where can you do a law conversion course

by Grant Kuhlman 7 min read

5 Universities Offering Law Conversion Courses in the UK

  • The University of Law. The University of Law offers a Graduate Diploma in Law at each of their locations and through online study.
  • Bournemouth University. This programme from Bournemouth University is labeled as a GDL/CPE course. ...
  • University of Brighton. ...
  • Cardiff University. ...
  • Oxford Brookes University. ...

Full Answer

What can you do with a conversion course in law?

Studying a conversion course in law is the first step for graduates without a law undergraduate degree. Once you complete the course, you can train to become a solicitor or barrister. You can also advise businesses on legal issues. Average starting salaries in Law sectors are usually higher than non-Law graduates.

What can you do with an LLB conversion course?

Law degrees hold a considerable gravitas in both professional sectors and educational institutions. Studying a conversion course in law is the first step for graduates without a law undergraduate degree. Once you complete the course, you can train to become a solicitor or barrister. You can also advise businesses on legal issues.

What is the GDL (law conversion course)?

The GDL, otherwise known as the Law Conversion Course, is a postgraduate law conversion course for non-law graduates who want to pursue a legal career. Also known as the Common Professional Examination or CPE, the Graduate Diploma in Law is a year-long intensive course for students who have graduated with a non-law degree subject.

What are qualifying law degrees and law conversion courses?

We answer questions about qualifying Law degrees and Law conversion courses, and look at different types of courses across the UK. What are qualifying Law degrees? What are Law conversion courses and graduate qualifying Law courses? Qualifying Law degrees and Law conversion courses include the core knowledge required for trainee lawyers.

How many months is a law degree?

When will the solicitors qualification be available in 2021?

How far in advance do law firms recruit?

Does the University of Law offer a scholarship?

How long is a law conversion course UK?

one-yearThe Graduate Diploma in Law, known more widely as the GDL, is a one-year full time law conversion course (or two years part time) which brings students up to date with the knowledge they need to become a lawyer. The course may also be referred to as the Common Professional Exam (CPE).

Does Oxford have a law conversion course?

Although the GDL is the most popular law conversion course, you can also do a condensed version of the 3 year LLB with a 'Senior Status', which is offered at Oxford.

Does Cambridge offer a law conversion course?

The GDL is a one-year 'conversion course' that focuses on the seven foundation subjects. This option is not currently offered at Cambridge, but is available from a range of other providers. After completing their academic requirements, aspiring barristers must also complete vocational and professional prequesites.

Can I convert GDL to LLB?

This programme enables you to upgrade your Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL), also known as the Common Professional Exam, to a full LLB Law. If you have a non-law degree, the GDL plus the top-up will allow you to obtain a Bachelor of Law degree in two years instead of the usual three.

How hard is a law conversion course?

Essentially, you'll be condensing three years worth of LLB course content into just ten months, so yes, the conversion course is likely to be difficult! Passing it takes huge commitment and academic talent, so graduating with the qualification is a great achievement.

Can you become a lawyer without going to law school UK?

The answer is that you absolutely can. One of the main changes under the SQE system is that to qualify, solicitors do not need a law degree or equivalent. However, to pass the SQE assessments, a candidate will need a thorough knowledge of the law in England and Wales – which is where ULaw's conversion courses come in.

How long does a law conversion course take?

A GDL law conversion course is a one-year, full-time course designed to provide non-law graduates with a diploma equivalent to a law degree. A GDL course can also be studied over two-years part-time or in distance learning format.

Is a law conversion better than a law degree?

Studying law is the quicker way to a legal career. To put it simply, completing a conversion course takes up more of your time, while navigating the fairly complicated field of vacation scheme and training contract applications is arguably easier to do from a law degree.

How do I become a barrister without a law degree?

You don't need to have studied law to become a barrister – but it will mean an additional qualification if you did do a different subject. You will have to complete a conversion course or Graduate Diploma of Law (GDL) before you can complete the qualifications/stages outlined for law students.

Is LLB better than GDL?

You might consider the LLB if you want a less intensive academic experience and would like extra time to apply for vacation schemes and training contracts. The benefit of the GDL is its shorter timeframe - it enables you to complete the course in half the time and save considerably on costs.

Is the GDL being scrapped?

If you began the GDL before September 2021 you'll be able to choose to continue down the traditional route of progressing onto the LPC and a training contract until 2032. For new entrants the GDL has ceased as a qualification route and you'll need to take an SQE1 preparation course.

Can you become a barrister with a GDL?

To become a barrister, you must either read law at university, or a non-law subject and take the GDL (or law conversion course). Ideally, you'll need to procure a 2:1 or above from a leading university and have excellent extra-curricular activities.

5 Universities Offering Law Conversion Courses in the UK

Eligible applicants must have a Bachelor’s Honours degree with a 2:2 or equivalent. If you don’t have a UK or Republic Honors Degree, you must have either earned an equivalent overseas qualification with a minimum of 3 years full-time study; met the standards of The Bar Standards Board/Solicitors Regulation Authority for acceptance as a mature student; or possess an equivalent vocational ...

Postgraduate Diploma (Law Conversion) PGDL | ULaw

Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL) course for non-law graduates includes SQE1, LLM Legal Practice to become a solicitor or BPC to qualify as a barrister.

Law conversion (Grad LLB and GDL) | | University of Exeter

Law conversion. If you don’t have a first degree in Law you can take a conversion course to enable you to pursue legal training to be a solicitor or barrister.

What is a law conversion course?

A law conversion aims to condense the knowledge and skills needed to bring non-law graduates up to the same standard as law graduates. It is, therefore, a great entry point for non-law students wanting to build a strong foundation, and academic background, in law before going on to the next stage of their qualification journey. There are a variety of law conversion courses on offer from those at post-graduate diploma level to masters.

Is a law conversion course suitable for me?

A law conversion course, such as a GDL or PgDL, is suitable for UK and overseas applicants with a degree in any subject (including those with a non -UK law degree), wishing to take their first steps in UK law at post-graduate level. Whether you are seeking to qualify as a barrister or solicitor, or you are not yet sure which law path you want to take, a law conversion will provide you with a solid foundation upon which to start your qualification journey.

Why Study a Conversion Course?

Law as a career has the ability to improve the lives of others. Law degrees hold a considerable gravitas in both professional sectors and educational institutions. Studying a conversion course in law is the first step for graduates without a law undergraduate degree.

How long is a law school course?

These courses are typically one year full time (two years part time or distance) and prepare you for further studies in law. Following the course this will either be the legal practice course (LPC) or the Bar professional training course (BPTC).

What does the course involve?

The GDL will include seven core foundation modules. These will be common across all GDL / CPE courses regardless of the course provider. The foundation modules will usually be:

What is mooting in law?

What is mooting? Mooting is kind of like debating. It involves the presentation and discussion of an hypothetical legal issue. Excitingly, it will be performed in a court like setting. Yes there will be an opposing counsel and even a judge.

Where are foundation modules common?

These are common for England and Wales. If you are studying in Scotland or Northern Ireland the foundation modules may differ slightly.

Can a law firm sponsor a GDL?

If you already work at a law firm and are thinking of studying a GDL then it is worth discussing with your employer to see if this can be funded. Alternatively some law firms will sponsor future employees, so it is worth looking out for these opportunities.

Is 2:2 a good degree?

There is a lot of course material to learn. However, if you have been able to achieve at least a 2:2 undergraduate degree this should not pose a problem. Of course good time management skills are essential.

How long does it take to become a barrister?

To become a barrister, you will have to complete the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC). This is a one-year, practical course which helps to provide the training specific to a junior barrister. You will then have to complete a pupilage – a work placement which lasts twelve months.

What is the difference between a GDL and an LLM?

The difference between a GDL and an LLM is essentially your career aspirations. If you want to be a lawyer (a solicitor or a barrister) then you need to either complete a bachelor’s degree in law or have studied another subject at undergraduate level and completed the GDP. If you want to specialize in the legal area of the subject you have studied ...

Where can I study the GDL?

There are many universities around the country where you can study the GDL law conversion course. Many institutions offer both part-time and full-time courses and some even offer distance learning courses, so you can earn your qualification while working.

Can solicitors deal with conveyancing?

Alternatively, solicitors can deal with conveyancing, the drawing up of wills and other legal matters. The path you decide is right for you will influence what you do next.

What are Law conversion courses and graduate qualifying Law courses?

On completion of a Law conversion course, you can start your vocational training to become a solicitor, barrister or advocate, or chartered legal executive. Again, there are different systems for different countries.

What is a law degree?

Qualifying Law degrees and Law conversion courses include the core knowledge required for trainee lawyers. Broadly, they cover the foundations of legal knowledge and teach skills such as legal research. They prepare you for the next level of vocational training for becoming a solicitor, barrister or advocate, or chartered legal executive.

How to become a solicitor in 2021?

From autumn 2021, the requirements to become a solicitor will change, with a new two-stage Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE). For this pathway, as a trainee solicitor, you’ll need: 1 A degree in any subject, or equivalent qualification 2 To pass the SQE 1 and SQE 2 examinations 3 Two years’ qualifying work experience (which can be part of your degree) 4 To pass the SRA's character and suitability requirements

How long does it take to become a solicitor in Scotland?

The course takes three years full-time or four years if studied as honours. It can be studied at one of the ten universities accredited by the Law Society of Scotland and the Faculty of Advocates. Some universities offer ‘dual degrees’ in both Scots and English law, which qualify you to practise as a solicitor in Scotland, England and Wales.

What is the minimum grade required for a barrister?

Good grades in a first degree are vital – whether in Law or not. For prospective barristers or advocates, a 2:2 is the absolute minimum required (2:1 in Northern Ireland). In all cases, better grades mean a better chance of securing the in-work training you'll need to finish qualifying.

What are the three legal systems in the UK?

There are regulators for the different types of lawyer in the UK's three separate legal systems: England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Each regulator decides the training required to qualify as a lawyer for the profession (solicitor, barrister, etc.).

How many years does it take to get a QLD?

There are graduate Law degree courses, which take two or more years, where you achieve a QLD. In England and Wales, intensive Law conversion courses are also available that pack all content into one or two years.

How much does a law conversion course cost?

The £20.00 you pay to the Central Applications Board is just the first cost in your journey to converting to becoming a lawyer.

What is covered in a law conversion course?

The Graduate Diploma in Law provides non-law graduates with a solid understanding of all the fundamental aspects of legal theory. It’s the foundation of your legal knowledge and the first step in your legal career.

Will I be at a disadvantage over law graduates?

There’s no reason that someone from a non-law degree should be subject to any sort of discrimination or disadvantage just because they studied a non-law undergraduate course.

Who can convert to become a lawyer?

Anyone with an undergraduate, or Bachelor’s, degree can apply to join the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) in England or Wales.

How does the new Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) change the GDL?

In 2021, a new ‘super-exam’, the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) will be introduced to the legal qualification process.

How long is the bar training course?

The Bar Professional Training Course is required for anyone wishing to become a barrister. It’s a year-long, full-time vocational course taken after the completion of your GDL, although six BPTC providers allow for part-time study across two years.

Will I be a qualified lawyer after a law conversion course?

The Graduate Diploma in Law is a fast-tracked law degree; your first step into a legal career. However, just as undergraduates in law aren’t able to immediately go into practising law, completion of the GDL does not grant you the ability to practise law immediately.

How many months is a law degree?

The course fits approximately 18 months' worth of content from a three-year law degree into one-year full time or two years part time.

When will the solicitors qualification be available in 2021?

Aspiring solicitors starting a degree in September 2021 will study for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE), which will effectively replace the GDL and Legal Practice Course (LPC).

How far in advance do law firms recruit?

Some law firm's sponsor their future trainees' studies and this will mean looking at the law firms that recruit two years in advance.

Does the University of Law offer a scholarship?

The University of Law also offer a variety of postgraduate law scholarships including the Business and Law First Scholarship worth £5,000, the Choose Law Scholarship, which includes full-fee awards and the Career Changer Scholarship. You need to check with an individual institution to see what it offers.
