which of the following is true of hinduism course hero

by Miss Kayla Blick 9 min read

What is the meaning of Hinduism?

Aug 23, 2016 · A. Hinduism originated in the Indus Valley . B. Hinduism is a monotheistic religion . C. Hinduism emerged in the 1500s . D. Hinduism lacks a single , uniformly accepted belief …

Why is Hinduism the eternal religion?

Dec 01, 2015 · Which of the following statements is true about Hinduism? A. Hinduism supported India's caste system. B. Hinduism allows mobility between castes within an individual's …

What is the meaning of Hindutva?

Apr 25, 2016 · Which of the following is an alternate term for their religion that Hindus use : a. ... True or False : The term " Hinduism " was always used to the describe the religious practices of …

What are the best books on Hinduism in South Asia?

View Test Prep - Hinduism quiz 2 from REL 2300 at University of Florida. HinduismQuiz#2 1. WhichofthefollowingisconsideredamanifestationofVishnu? a. Ganesh b. Krishna ...

Is Hindu nationalism a simplistic term?

Defenders of Hindu nationalism have tried to avoid the label "nationalism" by arguing that the use of the term "Hindu nationalism" to refer to Hindū rāṣṭravāda is a simplistic translation and is better described by the term "Hindu polity".

What is Hindu nationalism?

Hindu nationalism has been collectively referred to as the expression of social and political thought, based on the native spiritual and cultural traditions of the Indian subcontinent. Defenders of Hindu nationalism have tried to avoid the label "nationalism" by arguing that the use of the term "Hindu nationalism" to refer to Hindū rāṣṭravāda is ...

Who was the Hindu reformer?

Bipin Chandra Pal of Bengal was another prominent figure of the Indian nationalist movement, who is considered a modern Hindu reformer, who stood for Hindu cultural nationalism and was opposed to sectarian communalism and Hindu majoritism.

Was Gandhi a Hindu nationalist?

Gandhi and Rāmarājya. Mahatma Gandhi never called himself a Hindu nationalist, but preached Hindu Dharma. Though Mahatma Gandhi never called himself a "Hindu nationalist"; he believed in and propagated concepts like Dharma and "Rāma Rājya" (Rule of Bhagavaana Rāma) as part of his social and political philosophy.

What was the Hindu homeland?

The Bengali Hindu Homeland Movement refers to the movement of the Bengali Hindu people for the Partition of Bengal in 1947 to create a homeland for themselves within India, in the wake of Muslim League 's proposal and campaign to include the entire province of Bengal within Pakistan, which was to be a homeland for the Muslims of British India. The movement began in late 1946, especially after the Great Calcutta Killing and Noakhali genocide, gained significant momentum in April, 1947 and in the end met with success on 20 June 1947 when the legislators from the Hindu majority areas returned their verdict in favour of Partition and Bengal province was divided into West Bengal and East Pakistan .

What is the concept of Hindu rashtra?

Savarkar, also defined the concept of Hindu Rashtra ( transl. Hindu polity ). The concept of Hindu Polity called for the protection of Hindu people and their culture and emphasised that political and economic systems should be based on native thought rather than on the concepts borrowed from the West.

Is Hindu Rashtra a religious state?

Sheshadri and K. S. Rao, were to emphasise on the non-theocratic nature of the word "Hindu Rashtra", which they believed was often inadequately translated, ill interpreted and wrongly stereotyped as a theocratic state. In a book, H. V. Sheshadri, the senior leader of the RSS writes "As Hindu Rashtra is not a religious concept , it is also not a political concept. It is generally misinterpreted as a theocratic state or a religious Hindu state . Nation (Rashtra) and State (Rajya) are entirely different and should never be mixed up. The state is purely a political concept. The State changes as the political authority shifts from person to person or party to party. But the people in the Nation remain the same. They would maintain that the concept of Hindu Rashtra is in complete agreement with the principles of secularism and democracy.
