now open up the StepMania Tools Main Menu that comes with StepMania,... 2. Open up StepMania. Go to "Edit/Share Songs" in the main menu and find the song that you just created. 3. You should now …
Jet again another tutorial made by moi (=me) ===================================Additonal info:Tutorial about how to make a .smzip to publish your song.http:...
Hi all, I’m hoping someone can help me get up and going. This has a VGA output and I’m assuming I will need something else to be able to connect this to my PC. Thanks for any help!
For a long time, I've been playing on 5.1 or older versions of Stepmania. I would like to try Outfox as it has bit more features. I've tried copying profile to new config location and linked the songs.