which of the following crimes is an example of a white-collar crime course hero

by Mr. Mike Altenwerth 5 min read

Which of the following crimes is an example of a white-collar crime?

Examples of white-collar crimes include securities fraud, embezzlement, corporate fraud, and money laundering.

What is a white-collar crime give examples?

White-collar crime is generally non-violent in nature and includes public corruption, health care fraud, mortgage fraud, securities fraud, and money laundering, to name a few.

What are the four examples of white-collar crimes?

There are many types of white collar crimes, but the following are the most common:Corporate Fraud. ... Embezzlement. ... Ponzi Schemes. ... Extortion. ... Bankruptcy Fraud.

Which of the following crimes is an example of a white-collar crime quizlet?

Typical white-collar crimes include fraud, bribery, Ponzi schemes, insider trading, embezzlement, cybercrime, copyright infringement, money laundering, identity theft, and forgery.

What are most white-collar crimes?

Typical white-collar crimes could include wage theft, fraud, bribery, Ponzi schemes, insider trading, labor racketeering, embezzlement, cybercrime, copyright infringement, money laundering, identity theft, and forgery.

What is white collar crime in criminology?

White collar crime doesn't just boil down to a murder mystery involving a suit. Rather, white collar crime is non-violent and refers to financial crimes such as fraud, bribery, embezzlement and money laundering, that are committed by businesses and governments.

What are the two types of white-collar crimes quizlet?

The two types of white collar crimes are occupational and corporate crimes.

Who did white collar crime?

The term “white-collar crime” was coined in the 1930s by sociologist and criminologist Edwin Sutherland. He used the phrase to describe the types of crimes commonly committed by “persons of respectability” – people who are recognized as possessing a high social status.

When did white collar crime?

The term, coined in 1939 by the American criminologist Edwin Sutherland, drew attention to the typical attire of the perpetrators, who were generally businesspeople, high-ranking professionals, and politicians.

What is a white-collar crime quizlet?

White collar crime definition. illegal/unethical acts that violate fiduciary (duty of loyalty/trust) responsibilities comittted by individual or organization, usually during course or legit occupational therapy by persons of respectable social status for personal gain or organizational success.

Which is not considered a type of white-collar crime sociology?

Any of the offenses described above, when committed by or on behalf of an organization established to carry out illegal activity, are known as racketeering or “organized crime.” Organized crime is usually not considered a type of “white collar crime,” but it often involves many of the same criminal statutes.

Is tax evasion a white-collar crime?

The most common white-collar crimes includes certain forms of fraud, insider trading, embezzlement, computer crime, tax evasion, and forgery. Such crimes are often contrasted against violent crimes (such as rape or murder) or blue-collar crime (such as vandalism or shoplifting).

What is an example of a blue collar crime?

Some of the most common blue-collar crimes include: Theft offenses such as shoplifting and burglary. Violent crimes, including assault and battery. Drug crimes such as manufacturing, distribution, and possession.

What is a green collar crime?

Basically, Green Collar Crime are those crimes which are committed against the Environment and wildlife. Green Collar crimes are designated under the organized criminal activities in the world and comes under the fourth largest areas of crime in the list of structured crimes around the world.