how does the meaning of the word dedicated change over the course of the text

by Robert Robel IV 5 min read

What does the repeated word dedicate mean in this passage?

The definition of the repeated word, dedicate, is to devote (time, effort, or oneself) to a particular task or purpose. The idea that Lincoln emphasizes with the repetition of this word is the idea that the men who fought dedicated their lives to bettering this country, and uphold the ideals of the nation that were instated so many years ago.

Why do words change their meaning?

There are several reasons for words change meaning. One is the influence of other languages and cultures. Throughout history, many nations through conquering or intermixing with one another, introduced their own languages into the mix.

Do English words change their meaning over time?

It is inevitable that words change their meanings over time but it is still interesting to know the English words the meanings of which became very different from what they mean originally. You might be surprised to know that the words you’ll find here are mostly words that you use regularly.

What is an example of a word that has changed its meaning?

It is a regular occurrence and the change of meaning could be narrowed or broadened. An example of this is the word ”hound.” Previously, a canine is traditionally called hound, while dog is used to indicate a canine that is fierce and big. The term ”dog” became the common term, which is broadening its meaning.

What does the word dedicate mean in the Gettysburg Address?

So, here “dedicated” expresses how the country is founded, or based on an idea or ideal. “We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

What are the three 3 most important phrases in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address?

His words are some of the most memorable in American history, forever stamping our collective minds with “four score and seven years ago,” and “all men are created equal,” and of course a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

What is Lincoln's main purpose in making this speech?

The stated purpose of Lincoln's speech was to dedicate a plot of land that would become Soldier's National Cemetery. However, Lincoln realized that he also had to inspire the people to continue the fight. Below is the text of the Gettysburg Address, interspersed with my thoughts on what made it so memorable.

What does the third paragraph of the Gettysburg Address mean?

In the third paragraph, President Lincoln stresses the important point that the words of his speech cannot actually bless or make holy the Battlefield of Gettysburg. Rather, he indicates the bravery of the men, both living and dead, has already made the ground of the battlefield sacred.

How did the Gettysburg Address change the nature and purpose of the civil war?

In the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln ties the purpose of the war to the nation's Declaration of Independence, the continuing cause of freedom, and a "government of the people, by the people, for the people." In concert with his Emancipation Proclamation earlier in the year, Lincoln's short address redefines the Northern ...

Why did Lincoln write and deliver the Gettysburg Address What were his two main purposes Explain using evidence from the speech?

One of his two main purposes for writing and delivering this speech was to reinforce the fact that those men who gave their lives did not die in vain, "that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead ...

What is the main message communicated by Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address?

1 Answer. Lincoln's message in his Gettysburg Address was that the living can honor the wartime dead not with a speech, but rather by continuing to fight for the ideas they gave their lives for.

What is the main theme or message of the Gettysburg Address?

In it, he invoked the principles of human equality contained in the Declaration of Independence and connected the sacrifices of the Civil War with the desire for “a new birth of freedom,” as well as the all-important preservation of the Union created in 1776 and its ideal of self-government.

What was the main message of the Gettysburg Address quizlet?

What is the theme of the Gettysburg Address? Lincoln's main theme in the address was that the war must be won, and that the union must be saved.

Who won the battle of Gettysburg?

the Union armyThe Battle of Gettysburg was won by the Union army (the North). Read more about the Battle of Gettysburg and its aftermath in the American Civil War article.

Who won the Civil War?

The NorthFact #8: The North won the Civil War. After four years of conflict, the major Confederate armies surrendered to the United States in April of 1865 at Appomattox Court House and Bennett Place.

How does this document support the idea that Gettysburg was a turning point in the war?

The Union, Confederate, and the total men of age make up the total casualty number. The confederate had a smaller army so therefore they were hurt the most by their Gettysburg losses. This document helps explain why Gettysburg was a turning point in war because the South lost the majority of their force.

What is the change in meaning of words?

Change in the Meaning of Words Demands Care in the Use of Language. We know that words change all the time and over time, a process language experts describe as “semantic shift,” semantics being the field of language concerned with meaning. Even if we may not recognize it, such change in meaning is all around us, influenced by social, political, ...

Who said that what was unacceptable in one century can become commonplace in another?

The late Sen. Daniel Moynihan would no doubt argue, as he did in a scholarly essay, “ Defining Deviancy Down ,” that the definition of “deviance” changes over time, that what was unacceptable in one century can become commonplace in another. An oppressive society will find too much language deviant from acceptable norms.

What is the verbal phrase that has almost nothing to do with urination?

I remember a survey from the 1970s in which the word “suck” was judged, by both men and women, to be among the most offensive in the English language.

Where does the word "respectability" come from?

Another example of the movement toward respectability comes from the history of the word “enthusiasm.”. The word comes from the Greek and means essentially to “have God in you.”.

Where did the word "geek" come from?

Long lost is the origin of the word, born in the circus culture that dominated popular entertainment in the 19th century. The American Heritage Dictionary informs us that the word “geek” originated with the circus sideshow: “a performer who engaged in bizarre acts, such as biting the head off a live chicken.”.

Start your discussions

In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address we would like to encourage everyone to discuss the meaning and historical significance of this important speech. Below are some suggested questions to help get the discussions started in the classroom and the dining room table.

Text Analysis Questions

What happened "four score and seven years ago"? Why does Lincoln start with this?

For Elementary Age Learners

Lincoln talked about everyone working together. Why is it important for people to work together?

Why do words change meaning?

There are several reasons for words change meaning. One is the influence of other languages and cultures. Throughout history, many nations through conquering or intermixing with one another, introduced their own languages into the mix. Another reason is the predominate use of slang words.

What are some examples of words that change over time?

An example would be the word nice. Nice used to be an insult and meant foolish or stupid in the 13th century and it went through many changes right through to the 18th century with meanings like wanton, extravagant, ...

What does "comb over" mean?

Comb-over- an attempt to cover a bald spot. You can learn about more words in an etymology dictionary. We can use this as another reminder, especially when it is important to have a group goal achieved, that what a word means to us, may not have the same meaning to someone else.

What is etymology in language?

By Maria Boomhower. Etymology is the study of the origins of words. As languages develop the meaning of words can change over time. This causes confusion and misunderstanding when communicating with other people.

What is the idea that Lincoln emphasizes with the repetition of this word?

The idea that Lincoln emphasizes with the repetition of this word is the idea that the men who fought dedicated their lives to bettering this country, and uphold the ideals of the nation that were instated so many years ago. Identify Patterns Identify two examples of parallelism in the speech.

What does Lincoln mean by "new birth of freedom"?

When he refers to "a new birth of freedom" (line 22), Lincoln means that once the war has finally ended, the nation will thrive under the notion that all men are created equal. There will be a new freedom for all once the war finishes and slavery is abolished.

What is the unfinished work of those who died?

The "unfinished work" of those who died (line 16) was the task of bringing the war to a close. These men knew that when George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and so many others built the empire of America, that they built it on equality and freedom for all.

Who said "We'll never be free until we end slavery"?

John Laurens was hellbent on ending slavery, for he knew that it was the only way for the nation to be truly free. The line, "we'll never be free until we end slavery" from the Tony-winning Broadway musical, Hamilton, always comes into my mind when discussing the civil war that this country endured.

Where did the word "dinner" come from?

Dinner. Dinner started from the French word ”disner” that originated from the Latin term, ”disjejunare” or breaking the fast. Thus it originally referred to the first meal you have for the day. Through the evolution of the word, it was used to refer to the day’s main meal, which is still used in some circles.

What does "nice" mean in Latin?

Nice. From the Anglo-Norman language to classical Latin to English, the word ”nice” used to refer to someone ”ignorant” from the Latin word ”nescius.”. Starting from the 1300s up to the 1600s the meaning was the same – ignorant, foolish or silly.

Why is "merry" short?

It is because something short or brief is pleasant. Now merry means joy, gaiety, full of merriment, fun, lively and so on. The English language already had a word ”short” in the early days, however, it meant ”sliced off.”. Merry had a long past as well.

What is the root word for "audition"?

One of them is the word ”audition” that seems to have the root word that refers to ”audio.” Today, when you hear the term, what easily comes to mind is a person trying out for a film or play.

What is the meaning of "hound"?

The term ”dog” became the common term, which is broadening its meaning. The meaning of ”hound” became narrow as it now only refers to hunting dogs. Dogs of smaller breeds, especially, including Chihuahuas and toy dogs should never be called hounds.

Do words change over time?

It is inevitable that words change their meanings over time but it is still interesting to know the English words the meanings of which became very different from what they mean originally. You might be surprised to know that the words you’ll find here are mostly words that you use regularly. It is a regular occurrence and the change ...
