what supply is the calvin cycle directly dependent upon course hero

by Prof. Kyra Stark II 9 min read

What supply is the Calvin cycle directly dependent upon?

In the Calvin cycle, carbon atoms from CO2​start text, C, O, end text, start subscript, 2, end subscript are fixed (incorporated into organic molecules) and used to build three-carbon sugars. This process is fueled by, and dependent on, ATP and NADPH from the light reactions.

What supply is the Calvin cycle directly dependent upon quizlet?

The Calvin cycle depends on products of the light reactions. The ATP and NADPH produced during the light reactions are necessary to provide energy and high-energy electrons for the Calvin cycle. Current evidence indicates that the process of photosynthesis arose more than three billion years ago.

What inputs does Calvin cycle require?

In summary, it takes six turns of the Calvin cycle to fix six carbon atoms from CO2. These six turns require energy input from 12 ATP molecules and 12 NADPH molecules in the reduction step and 6 ATP molecules in the regeneration step.

Which of the following are products of the Calvin cycle?

Products. The immediate products of one turn of the Calvin cycle are 2 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) molecules, 3 ADP, and 2 NADP+. (ADP and NADP+ are not really "products". They are regenerated and later used again in the light-dependent reactions).

What are the reactant of the Calvin cycle?

The reactions of the Calvin cycle add carbon (from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere) to a simple five-carbon molecule called RuBP. These reactions use chemical energy from NADPH and ATP that were produced in the light reactions. The final product of the Calvin cycle is glucose.

What are the products of the Calvin cycle quizlet?

The product of the Calvin cycle is a triose-phosphate sugar that is either exported from the chloroplast or used to regenerate RUBP.

Is the Calvin cycle light-dependent?

The Calvin cycle refers to the light-independent reactions in photosynthesis that take place in three key steps. Although the Calvin Cycle is not directly dependent on light, it is indirectly dependent on light since the necessary energy carriers ( ATP and NADPH) are products of light-dependent reactions.

What is the input and output of the Calvin cycle?

The inputs are carbon dioxide from the air and the ATP and NADPH produced by the light reactions. The Calvin cycle uses carbon from the carbon dioxide, energy from the ATP, and high-energy electrons and hydrogen ions from the NADPH. The cycle's output is an energy-rich sugar molecule.

Which compound is a direct output of the Calvin cycle?

67 Cards in this SetThe overall function of the Calvin cycle ismaking sugarOne of the compounds that is a direct output of the Calvin cycle isG3PCarbon fixation involves the addition of carbon dioxide toRuBPAfter 3-PGA is phosphorylated, it receives energized electrons fromNADPH63 more rows

Which of the following are products from light-dependent reaction are utilized in the Calvin cycle *?

Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is option E. The light-independent reaction makes use of ATP and NADPH, which were synthesized in the light-dependent reaction....

Which of the following are products from light-dependent reaction are utilized in the Calvin cycle?

The ATP and NADPH from the light-dependent reactions are used to make sugars in the next stage of photosynthesis, the Calvin cycle.

What is the output of the Calvin cycle?

Outputs of the Calvin cycle are ADP, P, and NADP+, which go into the light reactions, and sugar, which is used by the plant. 2.

Does carbon fixation supply the cell with ATP?

25) Carbon fixation A) occurs when carbon and oxygen from CO2 are incorporated into an organic molecule. Page 6 6 B) powers the process of glucose synthesis by supplying the cell with ATP.

What is the end product of the Calvin cycle reactions quizlet?

The end product of the Calvin Cycle is a 3-C GP3 molecule and two 3-C G3P molecules must combine to create one 6-C glucose which is two spins around the Calvin Cycle.

What is the primary function product of the Calvin cycle?

Summary. The primary function of the Calvin cycle is carbon fixation, which is making simple sugars from carbon dioxide and water.

Which compounds link the light reactions with the Calvin cycle reactions?

Which compounds link the light reactions with the Calvin cycle reactions? CO2 fixation, CO2 reduction, and RuBP regeneration. ATP and NADPH are both used during the Calvin cycle.