which of the following is a difference between lager beer and ale beer? course hero

by Emma Wuckert 7 min read

What is the difference between a lager and an ale?

Lager has a strong taste and a pungent smell, while ale has a light taste and a mild smell. b. Lager is processed at warm temperatures, while ale is processed at cool temperatures. c. Lager is made using a fast fermentation process, while ale is made using a slow fermentation process. d. Lager is made using bottom-fermenting yeasts, while ale is made using a top-fermenting yeast.

What is a beer?

Sep 07, 2016 · Ask most beer aficionados what the differences is between ale and lager, and you’ll get a simple answer: the yeast. Though this statement is true on its face, it’s actually a bit more complicated than that. It’s commonly understood by many beer enthusiasts that ale uses a top-fermenting yeast and lager uses a bottom-fermenting yeast.

What is lagern beer?

Jun 01, 2017 · Historically speaking, the main difference between ales and lagers is the yeast used in the brewing process. An ale typically relies on yeast strains within the Saccharomyces cerevisiae species. S. cerevisiae strains have been used throughout human history not only for beer but also for bread and wine.

Is beer fermented cold or warm?

Chapter 24: Ales, Lagers, and Beer styles STUDY PLAY The primary difference between ales and longer is the species of the yeast used for each during fermentation True These beers are fermented worth top-fermenting yeast Ales These beers ferment for a relatively long time Logers These beers ferment at a relatively low temperature Logers

What is the difference between lager and ale?

But, to keep it concise, here’s a quick summary. Ales tend to be darker, have a cloudier appearance, higher alcohol content and a stronger, fruitier, more robust flavor with stronger bitter tones from the hops due to the higher amount of hops, faster, more thorough fermentation.

Where was Lager first used?

Lager: Lager, on the other hand, is fermented using Saccharomyces uvarum. It was first used for brewing in Bavaria in the Renaissance, one of the first species to hitch a ride from the American continents to Europe during the discovery and exploration of the western hemisphere.

Why is yeast not at the top of the fermentation vessel?

Because the yeast didn’t really show up at the top of the fermentation vessel, it was probably assumed to be bottom fermenting instead, as early fermentation vessels were constructed of materials that made it difficult to see the bottom of the vessel.

Why is top fermenting yeast called top fermenting yeast?

It’s referred to as a top-fermenting yeast because it will first rise to the top and then will sink to the bottom of the brewing vessel when fermentation is ending. This quality also makes it very easy to harvest the yeast without disturbing the process.

What is the yeast used in beer?

Ale is fermented using Saccharomyces cerevisia , a very common yeast type used for a number of different applications, including wine and bread making. It’s a hardy variety that deals better with varying environments, whether it’s a wider range of temperature, a higher alcohol content or many other changes. It’s the original yeast of civilizations and has been found across the entire world, including Antarctica.

Why is beer brewed in the fermentation cycle?

For this reason, ales are typically brewed in these ranges to quickly bring it through the fermentation cycle due to the increased chemical activity at the higher temperatures. However, short of filtering, this fast fermentation process provides a somewhat cloudier, hardier beer that some may find distasteful.

What are the ingredients in beer?

For the most part, all beers include a particular range of ingredients: water, grain, yeast and hops. However, a beer purity law passed in Germany in 1516, commonly referred to as Reinheitsgebot , limited the ingredients to only malted grain, water and hops. Though yeast was undoubtedly part of the process, it was several centuries ...

What is the difference between lager and ale?

Historically speaking, the main difference between ales and lagers is the yeast used in the brewing process. An ale typically relies on yeast strains within the Saccharomyces cerevisiae species. S. cerevisiae strains have been used throughout human history not only for beer but also for bread and wine. They are said to be “top-fermenting” because the foamy head that forms on the beer during fermentation (called krausen) is especially fluffy and pronounced with S. cerevisiae. This gives the appearance that most of the fermentation activity is occurring at the beer’s surface.

What is a yeast hefeweizen?

Hefeweizens, or “yeast-wheats,” derive tart, spicy, and fruity flavor from high contents of bold, active yeast strains. Pale yellow to honey color and sometimes cloudy in appearance, hefeweizens often have a fizzy head that keeps its place throughout your session. Banana and clove flavors are definitive of the style.

What is an English bitter?

English bitter is a catchall term for a family of ales that include ordinary bitters, strong bitters, and best bitters. They are not as bitter as the name insinuates; rather, that descriptor was a point of comparison with the lightly hopped mild ales and porters and stouts that dominated the English beer scene prior to the late 19th century. They are closely related to pale ales but depart in color thanks to the addition of brown malt, prior to World War I, and crystal malt thereafter. English bitters are traditionally cask pulled.

What is the color of brown ale?

Brown Ales are defined by an amber to dark brown color that can be cloudy in some varieties. Expect a complex body and more malt than hops here, with fruity or nutty aromas and flavors, and ABVs between 4% and 6%.

How long does lagering last?

It occurs after fermentation and diacetyl rest. During lagering, a beer is aged for two weeks or more at a temperature somewhere in the range of 32 to 40 degrees F. This step encourages sediment to fall out of solution (flocculation), resulting in a clear beer. The time spent aging also mellows any flavors or aromas that might detract from a lager’s characteristically clean and crisp profile.

What is barleywine beer?

Barleywine is an amber to dark brown beer perfectly suited for the winter season. It is defined by its heavy body and high alcohol content, with ABVs clocking in between 8% and 12%, or more. With a thick body and not too much carbonation, look for intense malt character and a fruity finish.

What is a pils?

The “pils” might be Germany’s most popular lager export. Ranging in color from pale straw to yellowish gold, pilsners are notable for crisp, floral aroma and finish with a zesty, bitter mouthfeel. Its light, crisp texture make a cold pils a great summertime pick for a barbeque.