where can you get emergency nursing pediatric course (enpc)

by Mr. Tre Eichmann IV 7 min read

The Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course is held at the Children’s Fitness Center Building: 7815 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114

Full Answer

What is the emergency nursing pediatric course?

ENPC is a 16-hour certification training course designed to provide core-level pediatric knowledge and psychomotor skills needed to care for pediatric patients in the emergency setting. The course presents a systematic assessment model, integrates the associated anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, and identifies appropriate interventions.

What is the ENPC certification course?

CPR & Emergency Cardiovascular Care (CPR & ECC) Crisis Resource Management (CRM) Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course (ENPC) Heart Saver (First Aid) International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) Law Enforcement First Response Tactical Casualty Care (LEFR) Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP) Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Stop the Bleed

What are the modules in the ENPC program?

This is the TWO day in person provider Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course from ENA (Emergency Nurses Association) for emergency nurses. 2022 ENPC Provider- Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course Registration, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

Does ENPC offer an ebook for the ENPC program?

Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course: Provider Manual (Enpc): 9780979830747: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Amazon.com.

What is the difference between ENPC and TNCC?

ENPC is taught using a variety of formats, including lectures, instructor demonstrations, and skills stations that encourage participants to integrate their psychomotor abilities into a patient situation in a risk-free setting. ENA developed the Trauma Nurse Core Course (TNCC).

How long is Enpc?

16-hourThe Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course (ENPC) is an information-filled, 16-hour course designed that presents core-level knowledge and psychomotor skills associated with the care of children from birth through adolescence.

What does Enpc stand for?

ENPCAcronymDefinitionENPCEmergency Nursing Pediatric CourseENPCEnergy Performance ContractENPCEnglish-Norwegian Parallel Corpus (linguistic research)ENPCEerste Nederlandse Parachutisten Club (German: First Dutch Parachute Club; Netherlands)1 more row

What is Ena course?


What does Tncc stand for in nursing?

Trauma Nursing Core CourseTrauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)

What does PALS stand for in medical terms?

Pediatric advanced life support (PALS) is a course offered by the American Heart Association (AHA) for health care providers who take care of children and infants in the emergency room, critical care and intensive care units in the hospital, and out of hospital (emergency medical services (EMS)).

What is the priority intervention for symptomatic bradycardia in a four year old child?

Note: If dealing with primary bradycardia (defined above), atropine is preferred as the first-choice treatment of symptomatic AV block. If dealing with secondary bradycardia, atropine is not indicated for the treatment of AV block, and epinephrine should be used.

What is ENPC in emergency?

ENPC teaches you to systematically assess an emergency, identify interventions, and integrate associated anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology into your emergency response.

What is an enpc in nursing?

When you are working as an emergency nurse in a pediatric hospital, you see these children every single day. The Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course (ENPC) was designed by the Emergency Nurses Association to help nurses like you recognize and treat children with acute illnesses or injuries, ...

How long is a verification card valid?

The verification card is valid for 4 years.

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How long does Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course (ENPC) certification last?


An Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course (ENPC) certification lasts for four years. Upon successfully completing the two-day course, you will get an internationally recognized verification from ENPC in the form of an electronically issued card.


Class Description

  1. Participants must be an RN and possess a current unrestricted nursing license to receive a verification
  2. LPNs and paramedics are eligible to attend all portions of the course except for the written and psychomotor evaluations. For this reason, they do not receive verification but are awarded co…
  1. Participants must be an RN and possess a current unrestricted nursing license to receive a verification
  2. LPNs and paramedics are eligible to attend all portions of the course except for the written and psychomotor evaluations. For this reason, they do not receive verification but are awarded contact h...

Completion & Certification



  • ENPC teaches you to systematically assess an emergency, identify interventions, and integrate associated anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology into your emergency response. We use several different teaching methods throughout the course, including: 1. Two-day intensive course taught by instructors who are experts in the field: The faculty to student ratio is approximately 1 …
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Course Dates & Registration

  • You may qualify for a verification card by earning 80% or higher on the multiple-choice exam, and 70% or higher on skill station evaluation. The verification card is valid for 4 years. Course attendance counts for 15.58 contact hours.
See more on childrensomaha.org