which features in the course were most helpful? please give examples.

by Prof. Chance Leffler PhD 6 min read

What did you learn from the course content?

focus in on class and what we were learning. Also the 'game category' that we chose in the beginning of the course was a really helpful way for me to get a better understanding of the time we were learning in. This was a very difficult class but I think I learned the most from it. 4 The prep work was very helpful because it helped

What would you recommend to help the class?

Dec 02, 2015 · The most important concept I learned in this course was how to conduct a needs assessment and knowing which assessment method to use and why. A needs assessment is finding the gap between a current result and a desired result. ... a skill that will indefinitely help me in the future as a Human Resource Professional. This entry was posted in ...

What is the most important element of your eLearning course?

Apr 25, 2015 · Via your post-course evaluation you need to know if the subject matter was relevant, if your eLearning content was complete, current, and appropriate and if the examples, stories and scenarios used were relevant and enlightening. Goals and objectives. Your eLearning objectives need also to be evaluated early in the survey.

How to answer “why Did you choose this course?

Apr 27, 2022 · 4. Focus on positive reasons. Ensure your answer focuses on the positive reasons why you chose the course. Emphasize that you were the one who made the final decision to enroll in the course. While you may discuss others advised you on the choice, your answer showcases your decision-making skills.

What are the best features of this online course?

The Best eLearning Features You Need To Know
  1. Collaboration Of Various Learning Tools. ...
  2. Strong Reporting With Customization. ...
  3. Web-Based Business Support. ...
  4. Brand Integration. ...
  5. Online Course Catalogs. ...
  6. Self Registration. ...
  7. Responsive Design Features. ...
  8. Accreditation Support.
Mar 22, 2019

What are the qualities of a good course?

They are qualities of good courses, period.
Advice for students and parents
  • A good online course is informed by issues of equity and justice. ...
  • A good online course is interactive. ...
  • A good online course is engaging and challenging. ...
  • A good online course involves practice. ...
  • A good online course is effective.
Jun 10, 2020

What are the most useful things you have learned from the online course?

10 Things I've Learned from Online Classes
  • Create a daily schedule. ...
  • Use a planner or calendar. ...
  • Make a daily to-do list. ...
  • Actually attend your online Zoom meetings and be actively engaged. ...
  • Check your email and D2L regularly. ...
  • Email your professors if you have questions. ...
  • Have a designated study or “school” space.

What are some characteristics students should have in order to be successful in an online course?

In general, the online student should possess the following qualities:
  • Be open minded about sharing life, work, and educational experiences as part of the learning process. ...
  • Be able to communicate through writing. ...
  • Be Self-motivated and self-disciplined. ...
  • Be willing to “speak up” if problems arise.

Why is course quality important?

Course quality standards are a valuable component in the instructional design process. They help guide course writers and identify needed improvements within courses and programs, and they create consistency in both faculty expectations and the student experience.Dec 6, 2017

What are the characteristics of course objective?

The learning objective must be simple and brief. Learners have to immediately understand their learning outcomes. An instructional designer must avoid using long paragraphs and complicated words. The goals must also be realistic and achievable.Dec 23, 2013

What are the benefits of online classes?

Ten Advantages of Online Courses
  • Online courses are convenient. ...
  • Online courses offer flexibility. ...
  • Online courses bring education right to your home. ...
  • Online courses offer more individual attention. ...
  • Online courses help you meet interesting people. ...
  • Online courses give you real world skills.

What are the benefits of online learning for students?

Seven Benefits of Online Learning
  • Added Flexibility and Self-Paced Learning. ...
  • Better Time Management. ...
  • Demonstrated Self-Motivation. ...
  • Improved Virtual Communication and Collaboration. ...
  • A Broader, Global Perspective. ...
  • Refined Critical-thinking Skills. ...
  • New Technical Skills.
Sep 25, 2019

Are online classes beneficial for students?

The importance of online classes are that they are much more convenient and flexible as compared to traditional learning platforms. This flexibility allows you to balance your school work, family obligations, while also excelling in your studies. It also enables you to access additional courses and pursue hobbies too.

What are the most important qualities and characteristics that make an online college one of the best in the country?

What Makes a Best Online College?
  1. Engaged and Experienced Faculty. The quality of a teacher can have a significant impact on a classroom experience, and this is even truer when it comes to online education. ...
  2. Student Support. ...
  3. High-Quality Curriculum. ...
  4. Accessible and Dynamic Classrooms. ...
  5. Regional Accreditation.

What are the characteristics of college level learning?

College-level learning involves:
  • acquiring new information.
  • engaging critical inquiry.
  • analyzing, synthesizing and integrating the information.
  • situating the knowledge within a broader context.
  • demonstrating the ability to apply the learning.

What are the features of online learning?

The 7 Most Promising Features Of Online Learning
  • Online Learning Offers Convenience And Flexibility. ...
  • High-Quality Student-Tutor Interactions. ...
  • More Students Can Enroll At Once. ...
  • Web-Based Learning Will Grow In Popularity. ...
  • Better Learning Experience. ...
  • More Cost-Effective. ...
  • Retention Rates Are Higher.
Jul 18, 2020

Why do you evaluate your eLearning course?

Summary: You know that evaluating your eLearning course will help you assess its effectiveness, which is a key aspect for the eLearning experience you are offering. In this article, I'll share some tips on how you can conduct an effective post-course evaluation, in order to collect invaluable feedback for your eLearning course and revise it accordingly in order to improve it.

What is a good idea for visual design evaluation?

In the section related to visual design evaluation, a good idea is to ask your audience to briefly comment on how they found your eLearning course in terms of visual design. If you are not interested in a general look and feel evaluation, ask your learners directly if the layout facilitated their learning process.

What is eLearning resource?

eLearning resources. eLearning resources are additional aids that help your learners gain a better understanding of your eLearning content. In order for you to find out if they were useful, first ask your audience if they indeed used them.

Why do you need feedback on eLearning?

You need feedback from both your clients and your learners, in order to make the necessary revisions and keep improving your eLearning course, so that it gets better every time. There are several ways to do eLearning course evaluation at all stages, that is before your eLearning course’s launch date, during its actualization ...

Why is Homebase important?

Make work easier. Running a small business has never been harder. Homebase helps with free tools to track time and manage your team.

Is it easier to do a post-course evaluation?

The above list may seem overwhelming if you are doing a post-course evaluation for the first time, but as you become more familiar with the evaluation process, you will find that it will be easier for you to proceed with it.

Why should you not mention enrolled in a course?

Try to avoid mentioning that you enrolled in the course because of potential financial benefits.

Why do colleges ask prospective students to complete interviews?

A school may use this interview to determine a student's eligibility for a specific program, decide if the student deserves a scholarship or assess a student's admittance to the school in general. It's important to prepare for these interviews to provide thoughtful answers. In this article, we discuss why interviewers ask about your course selection and how to answer the question "Why did you choose this course?" and provide example answers to help you develop your own.

How to decide what to do with a degree?

1. Consider your interests. Think about your interests. Consider how your hobbies or other things you enjoy affect your decisions. Determine if there was a specific experience that led you to choose this course.

How to talk about career goals?

Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. Be specific when discussing how you hope this specific course prepares you for your career. Share specific career milestones you hope to achieve, and discuss why you chose this specific career.

Why are people questioning if students truly learn something from online classes?

Due to the increase in online course enrollment, people are questioning if students truly learn something from online classes because it’s not a traditional learning environment. Online classes are just, if. Read More.

Is e-learning the same as web-based learning?

E-Learning…Online learning…web-based training …these are all essentially the same thing: learning delivered via some type of electronic device. You may have completed an e-learning course yourself. It may have been designed to introduce a concept or facts; or to teach a new skill, process, or procedure. It may have been text based with some type of assessment, or it could have been a simulation or a game. It could have been delivered asynchronously (self-paced) or synchronously (in real time with

What is the presentation of the material with the help of the computer?

The presentation of the material with the help of the computer make the material very clear

Why should I not read in the first half of the semester?

I would recommend less reading in the first half of the semester because there was too much info that was not gone over in class and it was hard to relate concepts from lectures to readings at times

Should we get notes for a class before class?

We should be able to get the notes for the course before the class, so that unnecessary writing of notes found on the web can be avoided . In one of my psych classes we had the notes before hand & it made studying/understanding the course easier.

Was the instructor very interesting?

The instructer was very interesting and came extremely well prepared. Thus the lectures were quite interesting.
