which jeremy ellis course recommended

by Vanessa Schaden 9 min read


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Dr. Ellis is proud to have been born and raised in Texas. When he was nine years old he suffered a spinal trauma that would greatly impact the rest of his life. Although this initial trauma was quickly cared for by conventional methods and posed no grave danger, its fingerprints were visible throughout his young adulthood.


Presently working on improving my 7 year student tested Arduino Clone Robotics course old course here to a new robotics and Machine Learning course called maker100 designed for any non-engineering University program and is planned to be ready for Jan 2022.


In researching the above Robotics Machine Learning Maker 100 program, I designed a simplified way to use TensorflowJS and TensorflowLite/micro with the Arduino boards. It is too complex for my High School students but would work well for a web based Javascript and Arduino C++ introduction to GoogleAI

About Me

Education: B. Sc. Chemistry 1986, B. vEd Swecondary School and a Diploma Counseling.

Favorite Repositories

My Portenta Arduino Library https://github.com/hpssjellis/portenta-pro-community-solutions


I get migraines but am wading through the Snake Oil and will eventually be able to reduce it from about 1 every 3 weeks, to a much lower number. Getting used to multiple migraines the first week of school. My migraine repositiroy is pre-migraine
