what is a emt hybrid course

by Coy Hoeger 6 min read

EMT Course. “Hybrid” or “Blended” are names commonly used to describe courses in which some traditional face-to-face “seat time” has been replaced by online learning activities. The purpose of a hybrid course is to take advantage of the best features of both face-to-face and online learning. A hybrid course is designed to integrate face-to-face and online activities so that they reinforce, complement, and elaborate one another, instead of treating the online component as an add ...

The EMT class is designed to introduce students to basic emergency medical care. Topics include preparatory, airway, patient assessment, medical emergencies, trauma, pediatrics and operations.

Full Answer

What is EMT Basic Training?

They may learn skills including:

  • Managing bleeding
  • Taking vital signs
  • Triage
  • Splinting and joint immobilization
  • Resuscitation

What is the best online certification program?

Selection of the Top 20 Sales Training and Enablement Companies was based on the following criteria:

  • Breadth and quality of program and service offerings
  • Industry visibility, innovation, and impact in the sales training market
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How to become an EMT in California?

What are the Requirements to Get an EMT Certificate in California?

  • The candidate should meet the minimum age requirement of being 18 years old.
  • You must complete EMT training from a program, this program must be accredited by the state of California.
  • Passing the NREMT examination is also mandatory.
  • The candidates are also required to complete a state-approved CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) training.

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What are EMT classes?

  • HIV/HBV Prevention
  • Baseline Vitals
  • Lifting and Moving of Patients
  • Airway Management
  • Communication and Documentation
  • General Pharmacology
  • Respiratory, Cardiovascular, Behavioral and other Emergencies
  • Bleeding and Shock
  • Injuries to Head and Spine
  • Diabetes and Allergies

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What are the different types of EMT?

EMT Paramedicine LevelsEMT Basic or Emergency Medical Responder. This basic level of emergency responder can provide immediate and basic lifesaving care and first aid, but typically must wait for higher-level EMTs or paramedics to perform any more advanced care. ... EMT Intermediate. ... EMT Advanced.

Which EMT level is considered the highest?

EMT-Paramedic This is the most advanced level of EMT. An EMT-paramedic performs the same services as an EMT-intermediate but he or she also provides more extensive pre-hospital care and can administer intravenous and oral medications. Additional training is given in anatomy and physiology through training courses.

Is EMT better than EMS?

The major difference, which is obvious within the two, is that basically EMTs work within EMS. Especially with basic life support, EMTs are skilled to perform a whole range of emergency care skills from basic to more technical like proper attendance to spinal injuries and oxygen therapy.

Is EMT higher than EMR?

Starting with the most basic to the most advanced, they are Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT), and Paramedic.

Can advanced EMT intubate?

In addition to the national scope of practice, New York also authorizes its AEMT-CCs to intubate patients and do three lead ecg monitoring as well as twelve lead in certain counties, in addition to providing certain cardiac medications and cardiac care, including cardioversion.

Are there ranks in paramedics?

The three levels are defined as the Supervising EMS Officer, the Managing EMS Officer and the Executive EMS Officer. We feel that the majority of EMS officers from across the United States can identify their position among these three categories.

What is EMT salary?

What is an E-mail Money Transfer (EMT) & how do I pay using this method? The simple way to send money directly to another person using your online or mobile banking. Interac e-Transfer is a simple, convenient, and secure way to send and receive money directly from one bank account to another.

How long is EMT school?

one to three yearsBecoming an emergency medical technician (EMT) or paramedic typically takes one to three years, depending on your career goals and educational path. EMT training focuses on life support techniques for first-response situations, including CPR, tourniquet application, and wound treatment.

What can paramedics do that EMTs Cannot?

The basic difference between EMTs and paramedics lies in their level of education and the kind of procedures they are allowed to perform. While EMTs can administer CPR, glucose, and oxygen, paramedics can perform more complex procedures such as inserting IV lines, administering drugs, and applying pacemakers.

What medications can an EMT administer?

Medications authorized for administration by EMTs are:Activated Charcoal.Albuterol.Aspirin.Epinephrine, 1:1,000 via EpiPen® or vial.Nitroglycerin (Tablet or Spray)Oral Glucose Gel.Oxygen.Tylenol.

Can EMR start IV?

Basic level EMTs are not trained or authorized to place/insert IV lines in patients. There are higher-level EMTs in some areas that are allowed to start IV lines. Inserting an IV is considered an advanced skill (sometimes called an invasive skill) that needs special training to be certified to perform.

How do I go from EMR to EMT?

EMT: Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) to EMT Bridge EMR to EMT bridge course is appropriately 96-hour classroom course with additional 12-hours clinical rotation with EMS. Objectives are designed to provide the knowledge for students to bridge EMRs to EMT level. Courses are scheduled based on community needs.

2022 Spring EMT Section A or B

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: On November 4, 2021, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) announced an Interim Rule requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for all healthcare workers (including students and faculty) who provide care, treatment, or services for a covered provider.

Hybrid EMT Training Program

The IUP Division of Emergency Services Training announces the spring 2022 Online/Hybrid Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course. You will need to choose Section A, held on Tuesdays, or Section B held on Thursdays, when you register.

Students are Responsible for

EMT online access package ($348; but $261 with IUP student discount) More information will be provided with the Welcome Letter.

College Credit for IUP Students

IUP students who successfully complete the EMT course at IUP are eligible for up to four transfer credits through the Department of Kinesiology, Health, and Sport Science. More information can be obtained at EMT Credit Transfer Agreement.

Criminal History

Students must complete a criminal history form for the Pennsylvania Department of Health upon enrollment in the course. Students with a criminal history may not be eligible for EMT certification or field/clinical experiences. For more information, please see the NREMT policy or the PA Department of Health EMS regulations.


Preregistration is required. Anyone interested in attending should complete the registration by using the EMT link below and make the $225 nonrefundable deposit to ensure your seat in the class.

Purchase Course

SAVE A LIFE Corporation 1557 Coon Rapids Blvd NW Suite # 200 Coon Rapids, MN. 55433

Purchase Course

The EMT Hybrid course is based on Minnesota & National EMS Education Standards that will govern the way that you learn and practice EMS. Additionally, this course meets the current American Heart Association guidelines for CPR and ECC.

What is EMT Basic?

EMT - Emergency Medical Technician The EMT-Basic course is designed to train individuals in skills and knowledge necessary to complete the National Registry EMT examination and achieve certification as an Emergency Medical Technician.

How many hours of EMS time is required for RC Health Services?

Students will complete 48 hours of EMS time with at least 6 patient transports, and 24 hours of Emergency Department time.

How Does a Hybrid EMT Course Work?

This work is done in a blended environment. Courses are taken online at your convenience. Live online lectures are incorporated so you are not alone in this learning journey. You will take part in many live online classroom sessions with industry leading EMS providers to “Learn From The Pros”.

What Will I Learn?

The Southwest EMS Academy EMT Course is designed to prepare and qualify you to take the National Registry of EMTs (NREMT) EMT written and psychomotor tests for certification as an EMT.

How Do I Get Started?

Getting started is easy as clicking on the Register Now button and an admissions counselor will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your goals and answer all of your questions.


Hybrid EMT Training Program

  • The IUP Division of Emergency Services Trainingannounces the fall 2022 Online/Hybrid Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course. This program is primarily designed for future emergency medical service personnel but is appropriate for anyone who may respond to emergencies, including fire/rescue personnel, nurses, coaches, athletic trainers, and safet...
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Lab Sessions

  • 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 1. Saturday, September 17, 2022 2. Sunday, September 18, 2022 3. Saturday, October 22, 2022 4. Sunday, October 23, 2022 5. Saturday, December 3, 2022 6. Sunday, December 4, 2022 All sessions mandatory
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  • $550 (EMT Cognitive Prep Course* plus additional fees as required for clinical contacts - Prices subject to change.) A registration fee of $225 must be paid at the time of registration in order to secure your spot in the class.
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Students Are Responsible For

  1. EMT online access package ($348; but $261 with IUP student discount) More information will be provided with the Welcome Letter.
  2. Clinical-Field-Capstone Requirements
  3. Castle Branch Account ($102)
  4. Physical examination(s)
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College Credit For IUP Students

  • IUP students who successfully complete the EMT course at IUP are eligible for up to four transfer credits through the Department of Kinesiology, Health, and Sport Science. More information can be obtained at EMT Credit Transfer Agreement. The EMT Training Program is a ‘clock hour' certificate program. Students who complete an EMT certificate with IUP, may be able to utilize t…
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Technical and Course Requirements

  • Students will need regular access to a reliable computer with: 1. Current operating system 2. Robust high-speed internet connection 3. Current Flash player 4. Active email account Students need to be able to create user accounts, navigate a web-based learning platform, send and receive emails, attach files, and open attachments using common computer applications. Students with…
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Criminal History

  • Students must complete a criminal history form for the Pennsylvania Department of Health upon enrollment in the course. Students with a criminal history may not be eligible for EMT certification or field/clinical experiences. For more information, please see the NREMT policy or the PA Department of Health EMS regulations.
See more on iup.edu


  • Preregistration is required. Anyone interested in attending should complete the registration by using the EMT link below and make the $225 nonrefundable deposit to ensure your seat in the class. 1. Deposit must be made on EMT Registration Enrollment is limited and will be accepted until the class is filled. If the class reaches maximum capacity, students will be added to a waiti…
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