which ap course is the most taken

by Prof. Breanna Daniel DVM 4 min read

Which AP Tests Are the Most Popular?

Exam Name # of Students Taking (2021)
English Language and Composition 518,548
United States History 454,204
English Literature and Composition 321,029
World History 302,232
Apr 24 2022

AP English Language and Composition

Full Answer

What is the most useless AP class to take?

There is no such thing as a useless AP class. Even if you take an AP class that you have absolutely no interest in, if you succeed in getting college credit then that is one less class you need to take in college and take up your limited time. So it would be worth it to take in high school.

What are the hardest AP classes and tests?


  • Pass Rate: 64.5%
  • 5-Rate: 20.5%
  • The hardest part about AP Psychology: Many students underestimate the test and don’t prepare adequately because AP Psychology classes have a reputation for being easier than other AP classes.

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What is the most popular AP class?

Here are the main things to look out for in this infographic:

  • The hardest and most time-consuming AP exams are in the top-right corner. Physics C – E&M earns the top difficulty rating based on real student reviews.
  • The easiest and least time-consuming are in the bottom-left corner. ...
  • The colour indicates the pass rate for that AP exam. ...

What is the hardest AP?

Rihanna and her boyfriend A$AP Rocky proudly announced that they are going to be parents. But times weren't always so rosy for A$AP Rocky. Learn more about his difficult past below... Rihanna and her boyfriend A$AP Rocky proudly announced that they are ...

Which APS are the most important?

3s, 4s and 5s: the scores you need Strong AP scores are important, especially for a student seeking admission to the most selective schools. AP scores can reinforce strong grades and offer confirmatory evidence that a student has mastered her academic subjects, in the same fashion as the IB exams.

What is the hardest AP class?

The Three Hardest AP ClassesAP Physics 1. Despite a reputation as one of the most difficult AP classes, Physics 1 is also one of the most popular—137,229 students took it in 2021. ... AP U.S. History. AP U.S. history is one of the hardest AP classes in the humanities and in general. ... AP Chemistry.

What is the easiest AP class?

What is the easiest AP class? AP Computer Science Principles is rated as the easiest AP class by real AP class alumnae, with an average difficulty rating of just 2.8 / 10 (1 = easiest), though the 2021 pass rate of 67% is not especially high.

What AP class should I take?

When Should I Take AP Classes?GradeRecommended Number of AP Classes to TakeRecommended AP Classes11th Grade3-5English, Calculus AB, Biology, Spanish (or other foreign language), U.S. Government and Politics12th Grade3-6Chemistry, Physics C, Calculus BC2 more rows•Sep 8, 2021

Is AP bio or AP Chem harder?

However, our son thinks taking AP bio in junior year makes more sense since AP biology tends to be relatively 'easier' than AP chemistry for most kids and his next year classes are rigorous. AP Chemistry or AP Biology.

Is AP Chem worth taking?

If you really want to challenge yourself and gain new skills, AP Chem is a good class to take. Credit: Many colleges don't accept the credit for AP Chemistry because a good foundation of chemistry knowledge is required in future chemistry classes Trust me, this is for your own good!

Should I take AP Bio or AP Chem?

4:387:22AP Biology vs. AP Chemistry: Which class is best for you? - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThat students in ap bio classes should perform is eight throughout the year. And in chemistry theMoreThat students in ap bio classes should perform is eight throughout the year. And in chemistry the minimum number of labs you should perform is six now if you're in a school without a lot of lab.

What AP classes should I take junior year?

For Junior Year - I recommend 3-5 APs, AP English Lang, either AP US History or AP Human Geography, either AP Bio or AP Chem, AP Language of your choice if you qualify like AP Spanish, French, and either Honors Pre-Calc or AP Calc AB.

Is taking AP Psychology worth it?

The AP Psychology class is not only a great way to earn college credit while you are still in high school, but it is also an excellent opportunity to build basic knowledge of the subject. This can come in handy for any additional psychology courses you may take in college.

Is 4 AP classes too much?

Unless you're applying to the most selective universities, 4 to 5 AP courses over your high school years is more than enough. For students applying to the most selective colleges, you might need 7–12.

Is 3 AP classes too much?

Take as many as you can handle without spreading yourself thin, and make sure you will have time to study for the ACT or SAT this year. An Ivy League hopeful might take 3 to 5 AP classes, while if you're aiming for less-selective schools, 2 to 4 would be enough.

What AP classes should I take as a sophomore?

Junior Year: Based on your experience and scores from freshman and sophomore year, start taking APs in core classes, like AP English, AP Calculus, or AP Biology. Take as many as you can handle without spreading yourself too thin. Make sure you will have time to study for the ACT or SAT this year.

Do you have to take the exam if you take an AP class?

You can usually take an AP class without taking an exam and vice versa. However, you need to take an exam if you hope to gain college credit. And a...

What year should you take AP classes?

While some high school students may be able to take AP classes during their first year, most wait until their second year. Students typically enrol...

How many AP classes should you take for Harvard?

While Harvard does not set a hard-and-fast rule for AP coursework, the average incoming Harvard student has taken eight AP classes. Keep in mind th...

>Is there a limit to how many AP classes you can take?

Although the College Board does not set a limit on how many AP classes you can take, you will probably face some limiting factors. For example, you...

How Many AP Classes Should I Take?

This depends on your goals. For instance, consider the competitiveness of your prospective colleges. The more selective the school, the more AP cla...

When Should I Take AP Classes?

Students often use their first year of high school to build a foundation and adjust to the more advanced curriculum. Many first-year students avoid...

Learn What Prerequisites You Need

Once you have considered your own personal strengths, also think about classes you have taken that could prepare you for an AP class. You shouldn’t...

Consider Other Skills Certain AP Classes Will Require

In this discussion about prerequisite courses, you might be wondering about AP courses like Human Geography, Economics, Computer Science, Psycholog...

Learn What Specific AP Classes Are Like at Your High School

You should also consider which classes are offered at your school and what their reputations are when choosing AP classes.For example, at my high s...

Think About How Busy You Are

AP classes are big time commitments, especially in the spring (see our post on test dates for tips on dealing with the spring time test crunch). So...

Think About Which Aps Best Fit Your College and Career Goals

AP Exams are a great way to begin exploring future college and career options. They are also a great way to signal on your college applications tha...

What to consider when choosing AP classes?

Consider Your Strengths. When choosing AP classes, your own strengths and weaknesses are the most important factors to consider. After all, you’re likely to perform better on a test in a field that interests and excites you.

What is the AP exam score?

The College Board grades AP exams on a scale of one to five , with one representing the lowest possible score and five representing the highest. In general, a score of three is considered to be passing. However, students should note that many colleges require a score of four or five to receive credit.

Why is the pass rate so high?

The pass rate is likely high because the students who take this exam tend to be well prepared, or are native speakers. Similarly, an exam like Environmental Science might have a lower rate because the class itself is considered easier than other APs. As a result, students may be less-prepared to take the exam.

How does AP class impact college chances?

How AP Classes Impact Your College Chances. The number of AP classes you take can help make your admissions profile more competitive. Ivy League colleges and other highly selective institutions often use something called the Academic Index.

What is an AP class?

Advanced Placement classes offer students the opportunity to try out college-level courses and explore advanced topics in an area of interest while they’re still in high school. In some cases, students can even earn credit for college classes, ultimately saving time and money as they pursue their degrees. To that end, choosing the right AP classes to take is extremely important.

Where does April Maguire live?

Over the years, she has worked as a writer, editor, tutor, and content manager. Currently, she operates a freelance writing business and lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their three rowdy cats.

Is AP exam difficult?

Note that the AP exam passing rate doesn’t necessarily indicate the difficulty of the actual AP course. For instance, an AP course may be generally easy and not properly prepare students for the exam, leading to a lower passing rate. While you might expect an exam with a low passing rate to have a difficult course, that’s not always the case. There is also variance in AP course difficulty by school, so be sure to seek the advice of your counselor and older friends if you’re on the fence about a course.

What is the hardest AP exam to pass?

Some AP classes are more demanding than others. For example, two of the hardest AP exams to pass in May 2020 were AP Physics 1 (51.6% pass rate) and AP Environmental Science (53.4% pass rate).

What does AP classes do?

AP classes can help you enhance your college applications and earn college credit.

Why do students take AP classes?

An increasing number of students enroll in AP classes to help boost their college admission chances and to earn college credit while still in high school. These courses may prove challenging. But for many students, the challenge of AP classes is worth it.

What is an AP Scholar Award?

These awards recognize students who "have demonstrated exemplary college-level achievement on AP exams." Students who receive high marks on multiple exams may qualify for an AP Scholar Award.

How do AP classes help you?

Plus, you can reap the rewards of AP classes in other ways, such as by improving your studying skills. AP classes can help you earn college credit, or you might qualify for scholarships to help cover some college costs.

How to balance AP classes?

Try to balance your AP classes with honors classes, extracurriculars, SAT/ACT prep, volunteer work, and any personal commitments without overloading yourself.

Why do students use their first year of high school?

Students often use their first year of high school to build a foundation and adjust to the more advanced curriculum. Many first-year students avoid jumping into AP classes as they get used to high school. In fact, some schools don't even offer AP classes to ninth graders.

What to think about when choosing AP classes?

As you choose AP classes and learn about their reputations at your school, think about your own study habits and what kind of classroom environment will help you do your best.

What is an AP exam?

AP Exams are a great way to begin exploring future college and career options. They are also a great way to signal on your college applications that you are considering what you want to study in college and are developing the skills for college classes.

What is the most important part of college application?

One of the single most important parts of your college application is what classes you choose to take in high school (in conjunction with how well you do in those classes). Our team of PrepScholar admissions experts have compiled their knowledge into this single guide to planning out your high school course schedule. We'll advise you on how to balance your schedule between regular and honors/AP/IB courses, how to choose your extracurriculars, and what classes you can't afford not to take.

What to do if you're stuck between two AP choices?

If you're stuck between two AP choices that otherwise seem good (you've taken the prerequisites and they have good teachers), go with the one that you think will be more relevant to your major or future goals.

What to do if you don't have prerequisites for AP?

It can be more than just one prior class. For example, if you've taken honors English each year since seventh grade and also write on the school newspaper, you would likely be well prepared for AP English Language or AP English Literature.

What happens if you don't take AP classes?

However, if you don't choose your AP classes wisely, you could end up in a class that is overwhelming, boring, and/or drags down your GPA because you can't get a high grade in it. By carefully considering which AP classes to take, you can maximize the benefits you get from them while minimizing the drawbacks. ...

How do teachers approach AP courses?

Some expect their students to manage their own studying, like in a real college course. Others make sure their students are prepared by assigning a ton of work.

What are AP classes?

AP classes are a great way to explore subjects that aren't usually part of high school curricula. Many AP classes, such as Computer Science, Psychology, and Economics, can give you a taste of college courses while you're still in high school. AP classes: perfect if you're dreaming of life on campus.

What are the AP tests?

First things first: here is the full list of AP tests. Before we delve into popularity and difficulty, this basic list can be really helpful. Scope it out and see which topics look interesting to you! There are 38 courses in total: 1 Research 2 Seminar 3 Art and Design (formerly Studio Art): 2-D Design 4 Art and Design (formerly Studio Art): 3-D Design 5 Art and Design (formerly Studio Art): Drawing 6 Art History 7 Biology 8 Calculus AB 9 Calculus BC 10 Chemistry 11 Chinese Language and Culture 12 Computer Science A 13 Computer Science Principles 14 English Language and Composition 15 English Literature and Composition 16 Environmental Science 17 European History 18 French Language and Culture 19 German Language and Culture 20 Government and Politics (Comparative) 21 Government and Politics (US) 22 Human Geography 23 Italian Language and Culture 24 Japanese Language and Culture 25 Latin 26 Macroeconomics 27 Microeconomics 28 Music Theory 29 Physics 1: Algebra-Based 30 Physics 2: Algebra-Based 31 Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 32 Physics C: Mechanics 33 Psychology 34 Spanish Language and Culture 35 Spanish Literature and Culture 36 Statistics 37 US History 38 World History: Modern

What is the pass rate on AP test?

Most AP tests have a pass rate of around 60% or higher. The high score of 5 is rarer—usually between 10% and 20% of a test's scores.

What is the most important part of college application?

One of the single most important parts of your college application is what classes you choose to take in high school (in conjunction with how well you do in those classes). Our team of PrepScholar admissions experts have compiled their knowledge into this single guide to planning out your high school course schedule. We'll advise you on how to balance your schedule between regular and honors/AP/IB courses, how to choose your extracurriculars, and what classes you can't afford not to take.

Do language AP exams have high passing rates?

On the other hand, the rates for language exams (Total) also include students who speak that language at home and/or have completed study abroad programs. This is why many of the language AP exams (Total) have very high passing rates.

Is AP exam more popular?

Taking a more popular AP exam has a lot of benefits. For one, the class is more likely to be offered at your high school. Another plus is that there are more study guides and resources you can use for the test—both online and in print. It will also be easier to find other students to study with.

What is the easiest AP class?

Computer Science Principles was rated as the easiest AP class you can take, with an average score of just 2.6 / 10 (lower score = easier class).

What are the easiest AP classes to self study?

The easiest AP classes to self-study are: Computer Science Principles, Psychology and Environmental Science. These are also rated as the easiest and least time-consuming AP classes overall, so you should be OK.

What are some easy subjects to study?

Also rated relatively easy to self-study are: US Government & Politics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Computer Science A. Human Geography, Statistics, Spanish Language and English Language.

Which two economics have the same difficulty level?

Macroeconomics and Microeconomics offer a similar difficulty level.

Is physics similar to the average score?

The average scores for both groups of students were pretty similar, you may be comforted to learn if you find yourself studying long hours on physics.

Is physics more time consuming than other classes?

Some reviewers found Physics was relatively less time-consuming than other courses . From my experience, harder physics courses such as the AP exams tend to split classes into two halves: those that “get it” relatively quickly, and those that have to persevere and sweat a bit to figure out what’s going on.

How many AP exams did Justin Zhu take?

This achievement left him with a 4.8 average score. Meet Justin Zhu, the top AP Scholar in the world, having taken 30 AP exams. He scored a perfect 5 on 26 of the exams, and 4’s on the rest.

What would happen if a student took 32?

However, this is misleading because if a student could take 32, they most likely would enroll in a college program for high school students.

Is taking challenging classes good for you?

Taking such challenging courses will definitely yield positive results - it will help you get the most out of your high school education, and you wi

Is AP class real college?

So only take them if you’re ready to handle them, but make no mistake about it — community college classes are real college classes. AP are not.

Do college classes stay on your transcript?

College classes are college classes — period. And they will remain on your official college transcript *for life*, irrelevant of whether they transfer to your 4 year university. AP grades? Dust in the wind after you leave high school, but college grades will follow you if you apply to medical school or law school one day, no matter how old you were when you took the course.

Is AP exam standardized?

It’s true the AP *exam* is standardized, but AP *classes* are not — just like in college, there are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ or ‘easy’ or ‘hard’ AP teachers — it completely varies from school to school (or even within the same school, if there are multiple sections).

Can you take AP courses with 4 or 5?

Back in my day it was seen as a positive if you took one or two AP courses, and even more so if you got a 4 or 5 on the exam. At Yale (1980s) you could place out of certain intro courses with 4 or 5s on the exams. I’m sure that has changed now because anybody it seems can take an AP course. (It was not so when I was a high school student).

How many pages are there in the AP worksheet?

This four-page worksheet helps students prepare to talk to their teacher or counselor about taking AP courses.

Is AP class challenging?

AP classes can be challenging, but that doesn’t mean you’re not up to the task. If you’re willing to work hard and if you’re prepared academically, you should be able to succeed in an AP course.

Do high schools allow AP courses?

Some high schools let any student enroll in an AP course as long as the student has taken the recommended prerequisite courses. Other high schools have additional rules—for example, you might have to pass a placement test to enroll in an AP course.

What to think about when considering AP courses?

When considering which AP courses to take, you should think about which APs are available at your school and what they are like. Talk to students who have taken the courses that you’re interested in, talk to your guidance counselor, and talk to the teachers that you trust.

Is it bad to take AP classes?

Some APs will require prerequisite courses or other prerequisite skills, so be sure to talk to your guidance counselor about this before you choose your APs. Again, it isn’t a bad thing to take an AP in a subject you have no experience in, just be aware that the learning curve may be a lot larger for you.

Is it easy to know which AP courses to take?

It’s not easy to know which AP courses to take. There are conflicting interests at play, scheduling issues to think about, and of course your school and the AP courses available there will play a big part in your decision. At the same time, taking AP courses is a great way to challenge yourself and get a better sense of what your interests are going forward!
