which course credits trnsfer from asu newport to asu jonsbroro pdf

by Garrett Farrell 10 min read

Are transfer courses transferable to ASU degree programs?

Use ASU-Newport's School Code: 042034. Contact the Arkansas Department of Higher Education to transfer your AR Academic Challenge Scholarship or any other state scholarships. If transferring in the middle of an academic year, log into the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and add ASU-Newport's School Code: 042034.

Why choose ASU-Newport?

A-State will review transfer work completed while on a first suspension only after the student returns and successfully completes 12 hours with a 2.00 GPA, as well as the Restart@state program (if required). No more than 12 credit hours of coursework completed at another accredited college or university while on a first academic suspension from A-State will be …

How do I transfer my credits to Arizona State University?

UD ‐ Denotes Upper Division Credit *Courses Listed on the Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) **As per ACTS, Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II must be taken at the same institution to be transferable. Arkansas State University ‐ Jonesboro A‐STATE TECH

Where is the ASU Jonesboro campus?

This scholarship is $4,000 awarded annually split between fall and spring semesters. For ASU System Schools students that have received their Associate's Degree from ASU Beebe, ASU Mountain Home, ASU Mid-South, ASU Newport, or ASU Three Rivers; they will receive an additional $1,000 to their scholarship.

How many hours of core for associates degree?

In every associate of arts degree, there is a 35-hour minimum "core" that is considered to be "basics" or general education. However, any general education course (s) listed within the Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) will be accepted for transfer to the receiving institution.

What is an articulation agreement?

Articulation agreements are designed to build strong partnerships and coordination between institutions of higher education to aid in a smooth transition for students. By identifying comparable coursework, degree requirements can be met at one institution and transferred seamlessly to another institution to facilitate the completion of a four-year degree.

What is the role of a registrar in a college?

The Registrar (or designee) is the institutional transfer officer responsible for the evaluation. This evaluation is based on a recommendation of course acceptability as determined by the academic department and college standards.

Does ASUN require transcripts?

ASUN requires that transfer students submit an official transcript from the most recent post-secondary institution attended. The Registrar retains the option to request transcripts (official or unofficial) from other colleges attended to more accurately award transfer credit. If you wish to have other transcripts evaluated for possible transfer credits that may not appear on the transcript from the last institution you attended, you will need to provide these to ASUN.

A-State Transfer Course Equivalency Search

Use the Transfer Course Equivalency Search to view a list of all colleges and course equivalencies that are currently coded in our system.

College Source Online

College Source is available to access information and course descriptions from various colleges and universities. http://www.collegesource.org


Thank you for considering A-State as a possible destination to finish your 4-year degree. Our transfer program provides a seamless process for you to earn a bachelor’s degree. We work hand-in-hand with your institution to create a smooth transition.


The A-State Transfer Scholarship is administered through the A-State Financial Aid and Scholarships Office. Students do not need to submit a separate application for this scholarship. The requirements include having at least 24 cumulative transfer hours with at least a 3.25 GPA.

A-State Campus

A-State's transfer program makes transitioning from two-year colleges simple.

A-State Online

Learn more about how you can transfer to the A-State Online program from your institution.

A-State Dual-Delivery Hybrid

A-State's Dual-Delivery Hybrid program makes for an efficient and convenient academic experience.

University Centers

A-State works closely with partner institutions on degree requirements and transfer of credits.

What is the instructional program at ASU Newport?

The instructional programs offered at ASU–Newport reflect faculty and staff awareness that the clientele of ASU–Newport includes both traditional and nontraditional students. The maximum development of students and service to the community are among the principal goals of the college.

How long does ASU keep student complaints?

As required by regulations , ASU–Newport keeps records of written student complaints for two years. Such complaints are addressed and submitted to the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, or Vice Chancellor for Fiscal Affairs. The VCAA shall maintain the ASU-Newport Academic Student Complaint Log (see Appendix D). The VCSA shall maintain a log of all other official student complaints classified as non-academic. These complaints are submitted electronically at www.asun.edu/report-incident as per the ASUN Student Handbook.

What is the Faculty Association of Arkansas State University?

This constitution of the Faculty Association of Arkansas State University-Newport is adopted in order to promote the effectiveness of ASUN in the discharge of its responsibilities , to effect closer coordination among the various areas of the ASUN campuses, and to provide a means by which the special competencies of the members of the instructional staff may be utilized more fully in the formulation and execution of the academic programs of the institution.

Who do associate deans report to?

The Associate Deans and/or Directors report directly to the Academic Deans. The Associate Deans represent the programs and instructional areas within their divisions. They are recognized as academic instructional facilitators and serve as the liaison between the Dean and the faculty. These are twelve-month, non-extended appointments.

Do faculty have to have transcripts?

All faculty and academic administrative staff are required to have official transcripts of all academic work on a file in the Human Resources Department. It is the responsibility of the individual to update any additional work or degrees he or she has completed annually.

What is the faculty association?

The Faculty Association extends committee as a whole privileges to all full-time faculty and professional librarians. All faculty members, both full-time and part-time, are encouraged to participate in the organization which proposes “to promote the effectiveness of the campus in the discharge of its responsibilities, to affect closer coordination among the various areas of the ASU-Newport institution, and to provide a means by which the special competencies of the members of the faculty may be utilized more fully in the formulation and execution of the academic program of the ASU-Newport institution.” For the full text of the Faculty Association’s Constitution, see Appendix B.

How many hours a week does VCAA have?

Faculty members are responsible for posting and keeping 10 office hours per week on their assigned campus in addition to their full-time teaching load. Any additional instruction time (scheduled overload) must be completed IN ADDITION to the regular load and office hour requirement. Schedules should be provided to the Academic Coordinator, Academic Dean, Associate Dean/Director, VCAA’s office, and physically and electronically posted one (1) week following the start date of the fall and spring semesters. Adjustments may be made due to changes in course offerings. Exceptions for technical program faculty may be made accordingly.