where can i get golf course greens sod

by Jaunita Kreiger 6 min read

To get your golf course grass seed, visit your local garden stores or order some online. This is where we are focusing on in this guide. There are several different golf course grasses you can grow. These grasses are dependent on the environment and personal choice on how you want your turf to feel and look.

Full Answer

What SOD is compatible with USGA Greens?

This product is grown on washed sand and is compatible with USGA greens. Northwest Poa Greens Sod is grown from poa annua plugs, native to the Seattle and Vancouver, BC area. This sod type is suitable for new construction or renovations of golf tees, situated in south west coast region of BC and the west coast areas of the US.

What type of SOD is used for golf tees?

This sod type is suitable for new construction or renovations of golf tees, situated in south west coast region of BC and the west coast areas of the US. Sports sod is grown on washed sand and therefore has excellent drainage; it has a natural bright green color suitable for high traffic areas such as tee boxes and fairways.

Why choose Bos sod for Greens sod?

At Bos Sod we have specialized in sod for golf courses since 1995 with a special focus on greens sod. We have serviced over 350 golf course during this time span and shipping as far north as the Yukon, as far south as the Palm Desert and as far east as Ontario. We prefer to put Quality before Quantity.

What is Poa Greens sod?

Northwest Poa Greens Sod is grown from poa annua plugs, native to the Seattle and Vancouver, BC area. This sod type is suitable for new construction or renovations of golf tees, situated in south west coast region of BC and the west coast areas of the US.

What kind of grass is used on golf course greens?

Grasses are specifically selected for use on putting greens. Bermudagrass, creeping bentgrass and Poa annua are the most commonly managed turfgrasses on putting greens in the United States. A putting green can have more than 10,000 individual plants per square foot.

Can you sod a golf green?

American Sod Farms is experienced in planting all of the greens varieties used in California, including the leading ultra-dwarf bermudagrasses, Tifdwarf, Bentgrass, and Tif Eagle. Whatever your planting method or variety, American Sod Farms has done it, to perfection.

How do I make my grass look like a golf green?

There are four main factors that go into giving your lawn that lush, golf-course look.Mow your lawn properly. Often, people take shortcuts when it comes to mowing their lawn. ... Apply the right fertilizer (at the right times). ... Use the right amount of water (and consider irrigation). ... Stop the weeds dead in their tracks.

How do I build a golf green in my backyard?

How to make your own backyard putting green in just 8 stepsSelect a Site. No surprise here. ... Start Digging. You don't need to go extremely deep. ... Add Some Contour. You're not trying to replicate the greens at Augusta. ... Install Proper Drainage. ... Cap it with Sand. ... Seed it or Sod It. ... The Final Touches. ... The Long Haul.

Golf is in our blood here at Greenhorizons. Besides having worked for decades to produce and install the highest quality sod for golf, the group built what was voted best golf course in Hamilton for 2010, Willow Valley Golf Course

Our passion for golf starts at the top... When company owners Ron and Steve Schiedel say they built Willow Valley, they mean it. Many people know them as hands-on guys that never hesitate to jump in if something needs to be bulldozed, seeded, sodded or hand raked.

Specialty Golf Services

Whether your project is a planned renovation or repairs made necessary by Mother Nature, Greenhorizons has the ability to do the job for you.

Temporary Soccer Pitch Professional Service

Here at Greenhorizons Sod Farms, we do some pretty incredible things… From growing Premium Kentucky bluegrass on over 5000 acres across Ontario, to reviving weedy local playing fields so that they have nearly 100% turf coverage. But that’s just the beginning.

Engineered Sand Field System

Engineered sand creates the ideal water and nutrient retention to sustain a healthy strand of turf.

athletic field specialty products

Green colored sand ideal for athletic fields or golf courses. Meets USGA specifications. Harmless to soil & easy to apply.

Colorants & Paint

Green Lawnger turf paint is the fast, economical way to instantly restore the natural green color to dormant or discolored turf. It won't wash off or wear off turf after applied. Apply it in the fall and dormant turf will stay green all winter. Color will last 10-14 weeks or until mowing removes the colored grass.

Equipment & Supplies

Commercial 36"stainless steel drop spreader with 100 lb hopper capacity. Features: Top mounted rate control for easy setting & reading, spring loaded lever operated on/off, factory calibrated to assure consistent spreader settings time after time, 13" stud type tire on rust proof composite rims.


26/36 fungicide is a foliar applied fungicide, recommended for turfgrass disease control on golf courses, sod farms, and areas where fine turf is grown. It provides effective, broad-spectrum turf disease control and also serves as a useful tank mixture in the resistance management program required for other resistant sensitive fungicides.

Growth Regulators

Reduces turf growth & mowing frequency. Improves turf quality, density & appearance. Reduces amount of clippings. Does not require iron or masking agents. Contains prohexadione calcium; can be applied to all managed turf areas including golf greens, tees, fairways & roughs, residential & commercial lawns, sod farms, sport fields & similair areas.


For lawns, golf courses, especially roughs, parks & drainage ditch banks, roadsides & general post-emergent weed control. Can be used to control weeds in turfgrass such as Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass & Fescue. Apply in spring, summer or fall when weeds are actively growing.


Syngenta product, season-long control of every key turf-damaging white grub species. Also controls billbug, annual bluegrass weevil, black cutworms, sod webworms & fall armyworms.

What is the Best Grass for a Golf Course?

The best type of grass to use on a golf course is a variety that is tough and fast repairing.

Most Popular Types of Grass Commonly Used on Golf Courses

Below we introduce you to five of the most commonly used types of grass on golf courses around the world and explain their benefits and what conditions they’re best suited to.

FAQS: Grass and Golf Courses

Adding sand to golf course grass is a process known as ‘topdressing’ and is vital to the healthy growth of the grass across the course.

Location and Course Grass Explained

The type of grass used at a particular golf course largely depends on its location.

What type of grass is used in golf courses?

1. Bermuda Grass for Golf Course. It is befitting to mention this turf grass type first as it one of the most popular grasses used in golf courses. Bermuda is a warm-season grass and, as such, is used majorly in warm areas that typically reach temperatures unconducive for several kinds of grass.

What is golf course grass?

Golf course grass is commonly known as turf grass, and the grass types used differ from region to region by their ability to withstand both cold and heat. Turf grass differs from the regular lawn grass you may find in homes. Although some grasses used in home lawns can be used in golf courses.

Why does turf grass need to be tall?

Here are the reasons why. Turf grasses need to withstand the cold or heat prevalent in the region: one of the major characteristics your turf grass needs to have is to withstand the prevalent temperature in that region. Be it cold or heat. It needs to stand still tall when this temperature hits.

What is perennial rye grass?

Perennial ryegrass is one of the most popular cool-season turf grasses around . It is usually planted on tees and fairways of golf courses. It has a fine texture like the fescue grass.

What is fescue grass?

Fescue grass is a cool-season grass that can withstand colder temperatures and some degree of heat. This makes it an attractive golf course grass for moderate regions experiencing both worlds. Fescue grass can also be used on fairways and has a good feel and look to it.

What is the best grass for golf?

5. Zoysia Grass for Golf Course. Zoysia is a native Asian grass but has been in the US for more than a century and has become a popular golf course grass in that time. It is a warm-season grass best suited to warmer climes. This is a creeping heat and drought tolerant grass that will save you a lot on irrigation.

Why is grass important in golf?

Golf courses give a lot of us the ambiance to relax, play the game, and have a swell time, even with friends and family. Apart from a vast expanse of land, of course, the grass is the next biggest and arguably most important part of a golf course. Not only is it needed to cover most of the vast land, the type of grass determines the level ...
