where can i take a cpr instructor course im western massachusetts

by Rogelio Schiller 7 min read

Courses may be taken at a DPH-accredited EMT training institution, an ambulance service or municipal first responder agency, a hospital or with an instructor who has obtained a DPH OEMS approval number. Complete lists of approved continuing education courses may be obtained by contacting one of Massachusetts’ five Regional EMS Council offices.

Full Answer

Where can I take CPR classes in Massachusetts?

For more than a century, the American Red Cross has trained people how to respond during times of crisis. And with our CPR classes in Massachusetts, you can join us. Available online, in-person and via our blended Simulation Learning, which combines online coursework with an in-person skills session, you can learn how to help when it's needed most.

What is the CPR instructor course like?

The CPR Instructor course is comprised of an online cognitive training segment followed by an 8-hour, in-person, Instructor-led course. There are courses around the country to choose from.

Where can I get first aid training in Massachusetts?

First Aid Training. At the Red Cross, we offer first aid classes in Massachusetts that are convenient and accessible. With training opportunities available in dozens of communities and online, you can easily find a class that's not only near your home, school or office, but also works with your schedule.

How long is CPR certification good for in Massachusetts?

CPR Training in Massachusetts. With our online refresher activities, which include quizzes, games, and videos, you can keep your skills sharp and your memory fresh long after your CPR training in Massachusetts has ended. After successfully completing your CPR training in Massachusetts your certification will be good for two years.

How long does CPR certification last Massachusetts?

two yearsAfter successfully completing your CPR training in Massachusetts your certification will be good for two years.

Can you get CPR certified online?

At the American Red Cross, CPR online courses are simple to access and easy to complete. All that's required is a willingness to learn, internet access, and a laptop, desktop computer, tablet or smartphone. All you'll have to do to get started is sign up for a course.

How long do CPR certifications last?

two yearsHow long is the CPR certificate valid for? Generally, CPR certifications are valid for two years, though some recommend renewing every year instead.

How long is Red Cross CPR certification?

Getting Your CPR Certification CPR certification takes just a few short hours, but can help you add years to someone's life. Successful completion of an in-person or blended learning course gives you a two-year certification in adult and/or pediatric CPR.

Is BLS the same as CPR?

Basic life support (BLS) includes CPR but is an overall higher level of medical care typically administered by public safety professionals, first responders, paramedics, healthcare providers, and qualified bystanders.

Which is better American Red Cross or American Heart Association?

The AHA CPR Certification is more widely accepted by healthcare professionals as it is considered slightly more extensive as well as more challenging. While the Red Cross allows an 80% or higher on their exams as passing, the AHA requires a score of 84% or greater.

Does CPR certification look good on a resume?

Any medical or health resume can instantly be boosted with CPR and First Aid certification. For those applying to government jobs, OSHA offers free training courses and certificates online that look great on a resume.

Can you perform CPR if your certification is expired?

If your two-year CPR certification has expired, you're required to take another full training course. If your certification hasn't expired, you can take an abridged renewal course through the organization that first certified you, such as the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association.

When performing CPR on an infant laying face up you should use?

Infant CPR - 2 Rescuers: One Rescuer should use two hands holding the infant facing up while positioning the fingers in the middle of the infant's chest as the other rescuer uses a one-way valve—placing it over the infant's mouth and nose. One rescuer will perform compressions while the other uses the rescue valve.

What are the 7 steps of CPR?

What Are the Seven Steps of CPR? The seven steps of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) involve checking the scene and the person, calling 911 for assistance, opening the airway, checking for breathing, chest compressions, delivering rescue breaths, and repeating CPR steps.

How do you put CPR on a resume?

If they're required or highly important, put them near the top of your resume, above your experience section, like this:Adding certifications to the top of your resume immediately brings attention to them.Listing certifications on your resume shows that you have a diverse range of skills.More items...•

When the heart stops brain death will occur within?

Permanent brain damage begins after only 4 minutes without oxygen, and death can occur as soon as 4 to 6 minutes later.

CPR and First Responder Instructor Certification Training

This course is a 5 day Instructor Certification program required for those interested in teaching CPR/AED/First Responder within your department or for all MPTC programs (Recruit, Reserve, In-Service & Specialized Training).

Level II – Basic CPR and First Responder Instructor

Must teach 2 documented CPR or First Responder classes per year or 4 classes during the 2 year certification period

Level III – Assistant CPR and First Responder Instructor

Must teach 2 documented CPR or First Responder classes per year or 4 classes during the 2 year certification period

Level IV – Master CPR and First Responder Instructor

Must teach 2 documented CPR or First Responder classes per year or 4 classes during the 2 year certification period

Massachusetts CPR, ACLS, BLS, PALS, NRP Certification

Boston Professionals: Is it time to renew your ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support), PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support), NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program), BLS, AED, CPR, First Aid or Bloodborne Pathogens certification? How about obtaining your ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support), PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support), NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program), BLS, AED, CPR, First Aid and Bloodborne Pathogens certification for the first time? Thanks to National CPR Association’s 100% online curriculum, you can become certified or recertified quickly, without leaving your home or office!.

BLS Certification and Recertification

BLS (Basic Life Support) Certification and Recertification can be obtained 100% online TODAY with nationalCPRassociation.com!

First Aid Certification and Recertification

National CPR Association gives health professionals the chance to gain a First Aid certification or First Aid Certification renewal from the comfort of their home!

Best Hospitals in Massachusetts

Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, Massachusetts http://www.massgeneral.org

Benefits of Taking a CPR Instructor Course Online

The benefits of taking a CPR instructor course online are the same as they are for getting your first CPR certificate:

Taking a CPR Instructor Course: Online vs. Classroom

Let the great debate rage on. Can you really learn a hand’s on skill while sitting in front of your computer? In 2020, you better believe it.

How long is a CPR instructor course?

Is the CPR Instructor course online or in person? The CPR Instructor course is comprised of an online cognitive training segment followed by an 8-hour, in-person, Instructor-led course. There are courses around the country to choose from.

How to contact Hsi for CPR?

For further details regarding registration and requirements for our CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor training courses, please contact us at (800) 215-9555 or via email at [email protected]. We look forward to speaking with you soon. Read Cancellation Policy. Select a state to find what courses are scheduled:

How much is a refund for instructor courses?

Instructor Course candidates may receive a full refund for cancellations made at least 10 business days prior to the Instructor Course. A 50% refund will be issued for cancellations made less than 10 business days prior to the Instructor Course.

How long does it take to reschedule an instructor course?

We understand emergencies arise and will do our best to accommodate rescheduling. Rescheduling must be completed at least 48 hours prior to the Instructor Course.

What is an AVERT instructor?

AVERT is an Active Shooter and Bleeding Control course that can be taught to any organization. It is a great add-on to becoming a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor or can be taught on it's own. The AVERT Instructor Development Course is comprised of an online cognitive training segment followed by an 8-hour, in-person, ...

Can you get a refund for a cancelled instructor course?

No refunds will be issued for cancellations made 5 business days or less prior to the Instructor Course. If the cancellation is made by the instructor candidate, any fees paid may be transferred to another Instructor Course. Once a transfer of fees is made, the offer for refund is canceled.

Does HSI require CPR?

Yes. If you are looking for a program that does not require hands-on skills, HSI’s ASHI or EMS Safety courses are not the programs for you. Every student certification is the result of CPR and first aid course hands-on skill practice.

What is the Massachusetts BLS class?

The American Red Cross offers Massachusetts BLS classes designed specifically for those seeking recertification. These abbreviated courses can help you understand the latest science behind BLS care, and learn new protocols and best practices.

What is BLS certification in Massachusetts?

At the American Red Cross, BLS training in Massachusetts is designed for those who are currently employed or who are seeking employment as a first responder or healthcare professional. In addition, classes are available for teams and organizations, such as fire crews and police departments.

What certifications do you need to be a lifeguard in Massachusetts?

All lifeguard classes include CPR/AED and First Aid.

What is included in a lifeguard class?

Each class, regardless of level, includes an orientation booklet outlining what you’ll be learning in the course. It will include reading materials, assignments, and physical exams.

What skills do you need to be a rescuer?

This includes endurance, stability, spatial-awareness, intuition, and coordination. The work is tiring and rigorous, but it lays the foundation for a successful career ahead.

Does American Aquatics offer lifeguarding classes?

American Aquatics offers a full Lifeguarding classes in most states in the United States . Lifeguard training program includes information relating to First Aid, equipment-based rescues for water environments, mishap avoidance, and also decision making abilities.

What we offer

At DDC Training Services, we offer a wide range of services to meet your needs. Our courses include:

Take our CPR course and save a life

Whether you're seeking CPR and lifesaving certification for your career or want to help anyone in an emergency, we offer some of the finest courses throughout the Western Ma. area. By successfully completing our courses, you can assist trauma patients while waiting for EMS personnel to arrive.

Continuing education requirements

In accordance with AR 2-212 EMT Continuing Education Standards (PDF) | (DOCX) required continuing education (Con-Ed) used for Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) recertification must meet specific requirements:

Where can I take continuing education courses?

Courses may be taken at a DPH-accredited EMT training institution, an ambulance service or municipal first responder agency, a hospital or with an instructor who has obtained a DPH OEMS approval number. Complete lists of approved continuing education courses may be obtained by contacting one of Massachusetts’ five Regional EMS Council offices.

Information for course sponsors and instructors

Course sponsors can request approval for credit by completing the Non-Accredited EMS Continuing Education Program application ( DOC) and following the submission instructions included.

Special Credit for non-approved courses

EMS Personnel may receive Continuing Education cred for non-approved courses under special circumstance.