which of the following is an example of formal organization course hero

by Dr. Vicky Denesik III 7 min read

What is an example of a formal organization?

Each member must adhere to the laid down principles and rules and communicate effectively to promote coordination and effective performance. Healthcare institutions, schools, business organizations, and churches are some of the common examples of formal organizations.

What is an informal organization?

The informal organization consists of the activities and interactions between its members that are not governed by certain requirements, they are based on social needs humans, for example friendships between workers.

What is an example of a coercive organization?

Contrastingly, in coercive organizations, membership is forced with the primary intent to control members' lives. Examples include prisons and mental institutions. Are you a student or a teacher?

What is the primary purpose of constituting a formal organization?

The primary purpose of constituting a formal organization is to facilitate the attainment of specific objectives through stepwise fulfillment of laid down departmental objectives.

How to assess organizational structure?

This assessment will help you practice these skills: 1 Critical thinking - apply relevant concepts to examine information about societal structure in a different light 2 Distinguishing differences - compare and contrast normative organizations, coercive organizations, and utilitarian organizations 3 Knowledge application - use your knowledge to answer questions about the structures of a formal organization

What does it mean to enroll in a course?

Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams.

Formal Organizations

The formal organization is the type of organizational structure that is characterized by being deliberately planned, and the relationships between individuals are pre-established, its members are chosen according to selection rules.

Difference Between Formal and Informal Organization

There are two types of structures in an organization, the formal structure, which is planned and also establishes the type of relationships between individuals. And the informal structure, which is the opposite because it is spontaneous and not governed by these rules.

Characteristics of formal organization

Specialty: It consists of having the capacity and specialization to do the job.

Characteristics of Formal Organizations

Well-defined goals and objectives to facilitate the realization of both short and long-term ambitions.

Example of Formal Organization

Today, some of the highly bureaucratized formal organizations include healthcare institutions, schools, business organizations, and churches. A hospital, for example, has a distinct division of authority and chain of command, with each stakeholder having a clear and well-defined role, responsibility, and authority to perform their work.

1. What Is Formal Communication?

The flow of official information through suitable, designated channels and routes is referred to as formal communication. The flow of information is regulated, and proper communication necessitates a concerted effort. A hierarchical organization and chain of command govern formal communication.

2. Why Is Formal Communication Preferred?

In a formal organization, the objective of formal communication is to ensure efficiency. It is a system for communicating with lower-level employees. It is the preferred method when documentation is required. It also makes it easy to point out any infractions of policies or rules, and it’s also a more reliable way to communicate.

3. Types of Formal Communication

In any organization, you will observe four kinds of formal communication:

4. Is Formal Communication Better than Informal Ways?

Formal communication is often referred to as official communication. Informal communication can often flow freely in any direction, but formal communication often follows a specific structure or channels, such as emails to clients.

5. Forms of Formal Communication

The most common form of formal communication in the workplace is written and verbal. It is used to give orders, convey instructions, and achieve organizational objectives. In a business setting, this type of communication is usually organized at a departmental level. Unlike informal communication, formal communication can also occur naturally.

6. Examples of Formal Communication

Meetings: meetings are scheduled, and they occur to discuss agendas and problems of the organization.


If you are working in an organization, formal communication is the most effective way to communicate with employees. It can be efficient and convenient and can be tailored to fit the needs of your organization. If you want to send an email to a large group of employees, you should use an email address or text message.
