where do uc berkeley course evals go

by Jaquelin Cole 10 min read

You can access the course evaluations system directly without needing to click on an email link by going to https://course-evaluations.berkeley.edu/ and logging in with your CalNet ID and passphrase.
These reports include:
  • Individual Reports (Academic Personnel Version)
  • Department Summary Report.
  • Raw Data Report (CSV)
Jun 17, 2020

Are Berkeley course evaluations anonymous?

Responses are confidential but not anonymous as access to the evaluation system requires authentication into our campus systems.

Are my course evals anonymous?

Yes, student responses are anonymous. Instructors do not know which students responded or what responses individual students provided. However, instructors can track overall response rates for their courses.

Where are course evaluations canvas?

Login to Canvas. On the global navigation menu that displays on the left, select Account. In the menu that appears, select Settings. On the left side of the page, select Course Evaluations.

What are course evaluations used for?

Course evaluation results help faculty gain a better understanding of how well they are meeting the learning needs of their students. Student feedback helps them to develop, modify and improve their courses. Departments use course evaluation results when they evaluate instructors' teaching effectiveness each year.

Do professors know who wrote course evaluations?

Abbott said Lindenwood professor evaluations are anonymous. Faculty and administrators cannot see students' names on their evaluations, but they do receive their average ratings for each section and a list of comments, regardless of how small their class is.

Do professors see your course evaluations?

A: No, this is not possible. Instructors and TA's are not able to see their evaluation reports until they have turned in grades. The evaluation reports they are provided contain aggregated information and no specific responses or ratings can be traced back to individual students.

Do course evaluations matter?

In addition to helping professors improve their classes, these evaluations play a role in helping administration make tenure decisions and influence where potential raises are offered, Carini said. Though they aren't the deciding factor, these surveys are one component of how teaching is evaluated.

Are student evaluations important?

Thoughtful course evaluations help professors identify what is working in a particular course, and, perhaps even more importantly, what could use improvement.

Are student evaluations reliable?

Student Evaluations of Teaching (SETs) do not measure teaching effectiveness, and their widespread use by university administrators in decisions about faculty hiring, promotions, and merit increases encourages poor teaching and causes grade inflation.

Student Resources

When it is time to complete evaluations, students enrolled in courses using online evaluations will receive an email sent to their campus email address. Automated reminder emails will also be sent if all evaluations have not been completed.

Service Overview

When it is time to complete evaluations, students enrolled in courses using online evaluations will receive an email sent to their campus email address. Automated reminder emails will also be sent if all evaluations have not been completed.