A course is a series of classes. These classes are all in one area of study. Therefore, when choosing a major, you will take courses geared towards that major. Courses are assigned credits. Colleges dictate how many credits you need to take to graduate.
Your UNI (University Network ID) is the log-in name and password you will use to access many online services at Columbia. Your UNI is also the first part of your official Columbia email address.
The Columbia College ID Card is the official identification card for every student, faculty, and staff member at Columbia College. It offers a convenient, easy, and safe way to access campus facilities, and use campus services. The College ID Card serves as a multipurpose card: College Identification Card.
Course Identification Numbering SystemC-ID, the Course Identification Numbering System, is a faculty-driven system that was initially developed to assign identifying designations (C-ID numbers) to significant transfer courses. C-ID addresses the need for a “common course numbers” by providing a mechanism to identify comparable courses.
Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) Faculty, staff, and students must present a government-issued picture ID in order to receive a new card. For more information, contact the CUMC ID office at 212-305-0238, or visit their website at http://cumc.columbia.edu/id/ .
Introduction. All currently enrolled students are issued Columbia University ID (CUID) cards.
You can find your ID number in two easy to locate places.The address box of your Barnard Magazine, mailed to your home four times a year.The bottom of your Network Notes e-newsletter, emailed to all alumnae twice a month.If you have questions, please e-mail [email protected] or call 212.854.2005.
C-ID Descriptors The descriptors are offered to encourage wider articulation and to expand the lower division curricular offerings, and thereby increase the variety and ensure the rigor of our many Community College courses.
Course schedules are available at www.ccis.edu/online/schedule at least two weeks before registration begins for a given session.
Online courses count for residency credit and financial aid applies for those who qualify.
The online course format allows students to participate in the course anytime, anywhere there is computer access to the internet. The course learning management system used to facilitate online learning is Desire2Learn. All courses that are offered online have been reviewed and approved by the appropriate full-time faculty and department chairs.
Course offerings and schedules for traditional day classes at the main campus in Columbia, Mo.
Course offerings and schedules for online courses with no set meeting times.
Interactive courses from anywhere. Connect remotely to courses with set meeting times.
Course offerings and schedules for undergraduate and graduate in-seat classes at the 30+ locations across the country.
Pursuant unto HEOA Sec. 112 amended HEA Title I, Part C: C added HEA Sec. 133 (d) (20 U.S.C. 1015b), you can access the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and list retail price information of required and recommended textbooks and supplemental materials for courses offered at Columbia College.
Under the supervision of the Columbia College faculty, foreign study courses are offered in such areas as art, English, history, music and Romance languages.
In order to fulfill their intellectual potential, Columbia College believes students should have substantial opportunity to work independently on projects initiated and designed by them. These projects consist of individual work under faculty supervision or guidance as specified.
Second Bachelor’s Degree. The academic procedures at Columbia College are designed to aid the student in fulfilling the requirements for graduation. Each student must meet these requirements in order to complete the degree program. It should be emphasized that the procedures are established to help the student secure the best education possible.
Basic Definition: The semester hour, or credit hour, is the basis for all credit at Columbia College. One semester hour of credit is the equivalent of a traditional course with face-to-face meeting time of at least one academic hour (fifty minutes) per week for a full semester (15 weeks) with the expectation of an average of at least two academic hours of homework or out-of-class work per week for the full semester.
It is the responsibility of each student to monitor her/his academic progress and make sure that the requirements for graduation are fulfilled. To that end, the students should.
One semester hour of credit is the equivalent of a traditional course with face-to-face meeting time of at least one academic hour (fifty minutes) per week for a full semester (15 weeks) with the expectation of an average of at least two academic hours of homework or out-of-class work per week for the full semester.
If an Evening College or Day College student is enrolled in an Online College course for module two and/or module three and chooses to drop the course or courses after his/her College add/drop deadline but prior to the add/drop deadline for the module, the student will remain responsible for the tuition charge.
Day students’ academic progress is reported twice each semester, at mid-semester and at the semester’s end. Mid-term grade reports are available for all 100- and 200-level courses to Day students only. All other venues report grades only at the end of the session.
The Dean for Student Affairs establishes the official date of withdrawal for day students based upon the date the student initiates the process by visiting Student Affairs. Information regarding academic and financial liability is available in the Student Affairs Office.
Many administer the Major Field Test (MFT), a standardized test of undergraduate mastery of the discipline. The MFT is a nationally normed standardized test taken by thousands of students at colleges and universities throughout the United States.
A suspension occurs at the end of one probationary term for the following regular academic term (s) (the next fall or spring semester or the next two sessions). Suspensions may be imposed on students for the following situations:
An instructor may drop such a student from the course; and any drop initiated past the drop date by an instructor for a student’s lack of attendance or lack of effort is recorded on the student’s permanent record with a grade of F or W at the discretion of the instructor.
The instructor is responsible for the maintenance of standards and quality of work in his or her classes.
A request for a grade change must be made within 60 calendar days of the grade being issued. Requests are honored only when approved by the Dean for Academic Affairs (Day Campus) or Vice President of Adult Higher Education (Main Campus Evening, Online and Nationwide).