which berkeley classes have course capture?

by Pierce Schmeler III 4 min read

Berkeley's Course Capture service offers instructors lecture recording services for their courses and is available in a subset of the General Assignment classrooms. Integrated with bCourses, recorded courses are intended to enhance the learning experience by providing a review tool for students.

Full Answer

Are lectures recorded in UC Berkeley?

Berkeley's Course Capture service offers instructors lecture recording services for their courses and is available in a subset of the General Assignment classrooms. Integrated with bCourses, recorded courses are intended to enhance the learning experience by providing a review tool for students.

Is Berkeley holding in-person classes?

The default mode of instruction for the spring semester will be in-person, regardless of class size. The limited number of courses that have been designed and approved to be delivered in an alternate mode of instruction are listed accordingly in the Course Catalog.

Can you audit classes at UC Berkeley?

Current UC Berkeley students, visiting research scholars, faculty, staff members, and post-doctoral scholars on the Berkeley campus can audit in-person (not online) Summer Sessions courses, subject to the approval of the instructor.

Are Berkeley course evaluations mandatory?

Are students required to complete evaluations? No, but they are strongly encouraged to provide feedback that will inform and improve the teaching on our campus. Instructors may not penalize students who do not not complete evaluations.

Will UCS be online in fall 2021?

The UC system as a whole plans to return to primarily in-person instruction as of fall 2021.

Is Berkeley still remote?

The default mode of instruction for the Jan. 18-28, 2022 period will be remote. Except as explained in 2 and 3 below, courses must be taught remotely during this period and in-person attendance cannot be required.

How do I audit a course at Berkeley?

Members of the public may audit classes only through concurrent enrollment with the new no-credit option that will be administered by UC Extension. Like for-credit enrollment, no-credit enrollment in a course is dependent on seats available and is at the discretion of the instructor.

What does it mean to audit a class?

Auditing a course means that you receive no academic credit for it, and you are not responsible for tests or homework.

Can UC Berkeley alumni take classes?

All UC Alumni Association members can now enjoy the opportunities for lifelong learning through most UC Extension classes, no matter what UC campus they attended.

How do I find my course evaluation Berkeley?

You can access the course evaluations system directly without needing to click on an email link by going to https://course-evaluations.berkeley.edu/ and logging in with your CalNet ID and passphrase.

Do course evaluations matter?

In addition to helping professors improve their classes, these evaluations play a role in helping administration make tenure decisions and influence where potential raises are offered, Carini said. Though they aren't the deciding factor, these surveys are one component of how teaching is evaluated.

Are course evaluations anonymous?

Yes, student responses are anonymous. Instructors do not know which students responded or what responses individual students provided. However, instructors can track overall response rates for their courses.

Course Capture Policies (Fall 17 - Spring 20)

Instructors participating Sp2017 and earlier used a different Pre Sp 2017 agreement ,

Course Capture Video & Audio Recording Permission Agreement

I (we) grant permission to the Regents of the University of California, on behalf of the Educational Technology Services (“ETS”), of the University of California, Berkeley:

Course Capture Policies (Fall 17 - Spring 20)

Instructors participating Sp2017 and earlier used a different Pre Sp 2017 agreement (link is external) ,

Course Capture Video & Audio Recording Permission Agreement

I (we) grant permission to the Regents of the University of California, on behalf of the Educational Technology Services (“ETS”), of the University of California, Berkeley:
