which of the following animals do not have tissues course hero

by Mr. Owen Cummerata Sr. 4 min read

What are the different types of animal tissue?

The types are: 1. Epithelial Tissues 2. Connective Tissue 3. Muscular Tissue 4. Nervous Tissue. Type # 1. Epithelial Tissues: The cells taking part in this type of animal tissue have a regular, well-defined shape and scanty intercellular substance.

Which animal cells do the choanoflagellates resemble in morphology?

Which animal cells do the choanoflagellates resemble in morphology? - Flames cells (excretory cells) of platyhelminthes (flatworms).

What is the shape of epithelial tissue in animal cells?

Accord­ing to the shape of the animal cells (Fig. 5.2) which are present near the surface, the epithelial tissue may be: (A) Squamous—These are tile­-like flat cells.

What do Acoelomate animals have instead of coelom?

Acoelomate animals are animals that do not have coelom. What do acoelomate animals have instead of a coelom? Instead of a fluid-filled cavity, the area in between the gut and the body wall (muscle layer) is filled with solid mesoderm-derived tissue called mesenchyme. Do diploblastic animals have a mesoderm? Do diploblastic animals have mesenchyme?

What are the different types of animal tissue?

The types are: 1. Epithelial Tissues 2. Connective Tissue 3. Muscular Tissue 4. Nervous Tissue. Type # 1. Epithelial Tissues: The cells taking part in this type of animal tissue have a regular, well-defined shape and scanty intercellular substance. They are usually in contact with one another on a definite base­ment membrane.

What are the tissues that connect muscles?

These tissues are entirely made up of fibres and they form sheath over the muscles, tendon and liga­ments. Tendons are responsible for connect­ing muscles with the bones or with other muscles. In tendons the fibres contain colla­gen and are arranged in parallel fashion.

What are the two types of cells that make up the matrix?

Two types of cells are seen in the matrix, namely fibroblasts which are re­sponsible for the production of fibres and matrix cells for secreting the matrix. Two kinds of fibres are yellow elastic fibres as freely, branched network and white fibres containing bundles of collagen fibres.

What are the cells of the glandular epithelium?

In general, the cells of the glandular epithelium possess large nuclei, prominent Golgi appa­ratus and the secretory products in the form of granules. The glandular epithelium may be present either scattered or in a group within other epithelial cells or may be variedly organised to form glands.

Which type of cell is also known as white blood corpuscles?

The leucocytes occur in much lesser number than the erythrocytes. These cells, which are also known as white blood corpuscles or WBC, may be of different type (Monocytes giant mononuclear amoeboid forms; Lympholcytes roughly cir­cular with one large nucleus; Granulocytes amoeboid with granular cytoplasm.

Which type of corpuscle is found in the marrow?

But in vertebrates several types of corpuscles are seen, e.g., Erythrocytes, Leucocytes and Thrombocytes. These corpuscles are formed within the marrow. They have a limited span of life after which they are destroyed.

Which type of epithelial cells throw their entire cell together with the con­tent?

Some glandular epithelial cells give out only their product (merocrine), others throw their entire cell together with the con­tent (holocrine), e.g., sebaceous gland. In the third type (apocrine) only the free regions of the animal cells burst and the products are extruded out, e.g., mammary glands.